Women STEM hate general

I knew this girl a few years ago and she was honestly one of the dumbest computer science students I've ever met. People had to help her with almost everything. This, and she was a shrilly bitch who wouldn't stop complaining about discrimination. She once complained to a professor because a male TA gave her a bad grade for a midterm, even though her code didn't work. Apparently she's interning with Google now, and she insists it has nothing to do with the fact that she had a vagina.

Women in CS are even worse than poo in loos. Jesus Christ, I hope this women contracts Ebola. This is why we need another holocaust.

Other urls found in this thread:


How can we have another one if the first one never happened?


Women in STEM are a giant fucking meme. Except for the super fobby Chinese women who can barely speak English.

>driven, dynamic, smart woman
>smart woman

That field is already lost, is going to be the next sociology or some shit like that.

You will soon find that women are creating feminist compilers or some shit because C/C+/C++/Whatever is misogynistic or some shit.

I dare the moment they flood my field, but hard science are foreign to most women that run scare at the mere sight of an integral.

more women in stem is a very good thread

the dating pool after undergrad is fucking terribad. choose one: autistic woman, fetal alcohol syndrome woman, woman who doesn't speak english, married woman.

that's it. people who complain about this shit are obviously buttblasted undergrads who think they didn't get into some summer school because women took their place

As a student I thought the same but as a professional not having dating prospect as school worked wonders when I started my own company and began to took off. It is worth the trade off of being free of their presence poisoning the well than to have a lot of dating prospects as a STEM student.

Yeah it's pretty frustrating. I know several women and other minorities that were in my ME classes that I know had much lower grades than me and now they're interning and working for Lockheed, Raytheon, etc.

Found her LinkedIn:
>Google Community Leaders Program
Yeah, it's bullshit. Probably unpaid also.


Are there still people who go to college for CS? I thought that was just recently laid off fifty-somethings who try to reinvent their careers at community college.

The incompetence is spreading at every level. There's a reason why schools are pushing shit like Python over C++, and it isn't numpy.

Women at any workplace are useless. They delegate all their tasks and are completely helpless when it comes to making decisions and undependable in terms of giving you support.

Women, like some minorities (blacks mainly), don't mix well with the work environment. The fact that they're infiltrating so many of our companies and institutions just shows you how close we are to the ultimate societal collapse.

It's crazy to think even the Bible predicted this stuff with Adam and Eve.

Do you think you'd still have this perspective if you worked for someone else's company instead of starting your own?

The reason Europe is collapsing is because of all the female politicians.

Based men like Korwin are a dying breed.


Google would never do unpaid she's probably making 30+ an hour.

False. They do unpaid

>pushing shit like Python over C++

I refuse to believe that...th-there's no way that can be true...can it?

>Are there still people who go to college for CS?
imo, CS is a very good option IF you apply yourself outside of the classroom. Put in lots of time with personal projects, teach yourself new things and you won't know what to do with all of the job offers that come your way. Or just be a woman.

I work at a fairly large engineering company and every woman I work with is very competent except for the secretary.

I do remember really stupid women getting through uni without learning anything tho. Of course, there were men doing the same as well.

Not a single class in my bachelors program (at a top 10 CS school) required me to learn C++. We needed to learn very basic C for the first weedout course, but after that it was all Java and Python.

>Google Community Leaders Program


Granted I graduated 3 years ago and was an EE with concentration on CE so didn't take every typical CS course, but that just seems absurd to me.

Well I would conceded that having a succesful company open me doors that may have been shut forever otherwise and that working as a wageslave wouldn't possible help me open them until too far into the game.

Still I knew of some coworkers that found really good partners by basically just waving their titles in some minor courses of languages and shit, though they did had to weed out all the bat shit crazy nu-fems.

>fell for the computer science meme
>calls others "stupid"

What? Seriously? I am a Civil/industrial engineer and even we learned some C++ and basic programming. But you guys studying Computer science didn't learn C++? What the hell?

>driven, dynamic, smart woman
>who doesn't black others for her failures

She has a point. There is a lot of women. A lot. About half the entire population is women. Problem is, they are lazy, shortsighted and whine too much. This is incompatible with STEM.

