Who is this girl, I must know. 8/8
Who is this girl, I must know. 8/8
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She's a trap maybe.
i doubt it but its fun to pretend
Don't bout Murica
But she certainly makes my dick great again
Doesn't matter though. Even if she is...
Sup Forums we love our traps don't we?
"She" is a trap. It's been confirmed in previous threads.
I don't care what she/it is.
I'd lick suck and fuck any part of that.
Kayla Ariza
Look her up on FB
Wasn't kayla with her grandmother on an infowar vid?
If the penis is feminine she is a woman.
Stop indulging its sick fantasy. The thing is a trap, concrete fb/deviantart/other social media evidence has been provided in other threads. Its deviantart account has weird art called "my story" with transgender themes. Also the face just looks like an effeminate guy's (possibly with early-on hormonal treatment). It's a trap, I can't believe people on Sup Forums are so secretly into traps they don't want to admit it.
She's not accepting requests :( I liked her fanpage :(
>a person said a thing so that makes it true
Just look at his mannerisms and voice and the tone and vocabulary he uses when communicating. You're a faggot user
No.12049735 FOR THE DAY
I have known Ky all my life. Grew up in the same town. Went to the same schools since K. She is and always has been a biological girl. From birth. Always. This "trap" thing is just a sick troll/meme/lulz some internet pervos came up with. Ky just laughs about it.
>your gay
Someone who will never touch you ever.
>It's a trap, I can't believe people on Sup Forums are so secretly into traps they don't want to admit it.
Sup Forums are into Kayla, they don't care. We're all at least a little bit kaylasexual, user.
Or maybe he/she/it/xenu/xenor just kept up the lie the entire time you've known her. The evidence posted in this thread, among other places, points to it being a trap. Unless you expect me to take your word (a likely troll's) without evidence. It is a trap until vag pics/nudes.
Because I just know a nigga gon' ask for it. Here, you vultures.
>Tfw you're still unsure on whether or not she has a dick.
Not a trap
That's fine, but people should stop lying to themselves just admit it's a trap then. Basically Sup Forums is sublimating its sexual desire for Trump onto an effeminate boy's body.
So many shitty threads tonight.
post-op trans
She was on Sup Forums earlier, posted her pic in underwear, definitely has no penis, unless she cut it off she is not a trap. sorry faggot, your fantasy is not true.
I like 30, 45, 54, and of course 67. Let's go.
Clearly. Doesn't stop the rush of blood though.
How can you not want to date her?
Didn't save them.
>capitalizing "Sup Forums"
Fuck off you retarded Khazar newfag. The underwear shot means nothing. If it just posted nudes this would all be over with. Or if it stopped being an attention whore and just stopped spamming Sup Forums. I'm sorry you jacked off to a dude man, but it still must beat fucking goats or whatever 4-legged animals you got over in the shithole you live in.
>Worst season.
why does she show us these pics? its like she wants us to jack off to her.
This just convinced me he's a boy. There is a certain way men and women communicate and it is unmistakable.
Still not 100% sure she's a trap though!
>Basically Sup Forums is sublimating its sexual desire for Trump
kek. What else are we donna do?
not an argument. I didn't jerk off to her.
got tired of people accusing her of being a good trap I s'pose
You could definitely tape a smol dick back in there. Doesn't confirm anything.
You faggots are so obsessed with trannies you want every woman to be one.
Typical trans with mental issues. Wants to be seen as a woman by any means, best way is to come off as a sex object. I'm expecting suicide within 3 months.
attention whoring is a common train amongst women
Trap=/=Tranny, just as Futanari=/=Trap. This isn't a difficult concept.
>its like she wants us to jack off to her.
ya think? she's an attention whore regardless of whatever persona she uses.
Look at the other pics in this thread. Especially the social media screenshots. Can you explain those? Come on, the face doesn't look like a dude's to you? It's post-op trans my friend.
Oh. Well she could be a transsexual then.
It's obviously a trap, the evidence is overwhelming at this point.
well attractive women get and deserve attention. its the natural way of the world.
Guys can we all get past this, Kayla is one of us and she's obviously a girl.
To settle it, does it really matter if she's a trap anyway?
