Happy 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival) Sup Forums!
How are you celebrating today?
Happy 端午节 (Dragon Boat Festival) Sup Forums!
How are you celebrating today?
nobody outside of your shitty chink island has heard of it
By being thankful that I was born a white American.
Canadian here, spending the day in the US to celebrate
Happy Dragon Boat Festival to you too, Singanon.
I just sat down to a nice dinner of Peking duck with one of my friends.
> China
> Japan
> Korea
> Vietnam
Peking duck? Your friend must be a northerner. Still good food!
Korea and Japan have dragon boat thing? Tbh as a Korean with a good amount of Japanese friends, I have never heard of an equivalent. Mb Vietnam and other SEA have that as I feel that dragon boat is somewhat southern China thing
fuck off malaysia. go suck some Saudi Arabian cock like the arab-worshipping scum you are
Fuck you nigger
>Chink island
the wonders of your common core education system.
Simplified Chinese is for niggers. Fuck Singapore.
Can you visit a site with porn on it legally in Singapore?
Yeah. North Korea actually has it as a public holiday.
Most certainly. Only 8 sites are blocked as part of a "symbolic gesture"
Niggers speak chinese now? oh yea but of course. china is more relevant there than a fading superpower like the US which has run out of political will to exert its will overseas and economic largesse to distribute. too bad your soft power that guaranteed you world domination is fading and will never come back amerifat.
cool. Actually heading somewhere for dinner with friends
singapore pays lip service to censoring porn. you can access everything thru vpn like hotspot shield. the authorities couldnt care less. similar to chewing gum no one actually cares if you chew it even in front of a cop, as long as you are not a chimpout nigga-like creature.
Have fun PNG pal!
You think the Chinese give a shit about a bunch of traitors who chose to live on a island with Malaysian monkeys and British colonialists? Oh thats rich. You guys are cannon fodder the minute the west stops protecting your island state.
>You guys are cannon fodder the minute the west stops protecting your island state.
We celebrated by getting ready for Emperor Trump's birthday next week.
how did you get a computer? shouldn't you be bashing coconuts with rocks?
People actually go out for dinner in Papua New Guinea aside from being kidnapped and eaten by cannibals?
As soon as Donald Trump is elected. Hope you guys have your military budget planned out- youre gonna need it.
> Implying we won't get Anschlussed, turned into an S.A.R. and used as a base of operations
This country's population is fairly docile. Besides, if China wants to continue using diaspora Chinese around the world as agents or collaborators, they will need to treat reunified Chinks fairly well. The CCP treats the Hong Kongers and Macauese well so the Taiwanese are more amenable towards reunification. Same thing will happen to us.
Nigger, a fucking patrol boat could wipe your dinky island out into the Pacific.
The US may no longer have complete control over the region, but the influence we lost will still be more than your state can ever dream of acquiring.
they give a shit about the country who has the most powerful navy in the region who can blockade the straits of malacca and wreck china's energy supplies if it wills it. singapore is the biggest investor in the world in china and they are modelling themselves after our success ever since Deng came here for the first time.
and again, your common core education fails you. china has no need to invade singapore when its so far away. they will have enough issues with japan to preoccupy them for at least the next 200 years instead of wasting time money and resources to come down here to pick a fight.
> Implying the Malay is capable of sustaining military operations.
You guys are worse than the Arabs when it comes to war. Took you 6 weeks to take out 150 flips armed with AKs and WOODEN SPEARS just 4 years ago.
And your aircraft don't even have engines!
No worries mate. Just give us a heads up and we'll be glad to finish the job of wiping the shitstain off the map.
Mangos and youtube here in chengdu
yeap we are small. we are essentially phezzan from LOGH. we can never win militarily. economic victory is our only winning condition and we know it.
oh and that patrol boat... you country doesnt have the will power nor determination to finish the job in vietnam back then. neither did you have the will to finish the job in syria or iraq. a big military is useless when your nation is run by cucks. so dont talk shit on paper when youre uselss in reality.
They want Singapores strategic location and wealth. They couldnt care less about its psuedo-Chink inhabitants.
If you want to talk about the US losing global influence, then those are the facts youre going to have to come to terms with.
Malaysia is truly at the pinnacle of military innovation. Their defence minister found aircraft engines to be redundant and sold them away!
Nice proxy m8. Did the smog get better? I'm headed to Guangzhou in a week and I hope smog there clears up.
come try it malaysia. you will realise how useless you are when war begins when the sultan of johor breaks johor away immediately and sides with us upon the commencement of hostilities. and when the moment your realise the majority of your tanks and planes are inoperable since your corrupt military sells its hardware like engines illicitly.
wipe us off indeed. the only thing wiped out will be your people and your culture after we're done with you.
You know, for someone who talks like a book, you sure do seem clueless as to who's going to be leading the world's greatest military in the coming future.
