Kayla I summon thee!
This makes her or him post with proofs....
Hello Kayla
Kayla I summon thee!
This makes her or him post with proofs....
Hello Kayla
Other urls found in this thread:
She was here earlier, either she is a woman or is post op.
Either way I'm still gonna fap desu
Someone post the bikini pics, I'm trying to show my wife so I can get her opinion. Right now she says trap, but I know that's not true Kayla
post op, we're all a little gay now.
definitely a trap
I know
Isn't it crazy that we all wanna know? I'm married too with kids and still wanna know the answer.
If you can get a clear photo of her hands it will be easy to tell. Mens ring fingers are always longer than their pointer finger.
>I'm married too with kids
get the fuck off of Sup Forums
What's up with this dude?
Yeah i don't know wether you guys are all spergs or futanari cucks, she has a pair of womans breast (no male tits nor silicon), therefore she has a VAGINA jesus.
It's not gay until you feel its crotch
Ehat does this pic mean? Can be her bf and her
What does this picture even mean
It's a chick, she put her facebook profile as male for a laugh.
The voice is clearly female, you can see her defending Trump in some video where she's shouting at some numales. I dont care how much hormones and practice you've had you're never going to have a female voice like that.
No, you get off. pic related is average Sup Forumsacks family.
With pills?
And the caption "it's my story"
it's a trap you delusional faggots. how does it feel to be gay?
I don't know what Kayla is, all I know is Kayla will not post pics of her feet. :(
She has scoliosis
I would.
>shows up to a trap thread in which a bunch of fags in denial are trying to convince themselves it's a woman
>"see, Sup Forums is healthy and nondegenerate
Lol I already knew I was a fag I'm just trying understand the meaning behind the picture. What does the apple mean?
Is baba ok?!!!?!? I love him
Idk, it's deviantart tier
>muh transformation in the garden of good and evil, I am the adam to my own eve
Being attracted to Traps is not gay, it has been scientifically proven.
It's a trap?
no it is gay and you are a fag for liking dudes
>being attracted to mentally ill men is not gay, i have pulled this out of my ass.
Why are so many degenerates into Trump?
What is he hiding?
Do you see a dick? female hips and hands, no adam's apple.
kek, do you even have traps in georgia?
God bless brazil-bros
>penis tucking and estrogen at an early age
really makes you think
Post the bikini pics!!!
If I am a fag then why am I not attracted to normal men?
fuckin kek'd
Check the archived thread. I believe she already did 1 pic
We're going to meme it/her/him into revealing, it is obviously an attention whore, she will eventually do it.
No. Sadly he passed away a few months ago.
I will commit suicide if shes a coal burner.
is this the replacement for archive moe?
HOL UP, is this that one bat-shit-insane girl who was obsessed with jack spicer?
Damn, please be joking
Keep going
Our women already look like men, our we had 2 trump, one was burned alive, there is only one left now.
Kayle hasn't been proven to be a Trap, so I'm still not a faggot, I don't like most traps, only if I get trapped and don't realize that it's a guy.
>no Adam's Apple
>no knuckles
feel free to fap
so everyone suspects that's a dude? because the middle pic is absolutely adorable, which makes this all the more sickening
fuck, why is everything so complicated now
we had to traps*
sorry I'm sleepy, can't type properly.
He is, everyone was joking that he died in those bombings in Turkey awhile ago though
she's """almost""" as autistically red-pilled as us. This is the queen Sup Forums has been waiting for
>implying you can get rid of roaches.
that's fucked up senpai
She's a girl you fucking idiot. There's pics of her when she was a chubby teen. That's not her that guy is Tyler and there's pics of her with him.
Kek, She got suspended from facebook
Kayla is 100% female. You are falling for edgelord bullshit. They are baiting Kayla into doing nudez
Can't find anything on baba death
its a meme, confirmed. last thread maxed out, a whole bunch more about her surfaced
If I see proof benis of Kayla, I will leave Sup Forums forever.
now the thread will be deleted, good job.
is this chick insane ?
Yes, she is a fast food worker with bipolar disorder.
Post the bikini pics REEEEEEEEEE!!
Get over yourself
And we still love her
why can't you fucking betas stop glorifying every female that poses for a camera
>wanting to fuck a mentally ill dude dressed as a chick
>not a complete fag
fuck off to /d/ or /lgbt/ we gas your kind here
>no adam's apple
>being this retarded
an adams apple is not an indicator either way. Some cis females have large adams apples, take sandra bullcok for example
tfw even girls that are supposed to be qt right wingers are sluts.
Cant get confirmation on dis.
Could be false flag
She said it turned out to be PTSD
Honestly i'm so lonely I would cuddle the shit out of she/he. Social anxiety is a bitch.
ohhh shieeet
because it's all we have
from what? dicklopping surgery?
photos here on
This is her and that guy. That guy isn't her, he's her friend.
The one where she is cos playing zero suit samus
ah shit man
Take meds get into living
Wake up and realize no one matters. Good luck
Have the fuck it attitude
Yeah, she confirmed hes a fag
Dude, where the fuc is everyone gettn these pics?
>all these pics
prove that she is a he, faggot. I demand a fair court.
Don't know
the guy in that pic is her friend
source: I've been to her DA
you really didnt realize before now that both men and women have adams apples and sometimes cis women can have large ones?
You think pic related is a trap when she gets pregnant all the time?
Im with you man, it is what it is. its lonely at the top
God I would love to be put in a comfy little box and locked in by her, and forced to watch her fuck her black bf through eye holes she cut out specifically for my leisure.
Just imagining a human barely removed from jungle adaptation ramming her to the point of exhaustion is sublime ecstasy.