I need arguments against capitalism my dudes
I need arguments against capitalism my dudes
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There are none.
Capitalism promotes degeneracy.
Someone please post that screen cap here.
bad luck
I picked the wrong major: the post.
>American education
Because in a True Communist society we wouldn't need capital and everything would be better.
i does not work for niggers
Capitalism produces excess such as obesity from too much food and free time as well as unnecessary luxury items like all electronics.
In a world with no capitalism, you own nothing.
Sharing is caring.
No competition.
The only one I can think of is that it works.
It's 2016.
There are none, you commie faggot.
> Leaf economics.
What for OP?
I'm not communist
mind if i save that rare pepe?
I heard capitalism is racist... and sexist.... and privleged?
The fact that people go hungry despite agriculture producing enough to feed well more than the current world population
That people work long hours in shit jobs that could be automated, thus freeing up time for all to enjoy themselves.
That capitalism is destroying the planet in search of profit.
That it produces crisis after crisis due to the inherently contradictory nature of capitalism, with an elite pushing its failures onto the workers.
That it utilises mass immigration without qualms to squeeze more profit.
It's an episode of The $100,000 pyramid
Total free market capitalism can be exploited. Yknow the bitches who try to buy out the entire stock of a popular toy during the christmas season to then sell them for higher prices on eBay? If there are no rules that type of shit can happen.
Making money and living off your money is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.
If you can't think of any yourself, maybe you should reconsider why you're arguing against it? Also, what exactly are you arguing for? Communism?
rich people are rich, and that's very bad :^(
You're right. Insufficient food & bread lines are the way to go.
t. Bernie
Without some form of regulation to prevent it, the wages of laborers generally descend to near-subsistance level (because the workers lack economic freedom). The working conditions will also go as bad as they can without hurting productivity. This board is infested by lolbertarians who will pretend otherwise though.
The free market is an illusion and capitalism produces plenty of useless garbage for nothing other than profit.
Planned production for use > marketised production for profit.
The end game of Capitalism is revolution. It goes like this:
At first, there are resources, jobs, middle class born, unions because gobalization has not happened, strong government for the people.
Slowly the people at the top amass more and more capital until they have bought the government, destroyed the unions and eventually the middle class.
Then you have a ruling minority and an oppressed majority.
Then you have revolution.
Every. Single. Time.
Capitalism values an unsustainable model for both society and the environment, and hurts communal social bonding in favor of competition and individualism. Accumulation of resources eventually pool into smaller and smaller groups, which in turn hurts the lower classes in ways that break down the order of society.
That's not say communism or any other system is any better, humans are generally just ill adapted towards our modern state of being. Once you hit a certain population size it is impossible to effectively manage without considerable sacrifices to accommodate the population. Humans are not an agreeable collective so truly beneficial sacrifices rarely happen, instead of preemptive action and altered lifestyles you end up with destruction in some form or another.
at least capitalism gives you the freedom to choose not to be a consumerist pig.
I wonder why people doesn't realize this
I think the only thing that is truly against capitalism is that for whatever reason it only works with continuous growth.
Every major problem in the world today can be broken down into either over-population (starvation, lack of water, pollution) or the pathetic betrayal by governments to increase population through immigration
>I think the only thing that is truly against capitalism is that for whatever reason it only works with continuous growth.
Capitalism will always seek more profit, at the expense of everything. It's a runaway train ruining the world.
fuck outta here spence
>literally loonie
>asking to be spoonfed by Sup Forums
this is why this board has gone down the shitter these past couple months
fuck off you literal high-schooler
Capitalism, both as word and as an ideological construct, was popularized by Marx. It is just another form of secular materialism which ignores the vital role of culture in human societies.
The "free market" celebrated by capitalists is just a side-effect of private property rights. Private property rights are one aspect of Liberty; the Western ideal of enshrining individual rights in the law. The "free market" of Capitalism, to the extent it exists at all, only exists the environment provided by western cultures. Believing in Capitalism is pointless, unless you believe in the western values (Roman law, Greek philosophy, Christian morals) which sustain it.
"I'm poor and stupid so capitalism doesn't benefit me."
Get rekt nigger
Capitalism is the greatest engine for wealth ever in history
>Roman law, Greek philosophy, Christian morals
Capitalism is not the idea of a free market, which when unregulated will cause many problems. Capitalism is the private ownership of the means of production. Private ownership of profit, business model rights, hiring and discrimination rights. You can have capitalism and still have sensible regulations for worker rights, environmental health, where and how to sell or manufacture goods. Capitalism is not the idea of a free market, it is the idea that we own the profits of our work as, good or bad. Capitalism is the idea that there is a capital owner who owns and decides how the business is operated and how the profits are allocated.
