How u want ur kid senpai?

Did that user ever finish his story about "The Don"?







defected, with a bit of tard on the side?

Why the fuck would anybody want to have to deal with a downie if they could avoid it

I want my children healthy and successful

I can't understand the pleasure of "raising" a potato kid

I had to deal with kids with down syndrome in highschool

I don't wanna be mean but they are disgusting, would avoid

Shame on the mother, that kid is going to get bullied so hard during school they're going to try finish what the doctor wasn't allowed to do.

I don't want to write the whole thing out again.

>I can't understand the pleasure of "raising" a potato kid
You'll get a few likes on facebook, so it's clearly worth it.


Thanks for sharing this

There is literally nothing wrong with raising a retarded kid
>bbbbut muh tax dollars
Go vote if you have a problem with it

What is copy paste?

Great job bullying the mentally retarded user, that's great.

It just shows how much she loves her child, it's actually quite sweet.

That letter was perfectly civil except for the potato-baby crack.

>There is literally nothing wrong with raising a retarded kid

Agreed. These guys are mad because the baby is muscling in on their NEETbux

Reminder that nothing can be wrong if the majority support it
Unless it's not progressive

Your post is not edgy enough for this thread, please contain at least 65% edge in your posts within this thread, or you will run the risk of being banned

>need to announce that to the world
I don't think she loves her. She loves attention and use that child as money grabber

If she really loved her child, she wouldn't need to advertise about or write pointless letters. Besides, parents are supposed to love their children. Bitch doesn't get a medal for making a child with objectively sub par genes and deciding to keep it. She and her husband aren't heroes and the fact that they think they are is an indicator of just how narcissistic and obnoxious social media has made our generation.

That's a little bit of an extreme response for a Eurasian baby, isn't it?

Because doctors care so much about the stupid emotional outbursts of their stupid emotional patients.

Prols should have no control over reproduction. Couples should be screened and paired by special committees.

>there are faggots declaring it's alright to have retarded worthless cumstains as "children"

Hmm, let's see here:

1. Can not reproduce.
2. Can not produce financial income or help others create outcome.
3. Can not clothe itself.
4. Can not wipe itself.
5. Consumes thousands of resources that society will never get back during the wasted time it was stupidly given.
6. Is hideous and disgusting to look at, and makes me want to take a flamethrower and purge the degeneracy and what ever wretched scum it's "parents" exist as.

It would seem some plebeian normies clicked the wrong link and ended up on the wrong website. This isn't Facebook, you fucking retards.

Man that's one fuckin retarded baby.

Kid looks happy.

Everything else is bullshit.

As a psychiatrist, I quite frankly do.

this is pretty much the best use of abortion and they refused


It won't even understand the concept of a concept, less alone understand the concept of happiness. Fuck off, faggot.

She would feel happiness, though...

>There is literally nothing wrong with raising a retarded kid
Maybe because you have down syndrome yourself

I don't know why the idea of a Russian psychiatrist seems funny to me, but it really does. There's gotta be a joke in there somewhere.

>makes me want to take a flamethrower and purge the degeneracy and what ever wretched scum it's "parents" exist as
You got shoved in a lot of lockers in high school, didn't you?

Why do all down shits look Asians?

>if you don't want to kill the retarded you don't belong on Sup Forums
I'd kill all NEETs before I'd even contemplate killing all retards. You guys are so fucking obsessed with executing the retarded, there are such bigger problems than some downy costing you a fraction of a cent every year.

This is why abortion should remain legal of course people will find the kid cute now but in 20 years everyone will hate this fuckers guts.

If you need an argument against the existence of god just show the christians this photo.

Retarded kids are like really expensive, complicated dogs.

>I had to deal with kids with down syndrome in highschool
No need for redundancy, you could have just said "I went to a Mexican Highschool"


what is the point of the letter?

Its funny because when my dad was doing his psychiatric residence the soviet union sent psychiatric patients to die in siberia.

Actually scratch that, I doubt edgelords like you lot even pay taxes or actually work for a living. You all probably contribute less to society than a newborn retard.

hope that mom is receiving all the guvment money she can get and then some more.
retards are the guvments responsibility

Two nukes later japs are still savages.

>If you need an argument against the existence of god just show the christians this photo.
Your post is a much better argument than the photo

It won't be able to even know what it's feeling. It's literally less intelligent then a dog.

>"WE WERE GONNA CONTINUE ON AND USE THIS AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR SOCIAL SIGNALLING ABOUT WHAT GREAT LIBERALS WE ARE WITHOUT ANY REGARD FOR THE QUALITY OF THE LIFE OF THE CHILD": Mom write letter to doc who urged abortion, immediately uploads letter to social media and sends it to the press


She would still feel it though.


"That 15-month-old looks happy."

"She can't even understand the concept of a concept!"

>pic related

Have you even met anyone with downs syndrome before? They're more lucid than low-functioning autism retards.

Wrong. I am not a neet, and I do contribute to my society :^) I also am looking for work at the moment, so your comparison is null and void.

Not an argument.

Just fuck my kid up

See She may be happy now, but nobody seems to be thinking in the long term. She's destined for a (clinically proven shorter) life of patronization and ridicule. The only dudes she's going to get to date/marry are other tards, or tard fetishists, and anything in life that she may accomplish will have the asterisk of "for a girl with down syndrome" on it.

