I understand a few things about the US political system but, as an outsider, I'm no expert.
From some of the numbers I've seen it just doesn't look like a closable gap.
Reassure me burgers. Explain that he only needs to win a few key states.
I understand a few things about the US political system but, as an outsider, I'm no expert.
From some of the numbers I've seen it just doesn't look like a closable gap.
Reassure me burgers. Explain that he only needs to win a few key states.
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No. You're showing the best case scenario for trump. If you want to be realistic, reverse the numbers and see what Hillary will do if she gets the extra 5 points.
Trump is unelectable in the general.
If it wasn't for the large number of completely unrealistic anti-government nihilists and reality TV watchers in the republican primary he'd be a footnote and not a major party candidate.
Trump is tied in PA and Oregon, this map is bullshit
He has a very strong chance of winning.
Oh yeah, just like that one poll that showed McCain up in Washington
>Is there any way Trump can win?
hopefully not
>by 'strong' I mean 'no chance at all'
>republicans have painted themselves into an electoral corner by relying on aging white males as their only source of votes
>country is getting less white, republicans are literally dying off.
>when texas goes blue because of hispanics Trump has alienated, dems will win the presidency for forever.
same. I swear, Sup Forums is the strongest example of Poe's Law that's ever been
If he wins OH then I promise you he will win VA.
Probably IA too.
PA and NH are blue states now (fortunately he doesn't need them)
Bern cucks arer either going Trump/Independant/or not voting
can't really be called independent when Libertarians and Greens are actually polling this cycle
>much more likely mainstream repubs will skip voting and eliminate the walking orange sphincter that is trump, than that a few overly-idealistic asshats would skip voting because aging jewman loses the nom.
The most votes a republican has ever gotten. He's got more support than Bush did and he was elected twice.
That and all those bernouts rioting in the streets. Every time that and a terrorist attack happens Trump increases in the polls.
Trump need the typical repuican strongholds and then just 4 battleground states: Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania and one other
Realclearpolitics indicates there may be as many as 14 battleground states and trump has plans to campaign in 15 states. He doesn't even need a 3rd of his goal to win
>>republicans have painted themselves into an electoral corner by relying on aging white males as their only source of votes
>>country is getting less white, republicans are literally dying off.
>>when texas goes blue because of hispanics Trump has alienated, dems will win the presidency for forever.
I love you, user.
for a while there he was polling below Hillary fucking Clinton in Utah. UTAH. A state Mitt Romney won by 50%. Even taking into account Romney's Mormonness, it's ridiculous. Plus, like said, he has a chance of literally alienating Texas, which is the most important Republican stronghold. Trump can't win.
I'm Kind of pessimist because #fucktrump etc.. Is the "in" thing at the moment and people will vote for the lizard.
>in each state
That's not how you game the electoral college, though. This graphic is pointless other than to demonstrate the problem with first past the post.
He is up in Pennsylvania, tied in Oregon (in at least one poll), and I could see him pulling Iowa.
Virginia should also be winnable and some have though that Wisconsin could be winnable.
Implying that hispanics want the country to fill up with more retarded rapefugees.
The cuck is really strong in this thread.
All Trump has to do is increase the Republicans share of the white vote by 4% and increase white turnout by 4% compared to 2012 in order to win. Even in the event of historic Latino turnout and historic Latino support for the Democratic ticket, this still holds true.
Pic related
>this image
When the hell was this made? If Trump goes up by +5% in the latest polls, he would win in a landslide.
>increase share by 4 and turnout by 4
Seriously, just use magical unicorns next time to explain it.
When you've already got the highest percentage of a group and its the group that votes the most, saying you'll get even more of them and they'll vote even more frequently doesn't work.
>trump won't turn out working class whites and win more of them
Wew, that's literally his strongest demographic of support.
That map must be really old. Some of those states they show going blue are ties currently.
4% is a small number. Four pennies doesn't even add up to a nickel. The REAL challenge is the College White Vote, and we'll see if he manages to pull it off. Right now he isn't.
He still wins the white and the college degree vote even in the polls that have Clinton up.
I can't take any map serious that doesn't have Nevada being won by Trump.
He's tied even with Clinton. He needs to win that demographic by at least seven points, if not more.
Uneducated white working class Americans have largely checked out of the voting process altogether because they constantly get fucked by both parties. They are flocking to Trump's campaign this election.
As said, if Trump can win the college white vote as well, he will win the election handily. He and Clinton are tied at 44% with this demographic right now, which is several points behind where Romney was. However, Trumps share of the non-college white vote is so far ahead of what Romney's was he's gaining ground with whites as opposed to loosing it.
Clinton is fucked.
