Why can't woman invent anything?
Are they stupid?
Why can't woman invent anything?
I wouldnt say they are stupid, its just that most women lack the thirst for knowledge.
women are dumbasses
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>Why can't woman invent anything?
You mean... like a clock or something?
Well they invented drama
Most inventors have an incentive for their motivation... like pussy.
First post, best post.
women can be very smart - but only book smart. They can do well on a test but dont have the creativity to create anything new. Also why they never have any interesting hobbies or like building things.
>mfw women tell me they can do anything
>mfw I tell them to name 3 relevant female scientists besides marie curie
ada lovelace
Bill Nye sorta counts right?
Emmy Noether
That Muslim chick who won a fields medal last year
Ingrid daubechies
They invent people.
Marie curie was not even a real girl, she had asperger syndrome
Fp definitely bp.
They invent drama
They aren't wired that way. Joy for them comes from obsessing over a man and having children......let's not forget workplace gossip.
They aren't book smart either.
They are just better at doing other things like sucking dick
Leave bitch.
underrated post
I hate bill nye so much he doesn't even use reason In his videos. He just says everything as smug as possible because you know he was the science man on the tv in school. I hope he dies.
I don't invent shit every morning, I just produce it.
And Grace Hopper, in the same field.
they invented prostitution user
yeah, even the lesbians have a guaranteed pussy
Men have always been the bread winners, they've had a reason to make things easier/better since they're the ones who benefit from it the most.
They invent adorable babies with their delightful vaginas.
This is exactly what they should be doing and we should not be making them feel bad because they are bad at math and fighting a music and writing and telling jokes and sports and government policy.
So are the men who always could just live in their houses in security taking care of the children and being provided by the women who fought wars, built houses and stuff?
Evolution. They have a single evolutionary job which is to raise children.
This drives women into the middle of the bell curve. It's why 9/10 Darwin awards go to men and it's also why men are 99% of the inventors and innovators.
Human males are genetic gambles to see what works best. It's why men are smarter, dumber, more violent, less violent, focused, less focused and generally fill the whole range while women sit in the middle.
Actually a pimp probably did
There's quite a few women scientists inventing things right now. More than a few of them are chemist and microbiologists.
I know this because I like to cyber stalk scientists.
Didn't they invent peanut butter or something?
>I don't know what "invent" means
They have been seriously fucking our shit up ever since they invented feminism
Pic related discovered polonium and radium, and radioactivity in general. Rare example, though
You mean her husband did and she took the credit for it
There are far more men than women with the intelligence required to invent something revolutionary. Women are more averse to risk than men. Women have the option of being supported by a man instead of earning a living for themselves.
Why are there superscripts on those chemical formulas?
And that epsilon in the electric force equation really needs to be epsilon-nought. There's lots of epsilons.
Also, in the lower left it looks like there's a carbon with 5 bonds.
Who make this shit?
Citation on these magical women inventors pls
Not intelligence, just a lack of ambition. They have less pressure to be successful or innovative.
A woman invented Kevlar. And the paper bag folding and gluing machine. There are a bunch of others.
Women do/did invent shit, just nowhere near the rate at which men did.
they're smart when it comes to interpersonal relationships, it's why they are so good at social media
>women invent women things
Typically they are interpersonal smart. Like the other poster but I have come across many book smart people who were women. The PI I did my cell biology research under was a woman and a brilliant Harvard graduate.
underrated post
>invent shit
Typically, no. But given the right circumstances...
>interpersonal smart
so they're good at aping at each other, got it.
>implying mathematics is a fucking science
math is god tier
science is nu-male tier
everything else is woman tier
The women that actually invent useful products like X-ray and Kevlar are few and far between
get over it.
It's not that women can't be smart. Though, not as smart as men at the upper ranges, obviously. Nor at the lower ranges as someone has pointed out. It's not as if you need to be a genius to invent something. I would imagine that the majority of our day to day inventions and discoveries were by men of slightly above average intelligence who were looking for Something Better or A Better Way To Do The Thing.
It's in this respect that women are fundamentally deficient. Prompt them to find a way and they might sorta struggle with it for a while before failing or, every now and again, one of them will come up with something. But unprompted? Not a chance. Their default posture is acceptance in all things, except in relation to their mate and progeny. That's when they're *full* of ideas on how to make things better.
This is due to the fact that, from an evolutionary perspective, being able to get on your knees and suck the invader's cock next to your husband's slain body would maybe save your life and the life of your children. Women can turn on an emotional dime when under existential threat.
Men have to be useful. If they find a way to be useful, they are elevated within the tribe. If they're not, they're reviled and exiled as dead weight.
Read Roy Baumeister's essay Are Men Any Good. The clearest disposition on differences in gender achievements you can read.
I love his example of childbirth. For countless millenia, men were excluded from the process of childbirth. And, for countless millenia, the infant and mother mortality rate remained static as knowledge was passed from Grandmother to Mother to Daughter. Within a few years of men being allowed to observe births, they had analysed the main causes and deaths dropped dramatically. The one area of exclusive female endeavour and they couldn't figure out how to stop themselves dying. They just accepted it as the Way Things Are. That's their fundamental failing. And that's why Men Rule and Girls Drool.
see pic op
They do invent things . its just they give the credit to men because they know men are less intelligent.
also worth mentioning, all her scientific achievements are from projects where her partner was her husband
could very easily just be that she did 1% of the work
>said the huffingtonpost, where you need a team of 20 women to do a 3 men job
top kek
>a gender that makes up half the world's population has invented a few things here and there
Amazing insight, Canada.
they helped invent the dna
The swallow the DNA, Canada.
I've taken after pets and children a few times in the past, mostly pets, and I actually think that women have evolved to be scatterbrained and constantly active in order to feel more satisfaction from the job of caregiving. Holy shit it was exhausting for me because I just wanted to zen out for at least a few hours each day. even doing manual labor allows that, but apparently not babysitting. video games are also incredibly inducing to getting more eclectic imo, so its not surprising that women don't like them either
it compromises their brain towards a narrow scope of reality whereas men span a much wider range of imaginative possibilities. we don't need as much literal stimulation because we already have a lot of internal stimulation
They invented blow jobs.
Nothing better then blow jobs. Women win sorry mate.
>google female scientist
>Sup Forums was wrong again
every time
How's that Wi-Fi?
>they invented blowjobs
gay men probably invented that
my fedora is tipping on its own