Typically when I pay to get an education on a given subject I'd expect to not have to teach myself that subject on the side.

Debating attending Turing Bootcamp (currently a EE). Thoughts?

t. making $40 as software engineering intern

In case you nerds haven't figured it out, women don't actually want to work or to have to think, they want to just be babymakers sitting at home all day. They got duped into this shit by the jews through feminism. Feminism has literally destroyed western civilization in every single aspect and now we have to deal with incompetent, lazy female coworkers as a result.

Yeah for object oriented program we use Java/Python now. There is the occasional elective AI class that uses Lisp or something but aside from a single weedout course with C and another course with Ruby, every class I took used Java and Python.

don't pay for anything outside of your degree. everything you need to learn is free online.

Computer Science has some of the lowest job prospects (just above nuclear engineering) thanks to the massive pool of recent graduates

It also has some of the lowest worker satisfaction ratings of any stem field

Sounds like you got lucky

Learn basic algorithms and data structures, couple javascript frameworks (recommending angular 1 and nodejs + express) and you can work in software engineering.
This entire field will take less effort than a single DSP class.

Meantime you are unemployed

30 an hour is basically unpaid. I wouldn't work for that.

Oh yeah, I'm currently software engineer with EE degree. You got a bachelors', you are in, no one cares if it's not CS.

again, see
i got a good internship and will get a good job because i worked my ass off on open source/personal projects.


And here you are, shitposting on Sup Forums to other numbskulls trying to get comfort for the fact that she became something and you're some wasted nothing that she would probably laugh at.

Oh well, you can at least find comfort in the words of cashiers, NEETs, teenagers, and old religious curmudgeons who will share your hatred of any woman.

Literally take a couple of EdX or Coursera courses for free instead.

You will learn the same shit, and at your own pace too.

Mechanical engineer here. Most women in ME go into bull shit administrative "engineering" positions. They can do the math, but they can't do the engineering or bridge concepts at all. The few that do go into the technical aspects of engineering know their shit though. STEM is one of the only fields you can't really get into without knowing what you're doing.

I'm an EE. A female project administrator was promoted to manager at my work, and within a year over half of everyone quit because she's a fucking terrible boss and doesn't know shit. This was one of my first red pills.

Yeah was debating learning angular, ruby, python, and maybe some javascript. I'll look into it. Just need to find some projects that are worth it and interesting.


those of us who go outside have anecdotes. you keep using tweeter to form your concept of reality, jessica.

Can I take my courses in Java instead of C++ or will the C++ jocks flex nuts on my FOB asian gf and cuck me with their pointer power?

>those of us who go outside have anecdotes.

Everyone has anecdotes, retard. And it's laughable that you would bring up going outside considering how many shutin NEETs this board has.

>you keep using tweeter to form your concept of reality, jessica.

I find this funny coming from someone who frequents a board that bases their entire world view on the internet.

He isn't wrong thought that most females have it a lot easier on the STEM fields even while taking the classes by positive "discrimination" by professors and other students. Besides the positive effect of being a female in a saucefest environment.

>was debating learning angular, ruby, python, and maybe some javascript.

I'd suggest you drop ruby. Others are solid. I'd learn python first just to get some general programming concepts, then I'd focus on JS. Learn angular/react, express, node (all JS), become familiar with MongoDB then start making web apps.

There are no mandatory C++ classes. Almost every class uses Java instead, and those are slowly switching to Python.

The next generation of programmers are a waste. Humanities only hope in advancing computing can only come from the hardware guys now since you can't meme your way out of semiconductor fabrication.

>go to her github

There were two grills in my CS class they acted like everyone else, didn't talk at all except to ask an occasional question.
one was fat as fuck the other was qt.

I'm not sure they were any good or even passed, but I assume they did the class was easy as fuck

My school completely dropped C++ because if you didn't know any of it beforehand, you pretty much failed

right :-)

laughter is not an argument, jessica.

