ITT, actors who are so amazing in their roles that you forget you are watching a show and not real life

ITT, actors who are so amazing in their roles that you forget you are watching a show and not real life.

Pic better be unrelated. That ugly nigress can't act worth shit.

kek post your face senpai


Her character is fucking pointless and feels forced for a non-hooker black female role, but she's a total qt.

Literally looks like an undiluted male gorilla.

I'd fuck any other actress on the show before this sheboon.


>Mfw when you feel so bad for Anthony Hopkins having to witness such bad "khaleesi" tier acting

MiB and Anthony Hopkins are the only reasons to watch that show.

Not even they make it watchable now.

I've never felt embarrassed about recommending a show before, first 2 eps were so good though.

Exactly correct