Wow. 64 Fender Stratocaster in classic white with triple single coil pickups and a whammy bar

>Wow. 64 Fender Stratocaster in classic white with triple single coil pickups and a whammy bar

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This shit irritated me to no end. No one who plays heavy metal, plays a fukin strat. It's rare at best.

the only one who matters does

dave murray has done better and more than every faggot with an ibanez or jackson combined

If wanye's world type guys exist today they'll be youtube 'stars'

tele > strat

tele > all

>thinking a whammy bar is in any way special

Fucking women

the closest thing to Wayne's World today is The Anthony Cumia Show

Yeh lol, he was the only one i could think of. I'm not discounting the value of strats btw, they are damn good guitar in the right hands. I just think it would have made more sense in this movies case, to show a flying V or something.

The bar itself isn't, but the bracket and spring system that is used for it certainly isn't on every guitar.

Don't be giving Hollywood ideas.