If Trump wins, Clinton voters can just move to Canada

If Trump wins, Clinton voters can just move to Canada.
If Clinton wins, where could Trump voters go?

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to War


Into FEMA camps

Away from populated areas, preferably a tank of gas away from all urban centers and freeway connections between them. Hilltops or large, flat expanses are best, preferably near sources of fresh water.

Russia or Civil War

Liquidate assets then move to early retirement in Argentina/Chile


Sounds like my place.
Anybody needs a place to crash, hit me up.

To Costco, where bulk quantities of ammo are sold at discount prices

This is terrible OPSEC.


wtf u think is this? Fucking Silk Road? FUck outta here nigga before i pop my 9 into your butt

Probably Belarus, according to that one dude who keeps talking about how based Belarus is just because it's 99% white even though it's actually a totalitarian shithole


>Clinton voters can just move to Canada

we have enough cucks as it is

you keep your trash

>If Trump wins, Clinton voters can just move to Canada.
Why is it liberals never want to move to Mexico?

i literally said this out loud before clicking the thread

I could give you my address and you still couldn't find my place.
Google earth won't even help you.


It's 99.9% white *because* it's a shithole. Northern Russia is like that too. Moscow, for example, is not a shithole, and it's full of muslims.

Because they are racist and want to move to a more white country.


Cross the border and help us fight fggt

You're still inviting unidentified people into your general area. Blind squirrels and all that.

They can come to Canada as well

But for your own sake, avoid Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, Vancouver. Yes just like your country are capital cities are shitholes as well

Reeducation camps.

>If Trump wins, Clinton voters can just move to Canada.
>Trump wins
>Clintons go to Canada
>Trump builds wall below Canadian border, with the help of the Mexicans.

They'll find 5 trillion acres of pine trees.
I lived in Vegas for a decade, my apartment complex there had more people than the nearest town to me.
What are they going to find?
Blind squirrels die of starvation eventually.



Terry Davis?

I say we go down to Mexico.

Post it then, faggot.


I'm hopping over to Japan personally. No fuckin shitskins over there.

In Japan you are a shitskin.

To suicide

The Tundras. People of color wouldnt be able to survive the harshness of winter we thrived on.

Can we do a trade? We trade you our cucks for your based shitlords?


I did. 31049
My address doesn't exist (property was split off a farm from 1899).
Eventually maps will update, but right now only the local mailman knows where I am (because I showed him).

Just the state alone suggests you are very close to lots of blacks. Get ready for the golden horde

We stay in the US, because we're not a bunch of faggots.

My area is 99.2% white.
Atlanta is all niggers, rest of Georgia is as white as a fucking fathers day festival.
The niggers that you do see still remember jim
crow laws.

Ted Nugent

To war.


we wait for the inevitable watergate 2.0

remember: we are living in the neo 70's. rampant drugs and crime and liberal policy, SJW's and the entire social justice scene is the neo hippies, (complete with tree hugging and free love)

the only question is whether we are at the Nixon stage or the Carter stage. And with someone like Clinton running, and the fact that we have not yet begun the next decade, It seems very much like we might be heading for a nixon 2.0.

Hillary gets elected, serves 1 term and gets impeached for some scandal, leading to a trump presidency which heralds in the neo 80's.

although trump's age is an issue... Regan was 69 when he became president. Trump is 69. if he doesnt nail it now, he'd be 73 by the time the 2020 elections, which would be too old

>If Clinton wins, where could Trump voters go?
Come Home.


>white as a fathers day festival

There must be war.



>Atlanta is all niggers

I finally looked it up. You're 160 miles away from Atlanta, or 1/3 of a tank of gas in an Escalade, 1/2 of a Chrysler 300 with Bentley badges glued on. I will press F for you

>this post was completely pointless and added nothing

>tfw keep expecting the laser beam version

I assume they would just all move to one are of the country and secede.

Just cause liberals quit when they don't get what they want doesn't mean I will. I love this country more then being a retard narcissist


Liberals pretty much have all of Europe, Canada, and, let's face it, most of the world with policies they want. Instead, they just want to corrupt America, because it is never enough

I own 3 vehicles, all are single digits on fuel mileage.
So my perspective is different than yours.


>inb4 fuck off we're full
I don't care...coming anyways faggot.

Then prepare to be shipped to Nauru.

Lmao every ga town is inundated with country blacks outside Atlanta.

Ive literally gone weeks without seeing someone non-white.
30 minutes away my buddy lives in a town with dindus chillin in front of the liquor store all night, but not in my area.

to their rifle cabinets to clean out the clinton voters.

First post best post.

>more white
>a fucking leaf
pick one as they are as bad as we are.


>If Trump wins, I'm moving to Canada

That translates to

>If Trump wins, I'm moving to Toronto

Lefties have the worst empty threats, I remember hearing this shit all the time for both of Bush's terms. Not a single one ever did. They must think they can border hop and stay indefinitely like Mexicans.


I clicked on this thread to post this. Trump bless you, user.

>Not a single one ever did.

A lot did.

This. We won't pussy out and abandon our homeland.

>tfw American of taco descent

I'd be a spy or saboteur for Trump but I'm a bit to tall to pass off as a mexishit being a cunt hair away from 6'1.

I can translate to the mexishits that they're about to be gunned down for you guys at the front lines at least.

10/10 would fight for our god-emperor.

suicide pact

Come to western Canada and fight in the upcoming war of independence

DOTR when?

You forgot cuckgary. Literally has a Muslim mayor. Also the most smelly depressing shithole of a "city" I have ever had the misfortune of visiting

Avoid Toronto or cuckgary at all costs

Just for the glory of fucking with Hispanics, I'd be in favor of this.

texas and secede


That is a losing battle user, nice meme though.


To the fallout shelters. Putin will cleanse the U.S..

On the bright side once liberals fuck up the earth they'll be forced to look towards space to find something to fuck up.

I may get a qt Asari waifu just before the SJWs take over.

>tfw I'll take a southwestern babe as a war trophy
Except, less Soviet and Nanking

Based. Hold the line Ausbro. Despite your cuckold government and the existence of Melbourne you are our last hope.

I go to Savannah about once a week and see tons of non-whites. Fifteen minutes north in SC around Hardeevile there's nothing but Mexicans.



Australia!!!! we have an ocean wall around our whole cuntry if your a real red blooded American get over here and make Australia great!

Civil War


To Mexico.
Make Mexico Great for Once.

But I dont want to be a coal miner or on the dole

Even though we are the birthers of SJWism, PC, nigger-lovers, etc...

We are the next major step to conquer entirely for the jew world order. The last is obviously Australia but luckily they're full ;^)

like fucking clockwork

God a civil war 2 would be amazing but would never happen

>dat rise in English imigration
fleeing the muslim hordes i see

The nation of Texas.