If Argentina isnt white then why did Hitler secretly go there after world war 2?
If Argentina isnt white then why did Hitler secretly go there after world war 2?
Nobody would look for him in Africa.
Tee hee
>thinking austrians are white
Well put
I didnt say Hitler was white, wasnt he like a quarter Jewish? but he only liked the whites so it would stand to reason that he wouldnt have gone to Argentina if it wasnt white, therefore i have proven once and for all Argentina is white
>he only liked the whites
lmao, this is Jewish propaganda
One of his best friends was jewish, what are you talking about?
Ok maybe he likes Bolivians so thats why he went to Argentina
I bet you think the Nazis were racist too, or that racism is a bad thing, or that the Holocaust is real, or that global warming is real, or that Sandy Hook wasn't a government conspiracy
Why would he flee somewhere if he was already dying?
estaste butthurt, porque Uruguay no es blanco.
I also believe in flat earth
The idea that he was dying is anglo propoganda
This is something you have to underestand ameribros. at the beginning of the XXs argentina was almost 100% european and their military was up there in the top 10. they had really great matemathicians that contributed to the development of computers and cryptography for example. they had atomic capacity just a couple of decades after USA. they could have armed with the bomb if they wanted.
I will tell you something that you will never hear in your educational sistem, but america are two images of the same mirror. Here we fought the natives too. and we had slaves, and we conquered land and farmed and grew shit in it and hunted the cows too and shit, like your cowboys, there are gauchos in the patagonia. the culture is so similar if you look at it.
and that is why Bolivar wanted a united america
but the northern region aka USA did not want to share the continent, they sabotaged the unification of south america for decades, until the gran colombia fell apart.
Napoleon let bolivar know of his intention of escaping to south america after he was exilled but bolivar wrote him back there was no place for two, meaning that south america was already a new power being born
this is something a lot but a lot of politologist and internet think tanks just do not get, and do not ad to their calculations.
we are a wild variable in the chessboard
South america is literally a proto empire soon to be released if it master, aka USA and international kikkery, starts losing power.
A power to be released if you can ever stop murdering each other, sitting on your ass all day for free choripan from the gubmint or snorting blow all day long
you faggot actually believe in this
It's well known he flew in a flaying saucer to antarctica and hid in the earth's core
see that is what I am talking about. plain a simple ignorance. 100% murrican.
It is true that there are more poor and populated areas, aka favelas or villas or the hoods or slums. but it is also true that most of the knowledge of the USA is alive in south american nations. We may not have the best tech but we can manage.
Inn my country for example our only preocupations are stupid leftist politicians for example. we do not even have ilegals nor huge organized crime or full blown master kike good boy le president of freedoms.
but outside of that, we are pretty much first world.
I think we are in an age were the things that makes you a first or third world country have changed and are changing.
For example in uruguay like 90% of our energy is from renovable sources. we have fucking wind farms and like thre damns and solar panel farms.
we try to keep up with technology and even contribute somthing new by developing. we are one of the first in the rankings of software exportation in south america. we do a lot of apps and games and shit like that.
what I am trying to say, is that not all the world is shit and that maybe there are a lot of coutnries that are in one way or another a better place than the USA or EU
You are missing the fact that English people have a lower libido than Spanish, Argentina became "Mostly white" AFTER it was great, Spaniards didn't kill the Natives, they killed the males and raped the women
It was this influx of ideologically charged europeans what ruined our countries
They got here, saw that the leaders were white, the plebs were brown, and tried to fake they were the same kind of men than the ruling whites
But they weren't, ruling whites were descendants of old families who had been here since the start and new what the country was about
The new whites didn't know shit and brought with them all kind of retarded european ideologuies that didn't make sense here, they got into our culture an "european nostalgia" and a disdain for the brown people. That "at least we are not Peruvians" way of thinking
They ghettoed and behaved very like Jewish and Muslim communities do, the only difference is that they could pretend to be "old-school" and highjack our country with almost anyone (maybe Borges) noticing it
Argentina is about Natives falling in love with Conquistadors, North America is about genocide
Just look at the typical Gaucho, its the son of a native maid and a spaniard caudillo
Or the music: Spanish guitars and Native flutes or drums
There's nothing like that in the US, they were two distinct cultures, one which overcame the other
You know its pretty weird. But I was reading articles and seeing pictures done by german latin americans...of life in latin america during and after the war...and living through sanctions placed on the german communities there by usa...out of all the articles and pictures ive seen...the closest resembling person to hitler ive seen...comes out of a colombian german family.
> "white" countries
> safe
The picture gives man hat tan a whole nother definition.
The didnt have internet back then to check facts. Everything was hearsay. Hitler HEARD that argentina was white so he thought "yea ok Ill go there".
He probably really did kill himself when he got there though.
>Argentina is about Natives falling in love with Conquistadors, North America is about genocide
holy shit argentinians actually believe this haha