Are Asian (Viet, Chink, Jap, Korea) honorary white ?
Are Asian (Viet, Chink, Jap, Korea) honorary white ?
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No, all you chinks lack empathy, which is a defining white feature.
the taller, lighter ones
No, they're chill though
Fuck no
pretty sure they are considered yellow, not white
Only South Korea. China is the worst by far.
Pretty much this except Korea. Koreans are honorary white for sure
south koreans and japanese are white-tier
don't include yourself with the superior asians tho
Who cares?
No. Asians are asians. They're definitely one of the better races and I have no problem with them, we can definitely be allies.
Asian tourists were "honorary whites" in Apartheid SA; those guys knew their shit
No. They do not look anything at all like the one you pictured. She is either plastic surgery or one in ten million.
>honorary white fever
nah, it's yellow fever
Nice try JIDF, I see the last gook slide thread just died
> honorary
That chick is more attractive than any white girl I've seen. At best, top tier white may be considered fit for Asian breeding.
North Koreans are
22mil zipper head spooks obongo and his Jewish allies everyday
>Surgery monkeys
>White tier
White? Nah, they're better than that.
forgot the most powerful race in the world there senpai
only ones culturally enriched by yuros
No, they're Asian, but most of them bring something instead of just leeching welfare like other minorities so they're okay, we have decent Vietnamese community and in 25 years I saw/heard only once Asian to go Vietcong for no reason and once to chase my classmate with machete but the faggot was asking for it, their only crime is tax evasion which I don't mind since they don't mooch welfare either, only thing I don't like is when they don't shut up when I'm browsing their goods and exporting most of money they earn here into their bamboo shitholes thus fucking over our economy.
lol who cares? If you're talking about light skin though, most of you don't have it.
No, they're not even human
All things being equal (the girl is attractive):
Chinese >>>>> South Korean > Japanese >>>>> Viet >>>>> Filipino > Thai > Other
Asians are the niggers of the East and not white. Many go through surgery to look more like us, but it is not so.
>average chinese girl being more attractive than korean or jap ones
You could make an argument for Taiwanese girls.
But for mainlanders? Hell no.
your women are hot but your men are such fucking manlets
sure IQ is high but oriental men dont fair too well with western women,other than whites they prefer spaniards,blacks and arabs as they tend to be more violent and agressive.
oriental men would get bred out its best to keep your women to yourself and away from us m8 they are a fetish to us.
but do i consider you white? yes and no..but slightly leaning towards no.
you are oriental....and that is nothing to be ashamed of i mean.
Not really, but they're decent
No, but Norks are badass and way better than plastic gooks.
its mainland chinks that are like that...japs and hong kong and singapore aint that bad
one of the reasons we watch anime is for the feels...they have the same capacity as us m8
>(the girl is attractive)
>(the girl is attractive)
>(the girl is attractive)
>(the girl is attractive)
>(the girl is attractive)
It was not an attractiveness ranking. "All things being equal" assumes each girl is a similar level of attractiveness.
Learn English, "American".
China has the most diversity
Koreans have the best bodies
Japan eww I don't even. they all look like trolls to me
t. Peng Xu
You did beat America in a war, so you're more white than them.
Japanese are the Americans of Asia
South Koreans maybe Canada tier or better
Vietnamese are like the Mexicans at best
Hmong are black people of asia
>It was not an attractiveness ranking
>ranks them anyways
sure thing cunt
South Koreans aren't nearly cucked enough to be Asian Canada.
If anything, they're the America and Japan is the Canada.
You're an actual imbecile.
Asians and Caucasians are closely related.
Subspecies of a modern human species.
Whereas negroids are a seperate primitive species.
According to taxonomy standards.
That's why you can find a genetically 100% Chinese woman that looks like she should be named tiffany and on the beach in San Diego...
Half nip reporting
Don't lump me in with southeast asian subhumans you fuck
No, and I don't want to be.
I'm surrounded by dumbasses regardless of what race they are.
From my experience, the smart ones in my MIT physics program are Jews and Chinamen, and this Puerto Rican faggot (literally a faggot) smarter than us all.
its also a defining white weakness. good to have empathy for your own people, not for everyone on the planet. its illogical and defies logistics.
>half-breed being condescending
Why are Canacucks and Americunts so much into Asians and racemixing?
OK, I understand Canada but what about America?
