>Disney will never make a Tron 3
>We'll never see Sam Flynn vs Edward Dillinger Jr.
>We'll never get more of those incredible Tron visuals
>Disney will never make a Tron 3
>We'll never see Sam Flynn vs Edward Dillinger Jr.
>We'll never get more of those incredible Tron visuals
Needs more capes
Tron fucking sucks. I bet you like Oblivion too.
Skyrim is superior
You should have told more of your friends to go see the movie. All it boils down to was that it didn't make disney money.
Fuck, this has aged horribly. Even Killlzone: Shadow Fall looks better.
did they unironically thought it was realistic?
can't believe it's from 2010
But it made a profit. Just because it wasnt a billion dollar movie, that doesnt mean it wasnt successful. I'd rather see Tron 3 than another shitty Marvel or Star Wars movie. The story wasnt strong. But the world and atmosphere were done very well, and are worth exploring.
Tbh, I just want another Daft Punk soundtrack.
>we won't get to see based Cillian Murphy
this pisses me off the most