ITT: Directors who ruined their careeer before it even started

>only one movie under his belt
>given the reigns to Fantastic Four
>offered to direct Star Wars Boba Fett spinoff
>threw it all away in one tweet

Other urls found in this thread:

I think he was fucked well before the tweet. That was just him salting the earth so nothing would grow again.

If I was offered to direct fucking Star Wars, I would kept whatever private issues I had well, private instead of publicly humiliating myself on the eve of probably the biggest score of my entire career.

what Happened. What did he write?

Nolan, he made a movie out of order because otherwise hes an exposition faggot

He was already booted from fantastic 4 by that point because of his incompetence. Obviously posting that tweet was destructive for his career, but there's no way he would have got that star wars movie by that point regardless.

I think this is guy the guy who said the "
empire is white america" or something to that effect

apparently he would go around destroying paintings in the house he was given to crash in and trashing it in general.

i love it when rude and disrespectful cunts get brought back down to earth. fuck him.

rip your career faggot gg no re.

reminder hes making a gangster flick with tom hardy

reminder tom hardy gave inarritu the old right there fred for being a cunt

How the fuck did he land that?

Substance abuse problems bring down a lot of talented people.

>How to Get Tranked

Sign on to Fantastic Four, a property known for kitschy 60's esque family comedy and weird space adventures. Pitch a dark, Cronenberg-esque reboot where the main characters are horribly and painfully mutated. Somehow succeed.

When Fox realises what a mistake this is, producers interfere with pre-production and filming to reel it back from grimdark territory. Take out your frustration on your crew and cast, lock yourself away in video village and refuse to speak to anyone. Get high before filming.

In the nice apartment rented for you by the studio, get super pissed off and wreck the place with your girlfriend. Let your dogs tear up the place and smear dogshit on the walls before you leave. This causes a major Fox exec to have to personally apologise to the landlords for your behaviour.

Fox sees the cut of your movie, and it's awful. They desperately order reshoots, removing the entire second act of the movie, and try to remove depressing meandering and inject some energy into the movie. It doesn't work - it's a sinking ship.

Get locked out of the editing room for subsequent edits because of your unprofessional attitude and the shitshow your first cut was. You're only allowed on set for reshoots because of DGA requirements, but Kinberg and Vaughn run the show.

Get pissed off that your real chance to prove yourself has gone so wrong. You know the movie sucks, you send out an email to the cast to try and rally them, and they tell you they know it sucks. Kinberg rats on you to Disney, who were going to hire you to make a Boba Fett movie - your dream project.

Fuck it, you won't stand for it. You tweet out the truth for the masses - that your vision was amazing, and the final film is shit.

It flops, and nobody backs you, not even Max 'Helicopter Parents' Landis. Nobody will hire you because you could sabotage another production. You're just known for being a stoner, unpredictable, flash-in-the-plan hack.


Another career destroyed by DUDE WEEED

does it really? i feel like the drugs have a talent all on their own

Hes doing a Tom Hardy movie next.

>offered to direct Star Wars Boba Fett spinoff
>threw it all away in one tweet
the way things are going over there he dodge a bullet there


Chronicle 2 when?

So he's nothing more than a spoiled brat retard?

I thought the story was way different and he was the victim here.

He lucked out with that shitty found footage Akira ripoff and had literally nothing else to contribute to the world of cinema.

Good riddance.

I saw Trank at a restaurant here in New Orleans while "Fant4stic" was filming. I was with my girlfriend when we heard this beat-up car screeching to a halt and occupying two handicap parking spaces. Out comes Trank, with bloodshot eyes and two street corner prostitutes in each arm. He tips the waiter a $100 to roll a red carpet for him, struts to his table and then uses a string to yank the $100 bill out of the waiter's pocket. Then he sits on the table and puts his dirty, mud-covered boots on the clean table towels and flaunts some nickels for his date to make out.

He orders five stakes, one for himself and puts the other four in a bag, saying he's going to pretend to give them to homeless people and then eat it in front of them. His dates are only allowed to suckle ice cubes and leave halfway through. He calls them "sluts" as they go.

He eats his steak while drinking wine straight from the bottle, then lights up a doobie and snorts salt for kicks. His blood pressure spikes and he has a seizure, but is aptly brought back by a paramedic on the scene. He relieves himself on the floor, and laughs his ass off when an old lady fractures her hip slipping on his waste. He then humps her while flipping off the American flag.

After going to the bathroom and loudly masturbating for roughly 30 minutes, he gets out without washing his hands, spits on a couple's soup, tells a little boy "heroes are dead", bringing him to tears, and yells "I AM A FUCKING DIRECTOR" while dancing on the tables and kicking expensive china so see the busboys dodging.

Before leaving, Trank takes notice of my girl and throws hot coffee at my face so he can leer at her, saying "I'd like to CHRONICLE your pussy, eh? Eh?" and nudging her on the arm. When she didn't respond, he beat the shit out of her while yelling for her to "watch his movies, the only good cinema left". He then brought his dogs to ruin the carpet while teabagging a copy of "The Avengers".

Seemed like a nice guy.

so how is it that a relative nobody with such a toxic personality is even given the chance to direct fantastic four in the first place?

