Frenchies fags, krauts, swedish cucks?
Would you trade Mexicans for muslisms??
Yeah dude, any day!
We pretty much don't have any of you, so why not.
What's all this bullshit about trades? All foreigners can get the fuck out of my country unless you are properly authorized to be here. If you want to live here speak english and drop become American, not Foreign-American.
ok. and our religion is from Italia, not the terrorist one.
Spanish was first than the English language in America. get over it.
USA speaks english faggot. If you don't speak it, get the fuck out.
I'd take 100 Mexicans over 1 muslim
You need to get some history class. Columbus worked for the Castilla Kingdom, then they discovered AMERICA, not fucking britbongs, SPANISH MUST BE AN OFFICAL LANGUAGE IN AMERICA.
Don't do it, guys
English is the #1 spoken in the world. Why would we change that for some language that sounds like a cat sicking up?
Spanish is better and more beautiful than English.
You need to get a brain. Columbus doesn't fucking matter you dumb fuck, the French discovered more of North America than the spanish. Regardless of any of that neither actually succeeded in building anything of note while the English speaking settlers made the USA into what it is today.
Worthless Mexicans did nothing but sit on their asses all day in the desert and provide a place for criminals to run away to.
Vikings discovered America, pendejo.
If you want to keep going back in history you'll see that it dosent fucking matter, America has been "discovered" several times.
Pinche pendejo, preocupate de tu pinche pais primero.
America first.
Trump 2016
Spanish is the language of the failed state.
French is beautiful and more colorful.
English is exquisite and straight forward
Spanish is disfigured and plain
Come perro, mongoloide feo, Hispania conquisto America y yo soy descendentes de ellos. Los Vikingos eran unos salvajes que solo llegaron a Canada, nada relevante jajajajajajjajaja
>designated shitting threads
you are the Sup Forums's autistic shit poster equivalent to /n/'s autistic indian.
btw you are not native american, you are descended from spaintards, after htey tortured and killed >90% of the native americans.
Sometimes they killed then tortured.. order isnt important to mexitards.
which one are we losing and which one are we getting?
I would definitely rather have mexicans if those are the only choices.
Spanish is spoken in your cunt. Your second most important city L.A has an Hispanic name. We are important in this world.
>Columbus worked for the Castilla Kingdom
>tfw Columbus offered his services to the portuguese KANG first
>KANG Barbosa told him to gtfo
Ponce de Leon discovered Florida. Columbus discovered some random caribbean island.
Eres un cuck, mas induo que espanol.
Spanish dindu nuffin, they mixed with indians, British killed them all like Aushwitz hahahahahahaha
its top secret, but Columbus was a sepahrdite jewish portuguese.
LA is a shithole. Everywhere with a high spanish speaking population here is a shithole. Everywhere in the world that speaks spanish is a shithole.
Again it's a shitty language for shitty people.
(I'm descended from Castillians, all the good people left a long time ago and integrated into other countries, speaking other languages than shitty spanish)
we have no official language fuck boy
Te falta mas castellano, pero te felicito chino come perro, me has sorprendido que podamos hablar el idioma de Cervantes y de Chicharito Hernandez.
Nigger, we're going to.
(it's not going to be spicish)
Spanish is #1 native speakers in the world. English is #1 counting native + non-native speakers.
mexicans are not Native American, the spanish arrived in the 1400's and killed 94% of the Native Americans.
Mexicans are spaintards.
Pic related is what mexicans(spanish) did to the native americans.. Indians should hate mexicans.
America wasn't mexico, and they never owned Texas. Texas joined them and got sick of their weird backwards ways and decided to leave.
Also during the American mexican war we smacked mexico hard, imprisoned santa marie (mexican dictator at the time), and marched into the mexican capitol.
We conquered mexico, and by all rights were allowed to keep all of the land mexico held, including the country itself. We were also entitled to all of their assets, gold, silver, money, donkeys and shit.
We though for all of 5 minutes and decided we didnt want to make the mexicans american citizens so we let them continue to exist as a country, aswell as let them keep their things.
mexicans are just undisciplined children that are not grateful for anything. They are literally descended from thieving niggers.
No please. Mexicants have the lowest IQ levels
america has always been a melting pot user, in 20 years most americans will speak spanish at home and on the job due to low white birth rates
English is the official language in 1795 dipshit
only 1 vote a way from being German
Don't trick the Eurofags.....We all know that most Mexican women don't look like that.
most spics just dicked the first aztec peasant they saw after 8 months on a boat and called their new bastard spawn a new race
Not after the deportations. Can't leave children without parents here. They all have to go back.
The melting pot doesn't need shit added.
Si vas a hablar de un escritor decente español, menciona escriotoes como Vicente Garcia Huidobro, or Marcos Vargas-Llosa. Ademas, comienza a armar la muralla
Texas was owned by a bunch of spanish settlers that didn't want to be part of mexico's mestizo shit hole. But they did want to be independant which the anglos promptly stabbed them in the back after the got their help fighting off the mexicans
Never relax around Anglos.
