How can Intel even compute??
How can Intel even compute??
Oh look at these fucktards they dont even greet us if its Lenten Season. JUST
wtf I hate AMD now
I'm now an Nvidia artillery
good little goy. Hate the muslims, support the jews
I guess i cant blame them. "Le nerd life" libtards is a big chunk of their fan base
Can't we hate both? Like, seriously muslims are a plague.
Intel purchase justified.
(((Anonymous))) is right, you must choose a side.
Fuck, I would've expected this from Intel but not AMD. I'm now a #IntellMissile
No but it's just one person managing their Twitter account, just one cuck, doesn't have to mean the whole company is like that.
>shilling Islam to appease non-muslims
>implying Muslims are better than Jews
Hey Muhammad, I heard you're not supposed to use the internet during Ramadan, better get back to dirt worshipping.
How many companies made posts like this so I know who to boycott
>all this pandering to Muslims
Do these cucks acknowledge Lent too?
>Intel, a literal Jewish company, celebrating an Islamic holiday
Come on now
>made a new intel build a few weeks ago
>old AMD is collecting dust
feels gud
Intel is owned by Jews and staffed by Hindus. Why would you get the idea either group gives a shit about Ramadan?
Fuck you
Why is it only the Muslim holidays that get celebrated?
Companies don't even say merry Christmas anymore it's happy holidays to avoid offending or inttimidating 'certain people' (Muslim scum)
What the hell, AMD?
guess I'm #LivinLaVIALoca now on.
It's 'cool' to be biased against Christianity and typical white man traditions. It's like liberal are still going through that edgy teenager rebellious phase and this is there way of sticking it to their parents (the white man).
was considering getting a 480. getting a 1070 now instead
The whole thing seems disingenuous, everywhere I see it, too. It all just reeks of über-PC culture virtue signaling. I feel grimy just seeing it posted on a politicians twitter, or companys twitter...
lmao, was legitimately considering getting an amd card to replace my 960...
That's the exact reason why I thought they would care a lot about "diversity" and "inclusiveness".
It's more or less when they're dealing with other peoples businesses that they focus on that stuff. When it's solely their own, they focus on far more important things.
as much as i dislike jews, i can and have had successful interactions in my personal life and in business with Jews. in fact, Jews have been some of my best clients.
Muslims on the other hand have been the worst of the worst. the jew has no soul and therefore no shame or reservations, but the mudslime is pure filth. I would not like to live anywhere near those vile creatures and hope we can war with them as often as possible. killing them is like killing rats, unpleasurable but wholly necessary.
What did AMD mean by this?
That they're not only going to be starting housefires from now on
Reminder that if you're going to boycott a company, you have to tell them why you are boycotting them to discourage them from that behavior
Just imagine pepsi logos shaped into a cross. No one would like that. Good job A M D you fuckheads
Kill a nigga tonight.