It's mostly you guys posting this shit.
>South Koreans
>not cucked
>Can't even unify their country and conquer a fat bafoon with a half-starved army to the north
Wew lad
That's funny. For a white Christian supremicist board who claims to be all white you all sure lack empathy.
she looks like a low rent kpop idol
Not most our women.
No, most of you cucks in the states hate whites. Especially young ones.
Only the ones that don't eat disgusting inhuman shit.
>fetuses, dogs , and cats
That's food for ghouls. Jew demon food.
We have a very high Jew concentration which encourages slideposting and multiculturalism.
Even the fat lezzy jew on NPR got audibly wet discussing how popular yaoi is.
>Hong kongers
Maybe,westernized Chinese
>southeast Asia
Definitely Not
>not cucked
I said not cucked enough, dumbass.
Japan has been the most cucked Asian nation since WWII.
>Why are Canacucks and Americunts so much into Asians and racemixing?
too much animu and brainwashing. Ban the Kpop and Anime filth.
No, but I like you guy anyway
Japanese are but the rest are fucked
Spaniards not white?
Today, we will remind them.
Why do you ask?
Chinese lack empathy but so do whites. Whites lack empathy as much as anyone.
Japs have more empathy than any other race.
Chinese? No because they're faggots.
Japanese? No because they're superior to whites. And because rice and tofu are delicious as fuck, especially together.
Japanese are fucking based.
God i love Japan, not even into anime.
That fat bastard also has enough artillery to turn both ROK and Japan into smoking craters. Point is, they definitely have the means to topple NK, but the risk far, far outweigh any benefits from doing so.
Unfortunate side effect of America directly rebuilding their country from the ground up.
Japs are depraved pedophiliac perverse scum, how could they possibly be honorary white.
Who the fuck cares?
>Chinese? No because they're faggots.
>Japanese? No because they're superior to whites. And because rice and tofu are delicious as fuck, especially together.
China is one of the most "traditional family values" countries in the world and we also eat rice and tofu together
Yes. A White man with Asian women is statistically the best coupling. We make the most money and we will rule the world while all you cucks fap to anime and yiff each other in dog-suits. Also, getting an asian qt is pretty easy if ur white--you literally just need to show up. Competing with hikikimori beta neet faggots is incredibly easy.
Traditional family values like drowning your child in the river because it was a girl?
Only Japs.
Congs, Chinks, and Kimchees are not.
They are white. Clearly.
Sure, they have more of a yellow tint when they tan than a reddish one, but that's a moot point.
Point is, they're white. Infact, I'd say superior white. "White" as in anglo/irish whatever is very prone to freckling and blemishes, poor skin problems and aging problems. Asian skin is white, but tans smoothly and evenly, the skin has the right amount of oil to stay hydrated and thus they age well.
I'd say honestly that eastern asia (Korea/Japan) are the pinnacle of current human evolution. Smartest, live the longest, buddhism is very peaceful and to the point.
East Asians are white people evolved, imo. The reason they look the closest of any race to Ayy Lmao's in popular fiction is also not a coincidence.
Because chinese cartoons.
>because they're superior to whites
top kek
The modern Japanese male is cucked beyond belief. Also their women are nowhere nearly as attractive.
koreans and japs are honorary aryans. The chinese are too uncivilized
EI know several Viet mail-order brides who are good people.
I had a very good time the few days I was in South Korea but cannot judge them one way or another.
I spent several years with the Japanese and they are good people, even if they are the most bigoted culture I've ever seen.
Chinese are like the Japanese but less honest, they'll put up a nice front whilst they backstab you. Basically the same difference between Second+ generation Americans and Irish immigrants.
But the Thai are scum. It's no wonder the Chinese tried to wipe them out, they're squinty gypsies. But worse.
Ah, you must be Quintessentially Australian. How civilized of you.
>Viet, Chink
You lost the war, by the way.
this, anime is degenerate trash and anyone that enjoys it on Sup Forums is in huge denial. weaboos deserved to be gassed desu
>repeating digits confirm
Ancient china was pretty based though. It was only after the Great Leap Forward they started fucking up.
If we call them white that term would be meaningless
Only Japanese and rich Chinese.
No, they're yellow. Only whites are white, there is no honorary white, just as whites aren't honorary asians or honorary blacks. Stop posting these shitty guaranteed replies threads and try providing something useful to talk about.