Evening Sup Forums,
What's your opinion on the doll test? What does it prove?
Now I forget. Is the doll test the one where you place blacks in front of a mirror to see if they recognize their own reflection?
No, they ask kids if the black or white doll is the smart one, pretty one, ugly one, etc.
Thats the mirror test. Some ants have been known to pass while some African babies have been known to fail.
>Buy them a baby doll to look after and pretend is their own baby
>They're unhappy if it's a nigger
Gee i wonder why
well, that's fucking depressing
Oh, I remember. The doll test is the one where you talk to a black person and you can't tell if it's a robot or not.
Why does she have such freakish eyes
Yeah! That's the one!
ive heard of this can black people really not see there reflection in a mirror like vampires?
Their options and questions are loaded. They don't ask what they think of the dolls in an open way, and they ask "which doll is bad" or "which doll is pretty" leading them to only pick one. Without their guidance there is a good chance these choices would not have registered to them other than maybe which one was prettier.
Basically is psuedo-science and bad psychology/anthropology.
I know, right? Even at a young age niggers realise how worthless they are.
I think it's mostly just jungle tribes and shit but yeah it's true
Forgot to say that they only have white and black as options, there is a stark contrast... no gradient or variety even of the same color. It's essentially preying on the way a child's mind works to fit their agenda.
Damn, that was quite sad desu
>which is pretty? which is ugly?
>2 choices. black and white. Pretty and ugly.
meanwhile there 1000 fuckin genders. why not have 5 dolls? im sure the kids would like another shade besides white. fuckin loaded test doesn't prove insitutional racism it just proves the test is leading the children.
That kid is cute.
>inb4 Chris Hansen
Would run into a burning building to rescue.
>tfw forgot to put "inb4 butthurt niggers" in OP
But even the jungle tribes probably have some rivers, or buckets of water where they can see their reflection.
No it's baby whites can recognize their reflection at about a year where blacks don't recognize their reflection until 6. Has nothing to do with jungles, just baby brains.
That 'nobody is born racist' is just meme.
No, the properties of visible light aren't affected by blackness, though it is true that if you place a bucket of chicken behind them they will attack their reflection to get to it.
this is that fucked up and funny
>ask 1000 kids
>get a 55/45 ratio
>pick all kids that show racism
woohoo now we have some real racism issue on this planet