Ov vey, shut it down!
Is there any lengths these shlomo's wont go to stump the Trump?
Ov vey, shut it down!
Is there any lengths these shlomo's wont go to stump the Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
>plan b
Yeah it's too late for that.
>plan B
>implying bernie hasnt already used plan B on his wife after he was cucked
More like Zyklon B!
You naughty goy!
Its really comical though how the Jews are unabashedly throwing their agenda flat in our faces now, not even an attempt to cover it up anymore.
we should support her. anything that splits the Democratic vote makes Hillary's margin weaker
Fair enough, though when faced with Hillary, many Sanders supporters were going to either not vote or swing over to the Trump side.Maybe not many, but some.
I think a Bernie + Jill ticket would have a lot of appeal.
No one knows who the f Jill is. No one. She's one of those obscure hidden candidates that only people who already vote Green know about.
If Bernie and Jill allied, a lot of people would see they agreed with what she says. Not me. Not any rational human being. But Bernie Bros aren't rational.
I really hope this happens.
I can respect most Bernie supporters in that, misguided, and retarded as they are, they actually think those policies will make the world a better place.
It's just kind of sad that they were beaten into the ground by a foul haggard war mongering country destabilizing sack of shit like Hillary who treats elected office as her own personal piggy bank.
That's a huge plus for Bernie in my book. The dude has never taken money from Saudi Arabia in return for government deals. At least, not that we know of.
Blows my fucking mind how any liberal can condone Hillary.
...and just as you typed that.
Hillary's shills are hard at work creating fake hashtags to try and get Sanders supporters to vote for her.
Someone posted pics from her AMA, most of her responses were retarded and trailed off on to different subjects