Why is this kid in everything suddenly? Does he test very well with focus groups or something? Or is his father an important person?
Why is this kid in everything suddenly? Does he test very well with focus groups or something...
Beards ruin a person's A E S T H E T I C
Can someone post the pic of jimmy nu-tron
I liked him in the social network
He's not great or anything, but still good and doesn't make me particularly angry, which is kind of rare among current actors.
Only shitty beards. Beards are like makeup for men with good beard genes.
I boycott all movies featuring nu-male actors like this. If you'd have told me that there'd be new Gibson and Scorcese kinos out and I'd be flat out refusing to ever see them a couple of years back I never would have believed you, but here we are. In the Cucknited States of BLACKEDmerica.
look no further
In 2016 he's in Hacksaw and Silence. Two movies. What the fuck is problem?
with all the christian flicks he's starring in he's probably trying to be this generation's kirk cameron
He has pretty influential family in showbiz. Pic related
t. blacked subscriber
Two giant movies that he is shoehorned into. His southern and spanish accents are awful.
He's good looking and a good actor. What's not to get?
These are the only two fims this year that anybody who isn't an entry level r/movies toddler lapping up the latest viraled meme trash would actually be interested in seeing. And this feminized beta male is in both of them. These should be films that no woman would ever understand but instead we've got this chastity device wearing cuckold at the middle of them both.
Which one?
Gibson cast him perfectly, though. He was good in The Social Network too. I haven't seen Silence yet, but it's not like they try to pass this guy off like a badass action hero
>He was good in The Social Network too
You are a literal nu-male. Fuck off. You are not welcome you leftist 90s born piece of shit.
Is it worse to be a friendzoned cuck like this guy or to have never had any interactions with females at all like myself?
I don't get it. You're calling him a pussy. His character in The Social Network was kind of a pussy. It was good casting. It would make no sense at all if they put a rugged Clint Eastwood lookalike in that role
>Why is this kid in everything suddenly? Does he test very well with focus groups or something? Or is his father an important person?
He is jewish, and the jewish producers want him to became a big thing, why do you think Ezra Miller shows up in everything ?
Heck, why do you think guys like Miles Teller keeps getting parts despite everything he touches is a flop ?
Making films that normalize nu-male pussies like Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg is culturally destructive in the first place. Only time I could ever stand seeing a nu-male in a movie is if they're only there as part of a larger anti nu-male message. I say the words "traditional masculinity" in the mirror every morning, if every other white man in this country did the same then we wouldn't be dealing with cuckolds in our fucking mel gibson films.
be honest how many women besides mum have laughed at your tiny dick
His face pisses me off and his accent is so shitty in the Silence trailer.
Don't hate yourself for being gay, or you'll end up like the neighbor character in American Beauty. Not a good look.
Best spidey. Prove me wrong .......................................You cant
That character is Jewish propaganda. An assassination of the character of all of those who oppose the progressive hollywood agenda. It does not reflect reality in the slightest.
That redheaded son of that fat irish guy from in bruges is also in everything now. I can't be fucked to look up the name, but he was in Brooklyn, Ex Machina, Star Wars, and a bunch of other shit. He's not even attractive.
good looking?
u fucking kidding me?
If you have a famous relative and you embody the jewish vision of the modern progressive castrated male then you will go far in hollywood.
>traditional masculinity
I have no sense of solidarity with other men. I don't give a fuck what other people think of me. I have no sympathy or empathy for men and their problems. I do not need to telegraph some consensus agreement on what masculinity is nor do I 'subvert' these expectations by 'ironically' doing the opposite of what culture has decided a man is. I don't fucking care about cultural expectations and have never done anything to subvert or conform to them. I live my life the way I want to and I have conversations with real people in my life if they have a problem with it (which they never have other than one of my uncles who I don't fucking talk to anymore).
Being a man means nothing to me. I focus on being myself and having some humanity.
Are you really taking the b8 that hard, or are you guys just memeing each other off?
>Miles Teller
funny part is, faggot, that I agree with him. and we're not all virgins like you, some of us are actually alpha but we recognise there is a cultural problem.
>I have no sense of solidarity with other men.
That's because you have been mindcucked by the Jewish media your entire life. White masculinity is a united brotherhood when left to develop in its natural state. They're been brainwashing us to break up that brotherhood so that can sweep us away and get our woman to throw their genes away to the the blacks. You'd just understand what it was to be a real man on an instrinsic level and act accordingly if you had been brought up in noble surroundings free from the parasites.
I think the guy is at that age atm (he's over 30) where he can't or won't play shitty comedy teen movies anymore and probably wants to test himself in more serious roles.
Also miss me with this nu male Jewish talk. As long as the actor can pull the role he's cast in well I don't care how he looks, and his roles in both Hacksaw Ridge and Silence fit him perfectly. Scorsese wouldn't have waited 27 years to make Silence if he wanted to cast some big The Rock/Rambo looking ass dude for the main role.
When was he ever in shitty teen comedy movies? His career is been pretty solid throughout aside from his failed capeshit franchsise.
Better to not live then to have lived a life of suffering
The purpose of these films is to degrade toxic masculinity. It's 2016 gramps, they're called nu-males for a reason. You can progress or stay backwards and be left behind, never enjoying kinomodern
the fuck. don't know why I quoted >Miles Teller
Tobey is so much better.
