Really makes you think... Huh
Really makes you think... Huh
an unwrapped one...
you aren't a piece of candy you are a smelly brown body that sweats and shits
go back to the fucking desert
So they're saying women are just objects to be used, digested then shat out for empty calories?
second post best post
unwrapped now i can eat it without unwrapping it
I can see her hands and face, BEHEAD HER!
most muslim girls take it up the ass before they get married
>Would you prefer a wrapped candy that has possibly been jizzed/spat/shat on and placed backed in the wrapper or an unwrapped candy where you can see its condition?
Only if they come in sets of 2.
It made me think so much omg.
What did she mean by this?
a candy that wont explode
Would you rather some dumb 80 iq caveman of a whore from a violent, caveman culture, or an actual human being?
It's the smug shitskin face that does it for me
>he still sleeps
More like comparing a brand new off the line car and one that's been warn in enough to work out all the kinks.
Fucking worst argument yet.
Unwrapped of course. How the fuck will you eat a wrapped candy?
i dont take candy from niggers anyways
Yeah but that candy is in a jar guarded by jealous men who will get violent for even wanting to have a piece of that candy
you can marry a girl that's both a virgin and not a thirld world shitskin
>Muslim women
>virgin until marriage
>absolutely obedient to husband
Why the fuck does Sup Forums have a problem with this? Make up your mind, retards.