When will the inevitable race war happen? I have been waiting for 6 months, still has not come.
Dubs decides when it will happen
Trips decides who wins.
Praise Kek
our lord and savior
When will the inevitable race war happen? I have been waiting for 6 months, still has not come.
Dubs decides when it will happen
Trips decides who wins.
Praise Kek
our lord and savior
Other urls found in this thread:
Starts in december this year, not sure which day
thats all i can tell you
dont ask.
Arabs will win unfortunately
First off, why do you give yourself answers, and second, why dont you go on a killing spree and see how many white people that would join you?
The race war will happen in 2050 and white males will be wiped out and all the white women impregnated with Afro Arab seed.
March 2017
Is this a pepe for ants?
Does impregnating nigresses with white seed to weed nig genes out count as race war?
Maybe December? White people will win, we always do. Niggers don't have the heart for war, only crime.
When the racewars happen please don't kill me, I'm Hispanic.