Besides, it's not like it's difficult to get pictures of a baby being happy.

> the soviet union sent psychiatric patients to die in siberia.

I wonder how much work he had to do then?

Witnessed, Mexico has rampant down syndrome

Since when do liberals ever pass on an opportunity to kill a baby?

>thinking I was implying in the current sense, unable to tell I was referring to future sense

Someone failed 7th grade English.

Jokes on them.
Statistically speaking that little potato will lead to both parents being miserable and getting divorced in a few years.
Turns out their little trophy tard actually has a lot of drawbacks. Who could have possibly anticipated that?

When the chance to spare it allows them to virtue signal, create a bunch of new hashtags, and appear superior to somebody else.

I'm glad someone is thinking of the fee fees

If all retards were aborted this thread would be five posts long

>have a retard kid
>grow to retirement
>realise the retard can never move out and will depend on you until you die

enjoy having a retarded roomate the rest of your life.

Of course I've seen the subhumans before, I do not socialize with them as I am above that. But I clearly see how much intelligence they have, that is to say, barely any at all.


>Implying downies live that long

It won't even know what pain is. Go hang yourself, liberal.

>at the moment

I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, assuming you were talking about the present little girl. If we're talking about her future self, you're just plain incorrect.

>there is a possibility the retard's life will not be good
>therefore we ought to murder it
Jesus fucking Christ you guys

Are there any actual sane conservatives left on this board? Ones that don't want to abort any child less than perfect?

>I am also looking for work at the moment
So what you're saying is you're at least 18 and still don't have a job? lol faggot

What said. It's the same reason they'll talk at length about being vegan after using baby murder as birth control.

If it lets a child live instead of die then I see no problem. Let the parents be smug fucks if they want, the kid's life is more important than their attitude.

The ironic thing here is that Down Sydrome people look like Japs with those retarded slant eyes and bottom noses

If the retard ever reaches self-awareness it's life will definitely not be good, and it's probably going to be a lot worse considering the retards parents seem to want to treat it like a normie... they're going to put it in school with a bunch of nigger and it's probably going to be raped and tortured.


Do you confirm this after locating their heads?

I took a Driver's Ed thing years and years ago. In the class, we had some guy who was mentally retarded or somehow impaired. He kept telling the instructor how he wanted to have sex with his daughter. Nobody did anything. It was absolutely disgusting. I wish I had done something about it but I'm still unsure what that something should have been.

My mom was told I would have Down's syndrome when she was 3 months pregnant.

She's a good Christian lady and refused to abort

She didn't know I was going to be normal until I was born.

Fucking unreal faith

At the same time If the doc told my wife and I we were going to have a Down's syndrome baby

We'd abort it
Fucks with my head
Hope I never have to make that choice


Technology advances at almost exponential rates nowadays. Better safe than sorry man.

What a disgusting child.

The kid will be fun for the mom until she realizes she has to take care of a child for the next 50-60 years and then she will hate it. I absolutely love it, it's fucked up but I love that this ignorant cunt has ruined her life and she doesn't even accept it and when she does she wont tell anyone

Man I thought you guys left this at Sup Forums.

My sister had Down Syndrome and she brings nothing but joy in our lives. She makes us all happy and we're fine taking care of her. Life is not all about "hurr durr must slave away and produce for economy"

>there is a possibility the retard's life will not be good

1. It's a statistical certainty
2. If you justify not aborting a retarded fetus by saying "Look how happy the baby is now!", it's prudent to examine how shitty life for a retarded person can and likely will be.

>therefore we ought to murder it

Can't you detect birth defects and shit like Down's with amniocentesis before it counts as "murder"? Also, I'm not a moral objectivist, and believe that sometimes euthanasia can be for the greater good.

At the risk of shifting the goal posts a little bit, would it be murder to put this poor little bastard out of his misery, even if he might be happy sometimes?

I'd like to pose my last question to you guys too. Do you prioritize life over all in every situation, or only for cases where the defects are slightly more benign like Downs?

Based nip

>I had to deal with kids with down syndrome in highschool

it can be reversed, but nobody is willing to undergo the treatment

Forgot my pic

holy shit

My family had a shiba inu we found on the side of the road after it had been hit by a car. It had to have a leg removed in surgery and we were all pretty sure the impact fucked its brain up because it used to walk into doors and would run away from its own shadow. A lot of times it would shit on the floor and roll around in it, we would get mad but clean it up anyways since that's what a good owner does. He brought us laughter and joy because of his retard dog antics, one time he went outside and tried to eat a bees best only to get stung a bunch and run full force into our fence, knocking himself out. It was hilarious.
The point I'm trying to make is that the dog was entertaining as fuck, but entertainment alone never elevated him to the status of a family member, much less a human being.

There's not eough to identify when you get nuked

Sure bud

Just wait until she's older and that wears off and you have to clean her shitty fat ass when she is 20-40 and she walks around with a disgusting snotty nose. If your parents aborted her she would have never known, life would have moved on, but now you have a useless welfare downy that does nothing but make noises and produce disgusting liquids all day.

Don't get so offended by shit that is posted on an anonymous board faggot.

But not as dumb as niggers

>Do you prioritize life over all in every situation, or only for cases where the defects are slightly more benign like Downs?
In every situation

thats nice but the kid is still retarded

You are disgusting