>years company starts up
>hires men
>men build a stable system and the company survives
>over time men make small improvements
>system is great
>wymon stronk
>company fires men
>company hires women
>"company is so great women good with tech"
yea ok..

Pls be joking Pls be joking Pls be joking


VLSI and HDL are not even considered parts of CS anymore. It's EE or that new field, computer engineering.
We will eventually make C equivalent be some sort of microcode that is only generated by the CPU and let higher level languages concepts like objects, functions and closures into assembly in some new amd64 instruction extension set.
It's possible and I'm afraid it's the way to go in the future.

>links an empty github

so is she scared of other people viewing her code or is she even more retarded?

It's beyond nightmare mode user. Pic related.

Honestly I hope CompE really takes off as a separate field. FPGA design is fantastic for IoT. Also, most systems engineers in industry already develop their own higher level language using C or assembly anyways. They are the hope of the future.

tfw EE and took required Digital Logic class during second to last semester and realized it's probably worth learning vhdl/verilog to get fpga jobs but was msotly shit at even the schematic design in Xilinx .__.

I did CS and we did C and assembly, but not a lot of it. Mostly it was Java, so he's not joking.

I haven't had problems with women in CS. The most problems I've had were from transwomen in CS, but there is an intersection of trans and faggot-ass tumblr memettes that happen.

Unless you at least have a masters in EE or CompE, you're not getting anywhere near FPGA design jobs.

Intel realizes that most undergrads blow through VHDL without understanding it, kinda like Simulink in MATLAB.

And fuck machine code. I don't even know how I got passed that part. I never want to count ticks again

I don't think there's any way to be good at that. I had an exam on that stuff earlier today and I have an interview for a major company that expects me to do that stuff for 6 months on an internship.

>tfw joined EE cause i didn't want to be a code monkey
did i fall for the meme?

I haven't had problems either, but all the ones I have worked with are chinese, so...

I think CS is the canary in the cold mine for STEM fields once we start to hear that feminist are building their own programming language because the C family and the rest are white privilege languages is the moment we should burn our colleges and basically either invent traveling to outer space or let the fucking retards take over the STEM fields as they did the soft science fields and basically drive our civilization into oblivion.

I was compE and did mostly hdl in school now I work as an EE doing fpgas/asic...oh and the women are mostly administrative and they're still terrible at their jobs

Don't confuse a complete lack of respect for hatred.

if it wasn't already, cs is now officially the major for casuals

>cold mine

Unless you want to work at the power plant or the patent office for $60k a year, you have to go to grad school.

Or you can get a job in consulting with no hopes of ever climbing the company ladder and topping out at $80k-$90k.



is it worth it to seriously put effort into learning vhdl/verilog considering I'm an EE who has never had an internship yet and just graduated?

Like, what do I even make with this knowledge to add as "projects" on my resume to get jobs and stuff...

>this is why we need another holocaust.

what, for women? go back to /r9k/ faggot. if women don't respect you it's your fault, no one elses.

good, I guess, as long as you'll shut the fuck up and work
lol, who cares
you're hired

>don't question my competence again
what a fucking cunt

I mean you'll survive the impending dot com bubble working for the power company

>7yr gamedev field survivor

I only see female tech artists learning python, we never even see programmers who have touched c++ beyond 25-30y/o white male backend engineers.

The best you can hope for on a resume is c#, with "project experience"

Women we employ, always, without fail, need a strict task sheet, and oversight. They are incapable of being given an input API, and required output (structs, events, etc).
You pretty much have to give them pseudo-code, that you could flesh out in a damn week, as a month long task.

>cold mine
Oh shit... I am ashamed of myself.