>Says that the Spaniards discovered America, even though they only landed in a shitty island in Cuba
>Proceeds to complain that the Vikings only landed in canada
No mames enserio?
A mi me caga la Verga este pais chinge a su madre la raza
British were the killers, just look up Peru, Bolivia,Peru and Guatemala are mostly indian. Spanish were more human, You the Britbongs slaughtered them in thanksgiving hahahahaahahha You used the turkey trap to kill them after having a delicious gravy.
They are mostly spanish. Its historical fact that 90 something % of all native americans were killed by the spanish very early on, then the spanish set up farms and had kids with eachother.
mexicans are only .0001% native american, but they have the dindu nuffin attitude niggers have.
"oh we was good country till tha white man came"
mexicans are superior to muslims in the same way that vegetarians are superior to vegans
my parents may be undocumented but I am 100% american citizen from being born here, Face it cum skin the future of america is brown
Mexicans are atleast 1000% better than muslims
>decapitate people for petty shit
>beat up women
>always want to mass migrate to better countries to escape their shitholes
They're not that different if you look into it
Mexicans are much better. Before Obongo enacted Operation Kill Whitey they were pretty brotier. Now I feel like all non-whites hate me by default.
American "women" are not better m8
m8 there are nigger injun parts of mexico where people are all 5'0 tall and dark as shit from maya blood most mexicans are not anything close to white
1 of 10 Mexicans right? or are you impying that 120 Million Mexicans do that, Joao?
>only landed in a shitty island in Cuba
>mexican education
spain isnt white..
I never said mexicans were white.
I said mexicans are the descendants of the blood thirsty conquistadors.
That's how they all look in the US.
>after htey tortured and killed >90% of the native americans.
This is some WE WUZ HOLOCAUST tier shit
que raza? Los indios eran canibales y sacaban el corazon a su Dios irreal, quieres que vuelva eso?
>not Ditto
Come on, user. She looks just like Ditto. REAL LIFE POKEMON
Well, at least Mexicans can party, fuck, and have some fun and enjoy life. The fucking muzrats get offended at everything and are literally the most BORING people on earth.
only the retarded indios with no education or future in mexico want to cross the border and live like shit.
desu only the trash wants to come to the US
the only real holocaust happened to the native americans at the hands of the spanish.
Look it up, they were literally burned, cut, maimed, diseased, starved, and tortured to death.
No habra muralla porque esa esta en China y no funciono, Drumpf quiere hacer un muro pero no se va a hacer.
the religion of peace.
>diseased to death
>before germ theory and bacteria shit was known
m8 that was just an accident since native americans were niggers who did not make contact earlier
Implying living in a shit-hole like Mexico makes you smart? Paco please.
This nigga thinks that walls dont work. You guys are good at building walls, and your wall in the south of the mexican border work wonders for the reports that I understand. Even you guys kill the filthy indians who trying to cross it... Dont lie to us Mexico. Soon you will build wall, and its gonna be huge, like mah dick
>more beautiful
>less words = less expressiveness
>stupid system of possession results in chains of "de"
>double negatives don't cancel
You're grasping at straws here paco.
Your culture is trash, spaniards abandoned your race once they realize how stupid you were, only after mixing with half of you.
Chinese is #1, I think Spanish is the second one.
Well, that's logical, English is easier to learn than Spanish.
Pics description:
>Historian Las Casas, in his "Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indians," described Spanish mistreatment of the natives: "They threw into those holes all the Indians they could capture of every age and kind ... Pregnant and confined women, children, old men [were] left stuck on the stakes until the pits were filled ... The rest they killed with lances and daggers and threw them to their war dogs who tore them up and devoured them." This illustration is from a 1598 Latin edition of Las Casas' "Brief Account."
No tenemos un muro en nuestra frontera sur con Guatemala, no sea retrasado mijo. jajajajaja Tenemos un muro en nuestra frontera sur mijo?
Do We have a wall with Guatemala?
Yeah, latinas are hot.
Muslims are not.
>Mexicans are spaintards
Most Mexicans are mestizos, not Spaniards.
EDIT* quoted the wrong picture of a smiliar event. The following is the descrioption of the picture.
>In his "Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indians," missionary and historian Bartolomé de Las Casas recalled watching as Spanish soldiers "took babies from their mothers' breasts, grabbing them by the feet and smashing their heads against rocks ... They built a long gibbet, low enough for the toes to touch the ground to prevent strangling, and hanged 13 [natives] at a time in honor of Christ Our Saviour and the twelve apostles ... Then, straw was wrapped around their torn bodies and they were burned alive." This illustration, from a 1598 edition of Las Casas' "Brief Account," is by publisher-engraver Theodor de Bry.
Don't be tricked by the spic. Mexicans are absolute garbage. Short fat disgusting scum. On my visit to Mexico they thought my family were gods. The whole town crowded around begging for money, not one taller that 5 feet. There are no whites in Mexico, that is a complete lie. They are all brown, dark brown with indian features resembling their mongol heritage. They smell abominable. Their women are already fat and disgusting by age 17 and have 4 kids. They have IQ equal to nigger and constantly cry about the Mexican-American war and insist Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California are rightful Mexican clay, despite the fact Mexico only controlled those areas for less than 30 years.