Obama isn't on the ballot, my nigga. Non-hispanic whites will cast a larger percentage of the vote this year.
>we'll win because we're relying on young college voters
kek you're in for a fun ride in a few months
Well this Quinnipiac poll has him up by 8 points on that demographic although he's losing overall.
4 percent is a huge number. People don't change the way they vote in that number. Ever. Reagan got 63 percent white males. Romney got 62. You aren't getting 66.
You probaly sayed the same in the republican primaries. You are foregeting how corrupt hillary are and the incredebele amount of dirt she has on herself. To trust hitlary you need to go on radio silence until election and this past year.
Learn to read leaf, white people with degrees not white people in the process of getting degrees.
That's not even close to what I said you moron.
Trump is polling at 60% white men, and Clinton has 26%. From
Here is what I would like to know about Trump. Maybe someone here knows. He is already thr presumptive GOP nominee. If he were to win the Presidency, wouldn't he have to transfer his business holdings and stocks to a blind trust? He can't just hand them over to his kids for a while. Cheney had to do the same thing with his Haliburton holdings if I remember correctly. So, is trump willing to do this? Do you think he's even considered it yet?
>Trump has been involved in 3500 lawsuits
>still has major ones currently on-going and generating a lot of bad press that he's fueling by making dumb comments about them
>some of the others including abusing government connections to evict old ladies to build a parking lot for his casino
but yeah it's Hillary that needs to watch out for bad press
I'm for Bernie but I'd take Hilary over trump
The only reason why Trump couldn't win is because white power is truly broken in America. If this is indeed the case, all of you should be looking for a new place to live.
>Reassure me burgers. Explain that he only needs to win a few key states.
Swing states and the rust belt is where he will be focusing.
He can probably flip them.
Are you one of thoose reditors coming from r/berni? Have you flooded this board now becuse you have lost? How mutch mony did you donate?
I voted early for trump in the primaries my friend
huge turn out at the rally. my favorite part was as we were leaving there was a big group of (((protestors))) outside waving mexican flags. as i approached a crowd had already formed around them. they were shouting something about mexico, so i got riled up and ran over and starting screaming "BUILD THE WALL, BUILD THE WALL, BUILD THE WALL!!!" (minus the reeeeee!). That got the whole crowd worked up chantng "BUILD THE WALL!" and "USA!"
best moment of my policitcal life, right behind casting the ballot. that was the riot where somee BLM talked shit to an old man and got hit
>billionaires get involved in stupid, frivolous lawsuits
What a surprise. The TrumpU crap isn't going to get anywhere leaf.
No. There is zero chance Trump can win.
The much more concerning reality is that the people who support him are not going to physically fight and armed rebellion when he loses. Can't expect much more from country club conservatives LARPing as nationalists, though.
These are the same people who laughed in your face a decade ago if you tried to talk about how bad the racial situation was. The same people who went out of their way to shit all over the militia movements in the 70s and 80s.
You're not fooling anybody. We all know you won't get your lazy ass off the couch long enough to vote.
>implying Trump is tied to even a single one of those lawsuits
>implying they aren't lawsuits filed against Trump's corporation(s)
>implying Trump's lawsuits aren't just handled by a whole gamut of top tier lawyers
>he thinks Trump goes to every lawsuit or some shit
A fucking leaf.
It'll come down to Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania. The winner of at least 2/3 of these will be president.
The Hispanics will decide this election. If trump can win 25-30, he'll win. Book it.
Dem turnout down 30% from 08 Rep turnout up 100% (800k to 1.6mil) plus tied in polls. Penn is Trump country this year
We already have BLM activists getting convicted of lynching in California and you call us violent?
its going to be a slaughter
as soon as it comes to debates clinton is going to mop the floor with him, the only thing that could stop it is if something really incriminating comes out against hillary
Stay white Switzerway.
He's already lost. He will be clobbered so badly it is going to be stupefying. It is going to be a Reagan-type landslide for Hillary.
The country is far, far, far, far, far too non-White and the "right" is content to mire in it. They will not fight. They will not kill. They are broken and scared. This isn't a last gasp, it's a kill shot.
Clinton is shit at anything that isn't pre-recorded and tested on focus groups. Trump will hit her so hard and fast she'll be left sputtering like an idiot.
>the only thing that could stop it is if something really incriminating comes out against hillary
so her entire career?
>People don't change the way they vote in that number
The fuck are you talking about? In 2004 40% of Hispanics voted for George W. Bush. Four years later in 2008, only 30% voted for McCain. It's not at all outside the realm of possibility that a demographic could change their vote by 4 percent.
>mop the floor with him
Do you think she'll say woman 20 times or 30 times?