Garfield was just a cute little twinky chad pretending to be a nerd. Tobey was an actual autist nerd.
His 2 Spiderman movies was what I meant with that line, at least as far as I know, I've only watched his 2010+ movies so I don't know what he played when he was younger, take no offense.
Can we have off with this meme? Dude is 74. It is evident from WOWS that he's out of touch with reality/lost his touch/has dementia. He's had his run, make way for the new guys
Hes doin pretty well for a dude who was a secondary cast member on a Disney show though.
Disgusting beard
>be attractive young male
>grow a beard that makes you look worse, and 10 years older
Beards are for people that need them to look good.
The former. At least she may mercy fug him or pass out so he could cop a feel of tiddies.
this made me sad
At least Scorsese makes 1 movie every couple of years, old 80 years ass Woody Allen makes a movie every year.
The character he's portraying is portuguese. My only pet peeve is that the pronunciation of their names in the trailer is totally of,f but I wasn't expecting them to even give a shit about it. Is he that bad in Hacksaw Ridge? I seriously doubt it's even worth the hate. There are many more eligible candidates with considerably punchier faces fit for Sup Forums's special brand of jealousy and hatred, I don't get why this guy is being singled out
How can people look at the older era actors and then look at the modern actors that replaced them and deny that there is an anti-white, anti-male jewish conspiracy?
Domhnall Gleeson. He was in Frank too.
kek, for a movie role maybe? Never tough of that? You wanted them to put a fake Santa beard on him?
The movie was in production for 27 years, the actors got older as the time went by, they had to be replaced. The characters in the novel are quite young.
>that shitty beard
if you don't look good with a beard, 9/10 times just fucking shave it, clean-shaven looks more good than not
I can almost envision this guy's Facebook posts in my head.
Both Saverin and Zuckerberg have more money and power than you will acquire in 10 lifetimes. Kill yourself, neckbeard
>He unironically uses the term Nu-male
Miles Teller is like 1/8th Jewish, which is less Jewish than Hitler was
Day-Lewis and Bernal can't act. I prefer based Garfield and Driver, desu
He's a kike.
>he hates it when people say nu-male because he secretly knows that he is one himself
seriously, there's no other reason why someone would get upset about it
triggered nu-male detected.
Kekd at the file name
Why does the neckbeard always chimp out when you name it?
Garfield was cute, fem and twinky enough without the beard to be cool with but so far his accents have been off the wall and his beard is awful.
this is what happens when you empower autistic people
Sup Forums was a mistake
Trump is as Jewish as you can get
He's going to gas these neckbeards and make America Zionist again
>2 movies
You mean with shit jaws and chins
Honestly the only reason I'm not seeing hacksaw....damn shame too
Yeah, thanks. Apparently he was also in The Revenant. Dude's career took off like a rocket in 2015.
>clean-shaven looks more good than not
Most people are jawlets
>Scorsese and Mel Gibson
>Not entry level r/movie meme directors
And still, like all leftists, they will be perputually beta. You can give the beta all of the power in the world and they'll still be completely cucked by somebody with /traditionalmasculinity/ even if that person has nothing else.
Late era Scorcese is fairly meme tier but Gibson is the redditors worst nightmare.
neither of those characters in the movie are in any way protrayed as "good" characters. they have some very obvious flaws that the movie does not try to hide.
The film never calls their nu-male nature into question and thus it is normalizing nu-males.
It's presented as "look at these men and see their character flaws and the drama that ensues" rather than "look at these fucking beta disgraces to the male gender".
kill yourself. i bet you can't even order a drink or throw a punch you piece of shit.
Well, how do you feel when you drive to a fast food place, get out of the car, get to the door...oh right locked, get back in your car, drive thru, order, pay..... wait......long wait.... wtf is taking so long...? and then they tell you something went wrong, no food. Sorry, then they close.
Ever have anything like that happen to you? How does that feel? Cause it's like that. You could have stayed home and had frozen fishsticks or gone to another place to get food.
>implying The Social Network normalized Mark Zuckerberg
He's portrayed as being an autistic asshole who stole his ideas from others and manipulated people. It's the exact opposite of normalization.
The nu-male elements were normalized.
People with a beard but no mustache should be shot.
Tobey was way better. Comic autists love to bitch "HE WAS TOO DWEEBY! HE DIDN'T QUIP ENOUGH!" but his dweebness gave him an underdog quality that Andrew Garfield lacked and he quipped when it was appropriate.
Any man under 40 years old with a beard, a mustache or glasses should be shot. Most of the leftists would be gone just like that.
That's going a bit too far, user. There are a ton of right-wingers who prefer glasses over contacts.
Compromize is a leftist philosophy. If you wear glasses you are a weak beta cuck.
Amish Wolverine
>older than almost everyone on this cantonese photobucket
>Why is this kid
he's older than you fag
Garfield lost when they showed that montage of the tween music. It was over, couldn't take him seriously after that.
Fuck off memelennials. Not everybody here is as kiddy as you.
daily reminder you'd have to be at least 37 to not be a millennial
t. underage post-millennial
lol that shirt
so fucking gay
reminder that he made emma stone cum with his 5 inch cock