Anyone else enjoy seeing cool creature or monster designs in films and TV?
They don't necessarily have to only be scary/spooky designs ITT but I like the werewolfs from the Underworld series. Even better is when they are more than just "rar scary monster" and given personality quirks, eg Prawns from District 9
Liam Cruz
the hp3 werewolf was scary as shit when i was a kid desu
Adam Turner
Justin Lopez
That had to be the most boring design for a giant monster. The grey palish thing with long spidery arms.
Wyatt Nelson
Ryan Lopez
TARS was fucking great.
Austin Jones
Those things are undoubtedly interesting, shame that they got tons of backlash for overshadowing Godzilla
James Price
>have a large array of unique, creative, over the top monster designs to choose from already to fight Godzilla >make the most boring and unoriginal one you can instead
It's like this movie went out of its way to be dissapointing