How much did Obama increase Dem's share of Blacks and the black turnout?
I know for a fact black turnout was higher than it's ever been.
I'm no Trump fan but I think you're dead wrong. Hilary is so fake and disingenuous and pandering she'll lose to trump and his dirty ad hominem sand trickery.
>a leaf
top of my head
1.) child rape pedo underwear scandal (as a defense lawyer fraudently tampered with damning evidence (underwear with blood and cum stains) in a child-rape case so that it couldn't be used in court)
2.) helping bill rape a lot
3.) benghazi
4.) email scandal
Hillary's about to be indicted so yea, she will have plenty of bad press to watch out for in the near future.
>We have BLM activists getting convicted of lynching in California
That is pure violence winning the argument. Violence always wins. Always. Always. Always. Only cowards and weaklings and those already beaten avoid it. The strong fight to win for the sake of fighting to win.
>you call us violent?
Huh? No, I didn't call you violent at all. That's the problem. You're timid, weak, scared. You search for niggers and spics who like Trump like it's a feather in your cap. You plead incessantly that you aren't a racist. You whine about Hillary Clinton's dreadful foreign policy record as if the mouth breathing, blood lusting hordes of Amerikwa give the slightest shit.
You are completely and totally out to lunch with what is actually occurring. You are being readied for full scale genocide with the full weight of the organized state and military and all you do is worship and stay loyal to the state's institutions. You're already done.
It went up a lot. Basically that post is just bullshit.
Found the shill!
We should start a fund for people who manage to get shills fired somehow.
actually come to think of it i did REEEEEEE but it was a southern YEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Throwing old ladies out on the street is immoral
It's not criminally corrupt obstruction of justice by deleting emails/tampering with evidence which carries a punishment of jail time in addition to...
wait for it...
keep waiting...
wait for white canadians to die out because they voted for Trudeau and you only find whites in America because
>every political cartoonist always shows white as fat
dont they know that niggers and spics are even fatter?
The power of love and friendship.
>When you've already got the highest percentage of a group
I'm pretty sure Trump does not have 100% of the white vote.
>Doesn't fit the narrative
In 2009, one million grass roots conservatives who would eventually become the core of the Trump movement marched on Washington in protest of the progressive policies the Democrats were pushing. There was no violence, no riots, no arrests.
You can't even get 100 progressives together for a rally without flag burning, car tipping, and rioting taking place. The "conservatives are violent" meme needs to die. It's the progressive left that needs to be watched. They're some of the most violent, delusional, evil political groups in the country.
>as soon as it comes to debates clinton is going to mop the floor with him
This is a woman who refuses to do press conferences and only does speeches if she gets paid 250k.
She has no idea what she is in for.
Fucking this. The amount of shit the Tea Party got was unreal.
>oh they want small government those fringe conservatives
This still doesn't make me entirely optimistic. Basically Trump needs to increase white voter turnout in a similar fashion to what Obama did in 2008. Certainly possible, but whites seem to have more self-hating cucks right now.
Whites are a much larger demographic to draw from.
Blacks might have helped Shillary defeat Bernout, but they won't turn out for her in the general election.
I'm pretty confident whites with no degree are already going to vote in record numbers for Trump, so that's really good. It's college degree whites that need to be turned increasingly towards Trump.
Wow, you're right.
I'm #cruzmissle now.
Closing a gap of over FIVE points is simply not possible!
It's an uphill battle and as much as people hate to admit it the Hispanic vote matters an enormous amount. Trump just needs to know there are times to keep your mouth shut.
Hilary and Trump both couldn't care less about the welfare of anyone in this thread. They are both megalomaniacs and care only about their own public image. Hilary has usurped the worst points of feminism and tells bald faced lies without flinching. Trump is the consummate salesman. He's a crass parody of Paker from The Office
Trump and Clinton are already tied in Pennsylvania.
Even if that map isn't COMPLETE bullshit, which it is, it's also just projecting polls onto population, which is a complete misrepresentation of demographics, especially voter demographics and turnout.
Trump is set to win, dummy
>The "conservatives are violent" meme needs to die
What's that got to do with my post? Read it again if you need to. Maybe a little slower this time.
Anything can happen in politics. It's a minute by minute game. Tge media will absolutely tell you that trump has no chance.
Thank you for correcting the record. $0.02 has been added to your account.
>Blacks might have helped Shillary defeat Bernout, but they won't turn out for her in the general election.
why do you think this
>that point where trump surpasses hillary
the lion rises
Texas is 70% white, fuck off
if you think blacks/hispanics will come out in droves to vote this year, you're delusional. They won't be relevant in this election