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I knew they were shooting parts of Aquaman in Newfoundland but didn't know they were doing JL as well

>no crucifix
>no jesus imagery
>not even dark tint

how am i supposed to believe this shit?


did zack doodle that










this is triggering me. why are DC superheroes such brutish men? like they could tear you apart and beat you? I want my heroes fun and non-intiimidating and child friendly please





>when haters hating


Wow this movie looks all kinds of terrible


for you



The caption in Zack's post said it was in Iceland. I don't think he knows what's going on.


Holy shit, Batfleck is totally dead inside


What is this garbage?

Brought it on himself.

>fight to put the stigma that shitty movies like Daredevil put him under
>begin to make good directorial decisions
>The Town, Argo, etc.
>start getting taken seriously in Hollywood
>decide to star in Capeshit again

He's made a terrible mistake.

that sweater looks comfy as fuck, i want it

>all these fucking white males who work out
What the fuck? When will DC be as inclusive as Marvel?

Fuck yes Ben Affleck

but he didn't make a terrible mistake. the greatest irony is that BvS is one of the greatest capekinos of all time

They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun.




Are you kidding me? They turned aqua man from a GOAT aryan to a game of thrones meme acting shit skin that panders to numale and numale nerd culture

that lake house was the only cnofy thing out of BvS


>Authentic settings


There has literally not been an empty airport in the DCEU.

Leave superhero kino to me lads.

Another kino delivered

>flee twitter because you upset SJW hambeasts for pandering to them too much
>spend a million bucks on Hillary propaganda
>still lose the election

He's the alpha-cuck, the cuck that every other cuck is allowed to cuck before he himself gets cucked.
And somehow he's convinced himself that he enjoys this state of affairs.

>thread full of old ass images

Thanks for nothing.

There are lots of new images here you fucing autist!

No there aren't, these have been posted several times in the last couple months, YOU FUCKING NEWFAG

So Martian Manhunter isn't going to be in this is he?
Even if he was he would probably just get jobbed like in the animated series.

Being a J'onn fan is suffering.

Everyone jobbed in the animated series.

Biggest jobber was Flash.

At least flash had more screen time than him.

>can get a deal with the prestigious Turkish Airlines
>can't get filming privileges at an airport

I really wish they would fuck off with pushing Cyborg. He isn't even in the original seven. He's just there to google shit for batman. Affirmative action faggot.

Jason Momomomomomo seems like a good laugh

Cyborg replaced martian manhunter

I want to know where green lantern is.


Which one?

I'd be happy with any GL. Hal Jordan would be nice though.

He is. Even in Smallville he was lame.

I'd be happy with Guy Gardner so he can have bantz with batman. Then batman knocks him the fuck out.

Set photo released for Infinity War
Looks like this will be the new Avengers HQ

he's just the token black

she's hotter as a redhead

Why do heroes need such a large parking structure?

To Cyborg's defense, there wasn't anything in Smallville that wasn't lame.

Nope. Blonde Amber is pretty much Helen of Troy in beauty.

Bizarro was pretty cool. Atleast before he came back only to seduce Lana and die again.

holy shit

now I know why Affleck is upset all the time, he's close to his years and all he's doing is shitty superhero cgi movies

she looks like an old pumpkin
0 resell value with the depp fiasco

Even Elon Musk is lusting after her. She's batshit insane but looks brings any man down.

She actually dropped him immediately.

More like JUST League

I wonder if there's gonna be a trailer in front of Rogue One.

>a fucking car

>a fucking boat

>a fucking house

>a fucking dude in a coat

>a fucking lake

Watch aquanig's right hand

>BvS will be kino
>SS will be kino
>JL will be kino
When will you give up with this meme?

reddit please.


Why are Marvel directors mostly nu-males?

this makes pic me laff

I SWEAR TO GOD I've read the same fucking exchange some time ago.

These both, too

Is that Amber Heard?

You must be a fucking leaf

No, Amber's Deaf.

I swear to god I've read you say youve read this exchange before

Because they're all hired by this massive racist faggot

are you serious?

no you mongoloid

Try again matey boy

I swear to god I've read this before

>a fucking car
What's it like to be this pleb, you marvelcuck? How can you not see that with this shot of a curvaceous 1950s era Chrysler with the linear and highly structured, cold concrete and glass, brutalist house as its backdrop is full of dense symbolism, dadaesque triptych duality, and allusion? Just the visual juxtaposition of a the vehicle's tempered and sleek windows with the sheltering but privacy forsaking windows of the house is clearly evocative of Umberto Eco's concept of man's craven urge to glom upon meaningless totems of safety and power as his character Agile in Foucault's Pendulum relied on post-modern deconstructed kabbalic Jewish mysticism? It's just so apparent! Why are you unable to grasp this symbolic visual density?
Fucking try to elevate yourself. Challenge your mind to reach out from the safety of your Marvel nanny state.

what's name of these coats? Can never remember


Why is Jason Momoa such a male? ugh