Trump is officially radioactive and most people will not vote for him. The Nevertrumps are right, they need to boot him out at the convention, there's no shot at the presidency with him because the racist and sexist labels are stuck to him for good. Only fringe conservatives and nutbags will vote for him. Hillary is going to win by a landslide.
Trump is officially radioactive and most people will not vote for him. The Nevertrumps are right...
from where I'm sitting he looks like the popular candidate surefire landslide
what planet are you viewing from?
All this for 50 cents
Not even worth it
especially with the way all the voters were against him yesterday
>wild applause
Godzilla is also officially radioactive and most people certainly didn't vote for him either but that never stopped him from laying the smack down on Tokyo.
Hillary is officially radioactive and most people will not vote for her. The Neverhillarys are right, they need to boot her out at the convention, there's no shot at the presidency with her because the corrupt and establishment labels are stuck to her for good. Only fringe leftists and nutbags will vote for her. Trump is going to win by a landslide.
pablo pls
If the Republicans want me to never vote for their party again in my lifetime all they have to do is give the nomination to anyone else but Trump. The people chose him.
Remember the 13 million
A solid 45% of voters will vote him, no matter what he does, purely because he is running as a Republican.
Hillary will get 45% of her own because she is a Democrat.
The general election is over the last 10% of the nation. They have not been paying attention up to now, and won't know who they want until the morning of the actual vote.
You just never stop do you?
There is no stopping him now. Smarter, richer, more connected people than you have tried for nearly a year now, and for what?
You will fall like the rest. You are fired.
I would say more than 10% is in limbo this election. I believe a fair portion of Bernie supporters are actual democrats and won't vote for Hillary. Same as a portion of republicans not voting for Trump. This is going to be the most epic election ever.
what's surprising is that Romney won independents
the GOP tried so hard to make themselves look worthy to those people that they alienated republicans
Hillary is a Trump plant.
>many people will publicly distance themselves from Trump...
But in the privacy of the voting booth, strange things happen.
Fuck off Correct The Record shill.
>My shitty probably fake strawpoll shows Trump gonna win
Nigger Please
I remember when Hillary was up by 16. You're certain she'll win?
Trump worked hard to plant HIllary. He's going to run circle around her ass. She'll probably die of a schizoid embolism before August is over.