Does it really matter if she's a girl?
She's one of us, so Sup Forums stop your faggotry
I don't give a shit about the sublte nuances of your disgusting fetish, you fucking faggot.
>moving the goalpost
>One of us.
Pick exactly one.
Of course it matters Achmed.
>Hispanic terrorism
not all hispanics are mexican stop it
that guy on the left is her degenerate gay friend. social media doesn't prove anything when she has no dick, she was trolling, she is the one who started the rumor in the first place.
>most of us are hetero
>most of us love pussy
It absolutely matters.
Is that Hulk Hogan on the right?
Yeah, I'm strawmanning. But I'm right.
Don't call me achmed you fat cuck.
You're the one ruled by a Kenyan.
>Kayla is one of us and she's obviously a girl.
>does it really matter if she's a trap anyway?
kek, perfect summary of these delusional threads
Where did i say anything about race mixing? I'm calling you a faggot because you enjoy watching men fuck men with tits.
She's not as QT as this girl. Who is she?
>Guys can we all get past this, Kayla is one of us and she's obviously a girl.
Agreed, this is pretty irrelevant. But people should admit the evidence points to it being a trap. Trump welcomes everyone into his camp, but we need to stop this transgender/trap addiction bullshit from spreading. If people just admit it's a trap the meme will stop spreading.
>To settle it, does it really matter if she's a trap anyway?
Not really. But it does matter that people so desperately refuse to admit it's a trap. It shows there is mental instability and poison spreading among Trump's ranks.
>Does it really matter if she's a girl?
No, we welcome her/him/it/xenu/xenor with open arms. As long people admit it's not a biological female.
>She's one of us, so Sup Forums stop your faggotry
Not calling a trap for what it is is faggotry.
Just a dude she met after a concert or performance, as far as I can tell.
Why does it matter, if she's a girl then she's not going to fuck you anytime soon.
If she's a trap then you still won't get to fuck her.
>You're ok as a girl
>You try too hard.
This is damning enough as it is.
>does it really matter
Not to me. She could be an alien and I wouldn't care.
You are acting as if the vagina is the only attractive aspect of the female form. It isn't. Men, including myself, enjoy breasts, hips, legs, ass, you get the idea. The vagina in itself isn't especially arousing. If it was, no man would ever feel aroused by a clothed woman.
It has a dick ok. No real woman likes all these things or even knows about them. Also it has boy tits.
>these mental gymnastics
Ever heard of Occam's razor? Taking his/her/xen's/xenor's word on social media aint' evidence either. Look at the abundant evidence posted in this thread (not just strangely carefully-angled dim-lighting underwear shots) and try to come to an objective conclusion.
This is killing me, I just want to know for the sake of knowing now
>The vagina in itself isn't especially arousing
These people are a goldmine
hi 'Kayla'. What was the birth name that your biological cis gender parents gave you?
more damning evidence
She is too poor, wouldn't have been able to get tits.
Even if Kayla is a trap (which I don't think she is) then she's still welcome on Sup Forums.
Who really cares that much, almost nobody here will ever fuck her and we need more people on here as it is, too many guys on this board.
This bitch has autism I guarantee it
also for those of you that WANT her to be a trap
im tracking your ips and I will hunt you for fun
Then why not spank it to a woman then?
You're in it for the little surprise. You're in it for the cock.
>if shes a trap
.>shes welcome
only women are allowed faggots get shot
The delusion
It isn't compared to boobs or an ass. It's more what the vagina implies, rather than how it actually looks.
in what context is this conversation can you tell us? are they talking about her cos play? being a trap? or something else?
You are a confirmed virgin
Holy fuck
>'why are women such bluepilled sluts'
>redpilled woman appears, gets ripped apart
gee, i wonder
Nice try fag
More than half of Sup Forums would be shot if this was true and we all know it.
So many trap/tranny chasers.
>feeding an attention whore
Go find a woman or jack off to non degen porn. Don't obsess over this
It could have happened early on? The parents could have opted for reassignment surgery and/or hormonal treatment? We don't know its exact financial situation, could've saved up for surgery or something. To me it looks like hormonal treatment and post-op.