>Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

I fucking knew it.

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Well too bad she's not gonna be president

Too late shitposter, she already conceded

won't happen. ever heard about those people that retire and then die only a few weeks later? that's what is going on with hillary

I don't get the fear mongering over trump

I'm Canadian so world politics are kinda meaningless to me but we elected a populist dipshit last year and our country hasn't fallen apart

Meaningless. Gore conceded but later took it back and demanded a recount of Florida.

Fucking kids i swear

>to my liking pls
>not to the liking of 200K+ more over Trump

Vox Populi faggot

trump threatened to do the same thing though if hillary would win.

shook drumpfkin

Good. Trump isn't qualified to be president.

AH YES, clinon news network

>inauguration day is going to be even more salty than when he won the election

Can't wait

That populist dipshit pledged to let in more immigrants, legalize weed (lmao), and run a 3-year budget deficit for the purpose of funding infrastructure repair or replacement.

Do you really think any of that is comparable to what Trump promised?

How come none of you had anything to say about the electoral college before this election? You can't just change the rules of the game AFTER the game is finished. Hillary Clinton will never be president and she will never be relevant in politics again, deal with it. Now say it with me: MISTER PRESIDENT.

Is she friends again with Trump?

How did that work out for him?

Yeah but trump won though and us britfags fucking love it. Hilary and most of her supporters are fucking vile. Get destroyed.

Trump was still friends with Bill but Hillary wouldn't let them hang out

>t. Reddit

I'm actually really fucking embarrassed by how infantile Millennials in the US ACTUALLY are.

These are the faggots who cry and throw tantrums wrapped in a cushy first-world reality.

I didn't like the electoral college before this either, but I've heard at least one compelling argument that it's for the best. Ironically it was that it would keep an extremely populist candidate from winning by spouting a bunch of bullshit lies they could never possibly achieve.

You're right though, my fellow liberals need to just eat shit and wait until they're in power to do this without looking like they're poor losers.

Christ, the salty lib tears were really entertaining for the first couple of days after the election results, but now it's just getting really annoying. No matter who becomes president nothing is going to change anyway, so stop whining.

Poor bill, he just wants a buddy

Dec. 19th, the day the EC casts their final votes, is the absolute last shred of uncertainty that the Left can dine out on. Once they lose that they have absolutely nothing at all for 4-8 years.

They've been riding this train hard for the last 2 weeks because of how utterly BTFO they were this year. The sorest losers I think I've ever seen. Thought they had the world on lock. They were wrong. Now the Salt Shall Flow

Look at the irony

And... they told him rigging the election was impossible.

Clinton needs to challenge this outcome for the sake of the country. Republicans will greatly diminish the nation if they're allowed to get away with stealing yet another election.

Illegal immigrant Vox Populi, fixed that for you faggot. You still lost though, member when you though you would win?

>implying Trump and Hilldawg aren't secret buddies
>implying he didn't take her out for a drink after winning

If George Soros bought you an election and you still lost, you'd be pretty fucking unhappy too.

>Their group told Podesta and Elias that while they had not found any evidence of hacking, the pattern needs to be looked at by an independent review.

Wow it's fucking nothing

illegal this illegal that

where's your fucking evidence faggot?

Not good obviously, but this time it's three states that are for consideration, not to mention how much more divided and heated this election was.

Why do democrats act like only they should run the country? They're hardly better than Republicans, they just pay more lip service to the pet minority at the time.

Where is your evidence anything was rigged for trump......kek