My uncle died recently and he left me wit this guitar.
We bonded over music but I have no idea how to play guitar.
I know it's a Gibson Les Paul but I don't know what year it's from. I've heard they can be pretty valuable if they are from the 60's.
My uncle died recently and he left me wit this guitar.
We bonded over music but I have no idea how to play guitar.
I know it's a Gibson Les Paul but I don't know what year it's from. I've heard they can be pretty valuable if they are from the 60's.
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Is there a serial number?
Send it to me
Lawyers and doctors will pay like 3 grand or more for it cause it says gibson on the top
it could be anywhere from 68-83 but looking at it its probably late 60s early 70s
If you sell it you are truly a worthless soyboy who deserves nothing of substance. If you want to honor the gesture, learn guitar. Seriously its a worthy discipline to pick up.
Looks like the DeLuxe was made from the mid-60's through the early 80s. Your Uncle's looks pretty old, tho. Lowest starting price on Reverb right now is around 1.5K and it only goes up from there.
It doesn’t have a whammy bar so you can’t do sick tricks like a dive bomb or a slayer guitar solo so it’s a worthless hunk of tin
He also left me this amp
Post a pic of the numbers on the back of the headstock
Jesus, your Uncle had good taste in gear.
My guess is a 1973 Les Paul Deluxe Goldtop. Thing is sweet man, you can tell he played the shit out of it
Found this in his house too. He didn't specify if I was to be given it. What is it?
Found a couple other guitars. I recognized two of them as Telecasters. The other was some old ass acoustic guitar, and then some old pedals, a voxx amp, and some other stuff.
Let's see that acoustic.
that's a fucking nice guitar, even better than the first
You better not sell any of this OP.
Lol 3 grand? For a 60s Paul all original more like 50k as a starting point.
>implying his uncle is real and this isn't just some fag bragging about his gear
Yeah, prolly one of those things he would regret in old age when all his loved ones have passed away.
nah senpai, Deluxes don't go for that much
Would like to buy
>3 grand
LOL. You might be to buy a brand new Gibson Les Paul for 3 grand but you can't buy a Les Paul from the 60s or 70s without mortgaging your house.
Bottom line, das good shit OP. Have it looked over by professionals.
ya'll are some dumb motherfuckers
The date on it says it's from '51
Nigga that's a Gretsch Country Classic. That's the guitar that Chet Atkins used to play holy shit.
If you want to honour your uncle, you will worship this. This is borderline relic. That is a beautiful guitar. Get some lessons or go on youtube. playing guitar is amazing , therapeutic even OP. Make that guitar your fucking life. Do it
you'll never have to work again op
Gonna point out this is common /k/ bait, claim to have inherited a shit ton of really crazy nice things and then say you're gonna melt them down for scrap
If you sell any of that stuff you are a humongous faggot, just learn how to play guitar, start here:
Serious response, google how to store guitars, and how to care for a nitrocellulose finish (what a Gibson has) properly so you don't fuck up a valuable guitar. Most people think it's "easy" and "common sense" but guitars, especially older ones, and their finishes are extremely sensitive to climate and storage conditions. You don't want to end up with a twisted or bowed neck, or cracked fretboard, etc.
Then, bring it to a vintage guitar shop (ie not guitar center) to get it appraised.
Sell all this stuff and buy a nice guitar and amp for a grand or so if you actually wanna play
I love guitars, but I suggest you sell those, so somebody can have them that can appreciate these instruments. You won't be rich afterwards, but I doubt there's anything you can do with them anyway.
Oh shit is that an archtop?
He can learn to play them and carry on his Uncle's apparently awesome legacy.
Google reverse image search brings back nothing.
this is sexy
Yeah, no. Life is not a movie
Given. But OP's Uncle wanted him to have these instruments, which I would imagine meant a lot to him. It would behoove OP to better himself and at least take the time to learn a few chords.
Are you lying?