Literally who cares, PRC de facto owns the region. let them have it. dialects are ass
and you think the other panicky southeast asian nations will stand by to let china sail in freely to seize singapore and claim full hegemony over the region? you underestimate the empty pride of our neighbours and the blatant hate they have against china. we have tons of meat shields to take hits for us before we get our hands dirty.
go back to school and re-learn your geopolitics welp.
> Bases entire argument off an assumption that Trump will become president.
Wait till Hillary wins and the status quo perpetuates.
In fact, I'd be pretty fucking happy if Sanders wins. We could speed up the Anschluss process.
>phezzan from LOGH
Yea Lee Kwan Yew definitely was Adrian Rubinsky. Not sure if SG has anything like that Earth cult
Oh yeah, the other meat shields. The mainlanders will have to deal with a decade or two of partisan activity, but I'm pretty sure their governments would fall pretty fast.
I wouldn't mind Chink annexation. Wouldn't be too bad or anything. You?
there will be a military balance between china and america. simply because trump will make a deal with china and leave this region and countries like taiwan and japan to its fate. there is no profit to america to waste money on the pacific. japan will rearm quickly, make nukes, and a new balance in this region will be achieved.
america will likely become isolationist and focus on teething problems which are tearing down its society from within.
learn about your own country bitch. you dont even know your own presumptive nominee well enough to argue.
>Malaysia and Indonesia dont like China!
Oh well, guess its time for a global superpower like China to pack it up and call it quits then. How can they even compete?
back to school welp.
What dumplings you guys eating familia?
Salted egg yolk and pork master race
there wont be annexation. china cant even pacify xin jiang. it doesnt have the time nor resources to annex this region.
the worse outcome is that we fall under their influence. which is nt a bad thing as long since we still make money.
>blames us for not genociding Vietnam, Iraq, and Libya
Youre a special brand of retard aren't you
We are already under their influence
But we are so like China we can't even feel it
So I really don't care if they invade. Nothing much would change
>US of A
>Calling it quits in Iraq by pulling out troops and giving it to Iran on a silver platter, because no more political will at home to continue a stupid war
yeap. superpowers are basically like these. not hard to see why china wont touch this region military even with a ten-foot pole
By fapping to a dragongirl.
Nonya flavour is the best ťbh fām. I've been eating dumplings for breakfast for the past 8 days thanks to my dad buying fuckloads of dumplings from a hawker aunt we're close to. Oh well.
Vassal system? Quite possible...it really depends on the course of action they choose after 2020.
>not placing your faith in meme magic
Get a load of this guy famalam.
>there will be a military balance
That's what you think. Just like in the election cycle, Trump is playing the long game. Sure, he'll have America isolate itself and step down, momentarily, as the world leader. But it's only so we can purge our country of heretics and illegal aliens to set the foundations for the Great Crusade. America will reemerge as not only the sole global superpower, but also a galactic one. Until then, keep drinking from the kool-aid your mainland overlords are feeding you. We're going to make humanity great again.
I am not the same one you replied but I agree that Japan will get nuke once such a new rule is established and probably so do South Korea and Taiwan as they don't wanna be fucked by China as well. And yea the new balance in the Pacific will be a peace upon nukes which will actually subsequently break the current NPT based balance of power of the international community
>implying shillary will not win 51%
good luck with the purge. im sure trump can do it within the time frame one term. only problem is that your whole system is rife with shit you need at least a decade to clean up the rot.
im sure trump will have his hands full domestically to do anything else.
finally someone from the US who understands.
yes indeed. but that also means the legal infrastructure and norms holding the current security configuration of the world will also be irreversibly reversed. which also means it will be a multipolar world where the US will merely be the first among equals rather than no. 1 as it was during the time of pax americana.
I'm tired and read that as Dragon Ball festival
most of our politicians are like rubinsky. no earth cult here.. just leaders who are smart enough to catch the next wave and ride it whenever it comes.
I'm gonna hang out with my wife, maybe go into Guangzhou city center for some shopping, and drinking.
Then I'm gonna put it in her butt.
I personally find that world better than the current world in terms of retaining peace because, if even middle powers like Poland and South Korea are armed with nukes even proxy wars will only happen at utter shithole like Sub-Saharan Africa.
As I saw Obama not interfering enough in the Ukraine which the US and the West pledged to protect when it discarded all its nukes from Soviet Union, I just felt that Democratic party and main establishment of the current US are not capable of keeping the American hegemony anyway (desu Obama's acts on the Ukraine and North Korea remind me of the UK's PM before Churchil and I think Hillary and other establishment candidates would continue the same thing. Because of that, I personally dont mind Truml that much in terms of international politics as he doesnt look that capable of keeping American hegemony but at least he looks like he can remove PC which is actually fucking me over right now)
> tfw we can celebrate traditional a patriot general's life in a festival without having indoctrinated liberals yell at us because of genocide, patriarchy or oppression.
It is a very good feeling.
>living in singapore
>not knowing it's an island-city state
Either you're a proxyfag or a complete moron.
it reads "multicultural" island city state. not chinky chong island.
now you're not just uneducated but also either illiterate or plain stupid.