>as never had an internship yet and just graduated?
YES, a lot of older systems are being redesigned using fpgas/asics doing all the gruntwork that used to be done by discrete components like op amps, transistors, etc

>don't ever question me or my gender's competence ever again

Started at U of Iowa and CS1 and Data Structures are Python. Transferred to Colorado State and everything is in Java inshallah

>in STEM field
>comprised of about 50% chicks
>program requires an averaged, minimum 3.0 gpa and a peer-reviewed thesis + defense in front of a panel, internship and the awarding of at least one science related grant
>constantly talk to the dudes in my program about the challenges of some of the classes we are required to take
>conversation always ends with a shrug and a 'suck it up faggot, work harder' attitude
>the girls in the program have poor study habits
>always sitting around gossiping
>constantly bitching about how hard everything is
>dress like sluts and sit in the front of the classes, cleavage and tits everywhere, booty shorts, braless, you name it- no shame at all
>always asking dumb or irrelevant questions
>follow up with a giggle and some 'oh yeah, like oh my god' response
>always get prerequisite class over rides from the thirsty professors while the male students must meet the requirements
>these women will graduate and be coddled by the first company they apply for, irrespective of the management being run by a man or a woman
>strong wymen; vote for Bernie

Nobody has ever been quinning her way up the ladder as obviously as this

yeah women are basically mildly retarded versions of men

In my class we were basically just given an FPGA training board full of switches and LEDs and stuff, and then told to make stuff.

>women suck at STEM, can't get into STEM
>women get free rides, diversity hires, and universities basically beg them to major in STEM (because they don't want to be called misogynistic)
>"I never blame others for my failures! All of my success is because of me!"

No, I resisted being a code monkey for a long time as well, but in the end I had to either get into web dev, government job, or just wait. Waiting was out the window because I needed money, and my security clearance came in just as I was finishing my paid bootcamp program.
I thought about it for a little while and decided to stay in enterprise. We'll see where this will end.

Not at all worth it. If you don't have a MS or PhD in EE/CompE no one will hire you for those skills. It's better than nothing and shows that you're capable of doing things other than KVL/KCL but that's kinda it.

Also, if you're having trouble finding jobs, look for quantitative analyst positions instead. I did EE+CS and I ended up crunching numbers for a local real estate development firm. I made $74k a year when I started and now make $88k a year two years in. You'd be surprised how many employers in the financial sector would jizz themselves over hiring an EE. Off the bat, you're more qualified to crunch numbers than any business/econ/math major.

Sadly my experience of CS is that you have to learn yourself. The way CS is taught is a fucking disgrace. I suppose everyone any good in the field fucked off to earn a load of money in tech and only the shit ones stay to teach it.

> But CS isn't programming user

Just fuck off. No one does CS for any other reason than to work in the sector.

you happen to know of any useful online resources/tools/courses/lessons for adequately learning either language friendo? I'd seriously appreciate it. I did some cursory searches for it and asked a professor but neither yielded obvious results

OP I went for an interview down in philly there was 3 people including myself for a mid level .NET job

You could hear all the question being asked. The first guy went in stammered a bit but knew his shit. The lady went in did not know anything. Blatantly told them she had never worked with any technologies she was using and only had off hand experience as she was a tester prior

At the second round of interviews it was me and her.

I ended up getting the job offer but turning it down. Went in to say hi and pass some contact info for a friend who would be perfect and she's there she got the job.

I just ended up leaving without even seeing anyone.

The female managers I've had needed to be managed as they always made themselves hyper ventilate at any task no matter the difficulty often pinned the work on others.

Hell had one female co-worker who would work late. I'd help her out on occassion. And eventually she got promoted for seeming hard working when in fact she had no idea what she was doing.

Women in CS is like having a fine vase that you use to store coins.

Note: that is on average, the best developer I've met was a woman, hideous truly terrifying but a woman none the less. And she never climbed up the rank despite that.

Let me guess, biology?

And when I say paid, I mean I was paid by my employer to learn web development by doing labs and watching shitloads of pluralsight videos on double speed and anime.

I dropped out of CS and some of my friends went through with it and are currently without jobs.

My school currently offers its main programming sequence in both C++ and Java.
Is Java acceptable, or does anything less than C++ make me a pathetic loser who should stop coding and kill myself?

If I were wanting to get into fpgas, I would just get a dev board of the many xilinx variety and practice building different things on it... i do a lot of timing and logic shit so maybe you can building a vga controller or something to teach the very basics

The reason is outside of intensive work (physics, rendering, OS's) and updating old programs it's really not that necessary, especially when C#/Java/probably python are multi-platform..