When will this madness stop?
When will this madness stop?
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baby goes to doctor. has penis cut off. AUTISM. many such cases..
Sides. In. Spaaaace
>must be the Herpes
false link, Jews and Muslim are very inbred, both have tradition of circumcision, it's because of inbreeding.
>“All we can say at this point is that there is a statistical association between circumcision and autism,”
>“We cannot say whether it is a causal association or some spurious non-causal link for which we currently don’t have an explanation.”
>“One has to be very careful drawing any conclusions from studies like this,”
>If circumcision really did cause autism, Diekema said, one would expect the rates of autism to have fallen in recent decades along with circumcision rates. “In fact,” he said in the email, “we have seen just the opposite.”
woah... if this doesn't make you think, I don't know what will...
I don't know about autism, but I've heard it can cause mental problems if done without anesthetic. The pain fucks the brain up.
ok, tell me what you've learned there and I'll correct you
>chop dick off no anaesthetic it's just a babby his brain is dead. it doesn't work. he'll be fine. oh. he wasn't? must have been the thimerosol
Cock envy desu OP.
>breastfeed baby it's just a babby his brain is dead. it doesn't work. he'll be fine. oh. he wasn't? must have been the literally anything else
It is because whatever is causing autism is being done in america
Vaccines, Chemicals TV?
Mercury and dick chop-off are goot por brayns
I had a buddy who used to say "but they only take a little piece". Autismus Maximus
The Huffington Post is linked to autism.
u now what ur right who cares aboot reliyable studiis
as a matr of fakt lets haev all boy babbys born be surgikly strlized WIT ANNYSTESHIAH cuz haven so much testostroon in a boady is onli bad news
>you will forever be marked as a good goy slave
i will be eternally butthurt about this
Lol chloroform kills your balls. Cut em off instead. Are you a euthanasia fan?
>over 60% of BORN now are still receiving the mark
I always thought the America being a Jewish slave thing was just a meme
How did this happen?
>talking shit about Juden tricks
I don't know who's jewing who anymore
Restoration breh
>chloroform on a baby
You're splintering.
. (I also capitalized the first word)
nah i dont actually care about the dick sensitivity meme, it's the principle of it that bothers me as well as unknown effects that pain that early and intense could have psychologically.
the general mills man kiked us all because of his puritanical hatred of sex
I'm tired of having a dried up mutilated cut scarred dick. Fucking kikes have ruined it, jerking off sucks.
Omg! Genital mutilation of an infant is damaging! Who knew?
was yours botched or something?
I am pretty sure that John Hopkins did a study that wasn't widely reported that showed that antidepressant use during pregnancy was a huge factor in autism.
>tfw circumcised
>tfw legit diagnosed high functioning autist
>tfw knowing this is still bullshit
a link doesn't mean it causes it. they just vary together
granted, they're likely biased. why were they researching autism's ties to circumcision in the first place? they likely wanted to find this sort of result in order to push a narrative and an agenda. I say this as someone who's uncircumcised: these people are biased, and I wouldn't be surprised if this link turns out to be an unscientifically found one, or just within natural statistical variance