Potential muslim attack in Hornsby, Australia?

@Jess Rapan Multiple people have reportedly been stabbed at Hornsby Westfield just after 12pm today

@SkyNewsAust BREAKING @NSWAmbulance confirms it is treating four people after a shooting at Hornsby Westfield shopping centre

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Why do multiple "highly trained" police officers need to use their firearms to disarm/stop one man with a knife?

I'm a proud owner of a circumcised cock. Feels pretty good, man.

But I thought guns were banned in Australia?

What now ausfags

"Shooting at Hornsby" is really deceitful

There was a guy with a Knife and the cops shot him and 3 bystanders were injured by ricocheting fragments

Remember kids, when some bleeding heart Liberal tells you Cops should aim for Legs, link them this story

Never aim for anything other than the chest

Homeless mentally asks cops for change. Cops shoot roughly 6 bajillion jews. Man may have sneezed and bystanders misheard as a common Muslim greeting.

It warms my heart to know that Bonglanders will never own a piece of American heritage.

>bleeding heart Liberal
Confirmed American.

>being cut in the current year

I wish Liberals changed their fucking name because Liberal still means what It means in America here, It just also refers to the Liberal party, which is not Liberal.

Leftist sounds jarring.

cause he's a fucking cunt who doesnt deserve mercy

the shots fired were from police because the bloke tried to stab em

I love my circumcised cock. Could be a bias because my foreskin was removed but uncut cocks gross me out. I can't even watch porn if the dude isn't cut.


Idiot woman cop.
Missed the muzzy shot a granny.

when will the shiposting start?

Did you fucking rattlecan that poor thing?

Aussies need more plum to protect themselves

> Paying attention to a guys cock

You gay son.

For sure this is a troll. No one can be this stupid..


Good grief, you walk around Hornsby Westfield, praising God, showing everyone the new knife you just bought for Ramadan, and this happens!?

It's part of the scenery. How do you manage to watch porn and block out the cock?


>watching porn
>being cut

Hornsby is all chinks, what was a sand nigger doing there? he doesnt speak korean, no wonder he got shot, he was probably just trying to defend himself from fruit vendors

s-sorry pls no bully

and a metrosexual, stay away dundee

>A police officer using a firearm
85% chance he/she's gonna get sacked over this, 1-2% chance he/she's gonna be charged.

I hope not. The cop did a good thing even if the muzzie survives (let's all pray he doesn't).

The heterosexual mind doesn't need to actively block it out, it isn't an issue. No different from a dildo.


are you suggesting it's because everyone in bongland including the police officers is pic related?

that's a pretty hot kiss desu

The only problem is that they missed, they were probably trying to shoot to wound or some fag shit rather than aiming for center of mass like you're supposed to.

Expecting police officers to take on a knife-wielding maniac in close quarters is retarded, they're supposed to protect people but they aren't obligated to commit suicide in the process.

T. Hasn't read the top of the thread.


Would you like to watch them fuck each other with they uncut willy?


A QLD officer got fired for fucking un-holstering his weapon when he pulled over a suspected stolen vehicle in the middle of rural QLD with no partner or backup.

Sydney is full of faggots and limp wristed cocksuckers, they'll be lining up to beg for him to be sacked. Mark my words.

NSW police carry .40 S&W glocks, it's possible the officer wasn't looking behind the muzzie and fired, ending up with fragments going through his body and hitting civilians.

>Cop shoot criminal
>media in uproar because cop did its job using its training
>$200k 6 month inquest into police procedure
>lebo lives on compo/disability money for life
>buys 3 kebab vans and a fruit shop
>muh tax dollars

police press conference in a couple of minutes

9news has collected a bunch of footage people shot on their phones. All arabs discussing what happened...


What if they hit New Zealand next?
They need to protect Hobbiton.

OD Green Cerakote actually

yeh. i'll suck your superior uncut dingo m8 while we watch it

>random shooting
this isn't a happening faggot
call me when second cronulla starts

mutilated penis, sucked his foreskin off by a pedo rabbi as a kid. Go gas your self, and no you are not getting our foreskins jew

Nice to know based denmark already has or is about to ban this kind of pedo-sodomy

Frankly there should be a foreskin test for foreigners, no foreskin get out? And I'm not talking about pulling that string under your cockhead. Deliberate genital mutilation should not be accepted. Same with girls. Same with trannies

fucking degenerates

was it muslims?

there has been a few attacks today in Israel one of them and Australia possibly

its because Ramadan

I fucking hate these faggots

I get pissed off at certain footwear, too. If the chick's wearing pic related or similar I immediately turn it off and find something else to fap to.

T-that's normal, right?

