Does anyone know any good comedy albums that are actually funny

Does anyone know any good comedy albums that are actually funny

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albums by
Flight of the Conchords
Lano and Woodley
Weird Al

I love Young Thug because his freestyled lines on every song always bring out something great, can go from talking about his paying his sisters tuition to a girl breaking his dick

Pink Season

This and Steel Panthers - Feel The Steel.


I've listened to Pink Season

Richard Pryor...that niggers crazy!

Radiohead is pretty funny.

Then there's Gene Tracy's "trucker humor"'s actually so shitty & awful, you laugh at him and his audience

Sup Forums has turned against him somewhat over the past five years, but Patton Oswalt's Werewolves and Lollipops holds up very well IMO.

so it's anti-comedy?

wow that is terrible

No, he was just low-brow, if it was produced today, It would probably be neil hambuger type stuff

i know about bo burnham i've watched all his shows


jon benjamin plays piano on a jazz record

angelic 2 the core is the only one I've heard that made me laugh

Call me immature all you want but Bloodhound Gang is super funny

Love this guy

There isn't a whole album (sadly), but look up every parody song Chris Morris has made, great stuff

>nobody has posted dead milkmen or godweensatan yet
this board has officially been overrun by underage children

The piano is hilarious

the morn that user was born his daddy beat up the doctor

alex camerons albums are pretty funny imo


Pure Guava especially

That one Anal Cunt album where he makes love ballads


Fuck, I remember listening to this after a friend introduced it to me by doing some of the bits from it. He was actually good at impressions too. Makes me smile but also makes me feel.

>I swear the baddest bitches got the biggest foreheads

pic related OP

>Sup Forums has turned against him

to be fair, Patton became an insufferably pretentious faggot, it's not like we just decided to turn on him for no reason

I'd say you can't beat the Coz back in the day. Seriously his albums are so painfully unfunny you cant help but laugh at the fact people thought he was funny.

Not to mention that Spanish fly bit from his 1969 album.

But the only funny stand up albums I've heard are Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle and I thought that Home Depot story from Donald Glover was funny (I imagined that being me because we would go like every Sunday after church with my dad there. It was a block away from church.)

Feminism/Libtardation does that to you.

I once took a lighter to a Bill Cosby record and then played it. Funniest shit ever.

Patrician level humour.

Or The Pod
>I would like two pollo asado tacos with one beef chimichanga...
>the second half of Right To The Way And The Rules Of The World where they just start giggling and fuck up the song

Bill Hicks - Rant In E Minor

John Mulaney
Hannibal Burres
Mike Birbiglia