How did Christopher Nolan, a man with 10 highly successful films, one of which has netted over a billion dollars and several others nominated for several awards, ruin his career?

To be totally fair though, I kind of blame it on the studio executives who hired a young director with one low-budget feature to his name, approved his pitch and his script, then got cold feet and tried to make a completely different movie when production was already rolling. If your version of events is true, it was really THEIR fuck-up. Trank was already in over his head moving from "Chronicle" to a $120 million studio shoot. Then at the last minute, they say "Throw all your pre-production in the trash and make something that looks like X-men?" They fucked him, and they fucked their own movie too.

I doubt his version of the movie would've been good, but it wouldn't have been the half-assed aborted mess that Fox released to theaters. You can literally pinpoint the exact moment in the movie where the director got fired.


That wasn't it at all. He threw it all away the very moment he made Human Torch black. He could have made a safe superhero movie and then went on to do a Star Wars movie, but he really wanted to make a statement by doing diversity casting for the sake of being edgy.

That's not what happened. According to insiders, Trank was falling behind schedule and had no clear picture of what he wanted out of the movie's tone other than "Cronenberg-esque", reshooting scenes several times because he was indecisive about which tone to go for, not to mention he reportedly bullied Kate Mara throughout filming as her casting was imposed on him by Fox.

Even Miles Teller called him out on his asshole behavior, and Teller is a massive douchebag.

Disney would have given him a gold medal for that.

Honestly, it's a combination of Trank being inexperienced and handling pressure poorly, and Fox getting cold feet. Fox shouldn't have hired him in the first place to execute a vision that was never going to work, and then shouldn't have so hastily tried to push him around to make something completely different. But Trank is also at fault for being such a shit to everyone around him, and executing something so shit in the end anyway. Also throwing everybody under the bus with that tweet - including all the below the line people who just wanted to help make a movie. I cannot understand why he has been given another shot with a Tom Hardy flick, unless he has some pretty powerful friends/connections. Like Landis-tier.

A similar situation happened with Suicide Squad, when the direction changed from somber/grittyish villain-driven grimdark movie to colourful Instagram caper movie. That doesn't mean the original cut of the movie was GOOD, just that WB thought the new cut would do better in theatres (and to be fair, it made a lot of money). Ayer was smart enough to keep his mouth shut and go along with it, even if he hated the changes - he can still find work after Suicide Squad, and if it makes money, all the better as it makes him more marketable.

>According to insiders
I think we're all just working off online rumors here, right?

Yeah, that guy is so retarded.

Reportedly he trashed a hotel room and created 100k in damages.
Allegedly he also appeared high as fuck on set.
He could've survived Fant4stic bombing, but you can't survive character auto-assassination.

>even if he hated the changes

Doesn't seem like he did.

However, it was rather hilarious how in the one week the movie got trashed by critics and the one week it had a notable second week drop, he filled his twitter with bibles verses and revolutionary quotes like "I'd rather die on my feet rather than live on my knees".

This is entertainting as fuck

It sounds like he's an asshole, and the tweet was definitely a stupid, unprofessional move. But I don't really see how it throws his cast & crew under the bus, it implies that they did better work than what ended up on screen. It was clearly just a shot at Fox, and a lame attempt to distance himself from his own failure.

I really did like "Chronicle," though, and I'm assuming an actor like Tom Hardy was willing to give him another shot on the strength of that film. Based on the information in this thread, he wasn't blameless in the mess that Fantastic 4 turned out to be, but the studio really dicked him around and it's their fault too.

>Max 'Helicopter Parents' Landis

>In the nice apartment rented for you by the studio, get super pissed off and wreck the place with your girlfriend. Let your dogs tear up the place and smear dogshit on the walls before you leave. This causes a major Fox exec to have to personally apologise to the landlords for your behaviour.
That's it. I'm gonna need some sauce.

Fantastic Four wasn't even that bad, you could clearly tell the studio changed the shit out of it. But i liked his take on it

Its really fascinating how stupid we are

*slow clap*

What I don't understand is why studios don't embrace "director cuts" more often. If the little faggot think his vision was so much better, let him edit it together and put his money where his mouth is. I don't see how it could cost the studio, if anything fanboys will biy both copies.

It's entirely their fault for hiring him for such a project, greenlighting something too radical to be a responsible investment, and then chickening out - they should never have accepted his pitch to begin with. He didn't know what they were getting him into, while they should have known.

It also informs low-info plebs that Josh Trank browses Sup Forums (and still likely does) and completely fucked up his life by telling us about the state of his shitty movie.

You say this, but they'll turn him into the next generic David O. Russell-style 'my moves are too ripe for some' hype auteur within the next year, you'll see. Screenshot this.

>unless he has some pretty powerful friends/connections. Like Landis-tier.

where did this meme come from

>akira ripoff
>not carrie

Fucking weebs, I swear to god.


Hey I live in New Orleans too, and I believe this to be possible.

Holy fuck did Fan4stic killed so many careers.

Hell, the guy who played Doom pretty much can't get a job anymore.

Michael B. Jordan literally lucked out because he had Creed in his back pocket despite turning down Straight Outta Compton

Also fuck Fox