How do you manage to fuck up George Orwell's dream so badly. You have a police state where you get arrested for vague as fuck shit like 'antisocial behavior' and the number of street cameras outnumber the population, but the place is still going down hill.

I hate leftists. They're a cancer on western civilization.

pls be muslim

That cop deserved to be sacked, aggressive as fuck. The only reason they didn't pull over in the first place was because he didn't even use his siren, he just sped up trying to run them off the road while beeping his horn.

+ he got fired because he has a history of treating people appallingly.

Watch 1:29, he had no reason to think their car was stolen, he just treated them like shit and made it up later.

this genuinely makes me mad

Gay. As. Fuck.

Actually a pediatrician circumcised me. He wasn't a Jew, either. I have a photo of him somewhere in my family photo album. He was friends with my dad.

>"making threats"
apparently one of the witnesses "claimed" he shouted it

What race is he /pol?

>anti-social behavior fine

What does that even mean? If I give someone the finger I get a fine?

Jewish Latino Sheep.

Or avoid eye contact.

No, it's just that some fashion choices upset me.

leb 100%

tanned german

I fucking love street food. I'm hungry. FedEx me some of whatever that truck is selling.

human :'))))))))

I got circumsized by a us army doctor

what is the chance he was jewish ?

You get annoyed about women's fashion choices in porn. Might as well lead mardi gras.

It's part of the wider happening known as "Ramadan." It's a sub happening.

Because nobody wants to be like Britain

Article here:

...Hmm, He's a massive cunt, but the largest problem I have with that pull over is the fact that he didn't use his siren.

Speaking as someone who grew up in rural QLD, if me or anyone in my family wanted to kill a cop, we could have just brought a sawn off shotgun into our car and blown his head open the moment he went to get us out of the car.

I don't at all disagree with the gun considering the circumstances, but the reason why he thought the car was stolen still isn't explained (Random conversation at the station? Radio call? Non-Emergency line tip he didn't read correctly) and he should have used his sirens.

Leb, I'm 100% on it.

Shitskin confirmed.

> but the reason why he thought the car was stolen still isn't explained (Random conversation at the station? Radio call? Non-Emergency line tip he didn't read correctly)

Seems from the evidence that he just made it up later to try to justify pulling his gun on them which is more than likely done because they challenged his ego by not stopping for his silly pullover attempt.

hahahaha that's great

what is that from?

These people are most probably right because the abc news has already dropped the story.

You can clearly see the bearded controller in the "supposed" food van, German as well no doubt.

just look at the picture

hes obviously middle eastern shitskin

But Reddit told me that Australia is a gun-free utopia!

Fair is fair, they have a great big fucking orange banner on their home page, and it is the top story with a great big picture.

They are waiting for the police interview coming up. No decent 24 hour stream sits on the same story all day when that story is a few people were stabbed by a hobo.

fucking hell how dense are you fuckers?

Agree that shouldn't call an event terrorism just because you see a kebab lying on the ground with 6 police bullets in his chest, (and a Hornsby happening is most likely to be lebo ice rage/dealer turf war bullshit), but when it is reported he yelled allahu ackbar while he stabbed people and/or got put down by the jacks, you're pretty safe to suggest it probably is the work of the prophet. That is the code now for terrorist event. That phrase doesn't get reported when it's just another episode in the meth-addled leboroid war.

Reddit was right. Take your MAGA hat and fuck off chink.

But I thought banning guns meant no more shootings?!

I think Australians should have guns desu

why not

>Bystander Daniel Cohen said he saw parents shield their babies as the shots were fired.

1. Man was known to police, having escaped a psychiatric center yesterday.
2. No stab wounds. Only gun shot wounds from police.

What shooting? There was no shooting. There was civilian casualties during a police operation.

>having escaped a psychiatric center yesterday

kek what the fuck

every psych ward I have been in was basically unescapable

what are they like there


Which day of Ramadan are we on?

It's getting good

>every psych ward I have been in was basically unescapable
Maybe that is because they decided you needed to be sent to those sort of wards?

>every psych ward I have been in was basically unescapable

Two Female Police officers
Only hit him in the arm and stomach, no heart or lung kill shot
They also sprayed the crowd with bullets and hit several bystanders


its not like I did anything fucked up

they were all just really secured

>female officers
>arm, stomach, no kill shot

That was them aiming for the chest.

Yes and they missed, and sprayed the crowd with bullets too



Damn, this is one Super Shitty Haaabbblllllaaaaniiiiiiiing !

>Expecting Muslims to pull off even a decent happening

Theyre all still too tired and hungry from Ramalamadingdong

This wasn't a happening or even worthy of a front page news story, the re-capture of a escaped mental patient didn't go so smoothly and the bumbling police officers shot 4 bystanders instead...put this story in the comedy section of the news portal.