Completely unregulated economies are bad, and so some regulation on trade and production is necessary. However, the ownership of the profits and their distribution should always be up to the capital owners.
Capitalism is not bad, unregulated economies can be bad.
The moral issues are well stated, our women half tends to be easily led by consumeristic tendencies.
The second biggest issue is how it shifts power to corporations as economies grow. Companies like apple, google, nestle etc are bound to maximize their profits. Its not like a shareholder will suddenly stand up and defend public wellfare over profits, he'd be singled out.
In Houser of Cards Kevin Spacey says that money isnt true power but I seriously have my doubts when even the supreme court isn't insulated to monetary corruption, not to speak about the legislature.
Put together with the "existential crisis" of the west and this argument, I still wouldnt argue for any other system, but clearly market economies have faults.
Article about multinational corps
The thread had no other replies after this one
There is no logical argument.
and swinging your arms around like a rabid 8 year old
Then ask them what they think the most important part of capitalism is, after they reply then quickly retort with....Yeah if your a racist
When they follow up trying to figure out if you have lost your mind, hit them with a "Why do you hate homosexuals"
Then quickly remind them that most racists and homophobes have low IQs and capitalists are just zionist puppet masters building a Bilderberg to take over Antarctica and expose Hitlers underground base.
Then just repeat random words like Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Rothschilds, Centralized Bank, Oligarchy, Global Warming, EPA, starving Africans, AIDs epidemics, Illuminati, and Petro dollar.
You will not win by any reasonable measure but should be a good time and they likely will never bring it up again.
>The moral issues are well stated, our women half tends to be easily led by consumeristic tendencies.
Why should we care? If women are stupid and can't make smart decisions with their money let them suffer.
>The second biggest issue is how it shifts power to corporations as economies grow. Companies like apple, google, nestle etc are bound to maximize their profits. Its not like a shareholder will suddenly stand up and defend public wellfare over profits, he'd be singled out.
Yes, because the ever increasing complexity of technology is bad. I hate all the computers in my hospitals and schools. Fucking capitalism...
>In Houser of Cards Kevin Spacey says that money isnt true power but I seriously have my doubts when even the supreme court isn't insulated to monetary corruption, not to speak about the legislature.
Literally who gives a fuck.
>Put together with the "existential crisis" of the west and this argument, I still wouldnt argue for any other system, but clearly market economies have faults.
To err is human. Capitalism is the ethical and natural route to ownership and business. Any other system other than anarchy requires force and violence.
Nice strawman.
>Yes, because the ever increasing complexity of technology is bad. I hate all the computers in my hospitals and schools. Fucking capitalism..
Wow take it easy with the strawman, Joe. I'm not saying that companies making profits are bad. But unchecked and big enough they have the power to overturn political process and rule of law.
>Literally who gives a fuck.
Edgy autism overload.
Because it's an ideology that's really only practical to live by if you're from the aristocratic class like Evola was.
Most people don't have the option to disregard things like companies and salaries. If they did, they'd go broke and end up starving on the streets. Having this sort of detached, philosophical view towards economic concerns is a luxury available only to those who inherit a fortune large enough to support them regardless of what they do in life, and that's becoming increasingly uncommon even among the 1%.
And if you have to spend all day slaving away in a factory or office building, you're not going to want to subscribe to an ideology that says your occupation is meaningless and degrading. People want to find fulfillment in their lives, and so if your life is governed by material concerns, you're probably going to become a materialist.
>Most people don't have the option to disregard things like companies and salaries. If they did, they'd go broke and end up starving on the streets.
Tell that to the Amish, or to Hasidic Jews. It's only the obsession with material rewards which traps people in the rat race.
hows ur economy right now america? Oh right its fucking terrible.
based quote. did this guy write any books?]
Came to the wrong place, commie
Capitalism at its best is a mirage of the glory that exists and at its worst the reflection of our own humanity.
Easiest thing to say is that we don't live in true capitalism because lobbyists are actually setting in place laws to protect corporations. Things like patents got bent so that certain corporations have monopoly.
>couple months
It's been like 2 years dude.
>When the first post is also the best post
I kek'd
Thanks user
are u stoopid?
Men Among Ruins
Revolt Against The Modern World
Ride the Tiger
Fascism Viewed From The Right
specially the last two. Chop chop kiddo.
I'm not writing your summer mini-mester paper faggot.