Mexicans in America love raising the flag of their awful country and will burn the American flag. I've seen them wearing shirts and hats saying "make America Mexico Again", they are disgusting. Mexico is an embarrassment, if America conquered their shitty country and sold all the inhabitants into chattel slavery, it would be the best thing to ever happen to them and their country. Spics are violent, low IQ, smelly and ugly as sin. Between a nigger and a spic, I see little difference. I would have to imagine that any intelligent and aware Mexican must live in constant shame of what he is. I say imagine because I know there is no such thing as an intelligent and aware spic outside of imagination. They cling to our great republic and suck it for sustenance, they are not human. One of the greatest lies today is that spics are human, they are an abomination. When their ancestors crossed the land bridge at the end of the Pleistocene they had sex with the native megafauna and breed them out of existence. Their claim of Spanish blood is almost completely a lie. Few Spaniards dared lay a lustful finger on them, only the mentally ill Spaniards would do so when in want of a decent horse to fuck.
yes, I stated that >90% of the natives were killed off.
The remaining were obviously integrated into the spainish gene pool.
I don't know. Why the fuck would I ever want to go to the Mexican border? The other side is full of mexicans.
It took me 1 min to find the your wall, mexico. I even have the decency to look it in your despicable language that you guys use.
To scape of hunger, violence, poverty and know how whites for the first time.
Since when does "Hispanic America" mean specifically Mexico? In all of North and South America there are few places so low and horrid as Mexico, and every Mexican cannot be looked upon with anything but disgust. Every white hates the spic in the depths of his heart. These abominations, breed out of the sight of God burrow, crawl and writhe across our borders, their fat dwarf women dragging their freshly born children by umbilical cord to gorge themselves on the lifeblood of our nation.
Of course, incha'allah.
You should vote for Sanders you're so delusional
I literally forget white mexicans even exist. 100% of the ones that come here look like sweaty burlap bags.
so you hate the white race too? Mexican Americans are mostly WHITE.
Per the 2010 US Census, the majority (52.8%) of Mexican Americans identified as being White.[21] The remainder identified themselves as being of "some other race" (39.5%), "two or more races" (5.0%), Native American (1.4%), black (0.9%), and Asian / Pacific Islander (0.4%).[21] versus Mexico.
Mexico has 50 million of whites in the world, Guatemierda 0 whites.
I want neither, but if I had to chose I would probably go with mexifats.
Never been to the US but I was on a holiday in Cancun/Yucatan with my parents when I was 14 years old. I remember it being a totally chaotic country with endless roads through an untouched jungle. The people were fat, brown and very friendly.
At that time I only knew european mediterranean countries that would compare and I really couldn't believe back then that there are even more underdeveloped countries than spain, sicily and greece.
But it was overall a pretty nice holiday: there was a submarine trip you could do and look at the underwater fauna right at the point where the shelf goes down vertically. That was GOAT. And we also saw chichen Itza.
Alone for religious reasons I think that I would trade. At least Mexicans don't explode spontaneously.
>Identified as being white
Top pip Paco, I identify as a 6'4 Slayer Billionaire
You fucking turd, the census is a voluntary survey. I could tell people I identify as a martian nigger and they are required to write it down.
ok, but you have to know that you visited the Maya world, all fat, brown and jungle, but in North and West Mexico we are mostly Spanish.
I like how you people keep our yards cut and sidewalks blown NOT sweeped of garbage but you are very loud, steal a lot and just annoying to advanced society.
The muslims sell me my liquid jew and jewbacco and keep to themselves but I am always scared that they will explode at anytime.
Fuck you tyrone
They are just easier to rob because they can't put their money in the bank
and keep you 70% white.
Mexicans are not white but some of them are close
>burned alive
>fire pits
>60 gorillion dead
only proves what I said
>hanged 13 [natives] at a time in honor of Christ Our Saviour and the twelve apostles
damn i guess chist fags were not always cucks
How will you react when your freeloader parents get sent back without you? Hope you can live on your own, Paco.
The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported "White" or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish."[14] Whites constitute the majority of the U.S. population, with a total of about 245,532,000 or 77.7% of the population as of 2013. There are 62.6% Whites when Hispanics who describe themselves as "white" are taken out of the calculation. Despite major changes due to illegal and legal immigration since the 1960s and the higher birth-rates of nonwhites, the overall current majority of American citizens are still white, and English-speaking, though regional differences exist.
80% of Mexicans have Spanish origins.
I will just marry my mother and bring back the test of my family
tfw irish ancestry
tiocfaidh ar la
>the government's definition is the final definition
Have a (you).
>would you trade mexicans for muslims
No. Mexicans are violent beasts, but Muslims are much more efficient at killing larger amounts of people.
We can build a wall with Mexico and fix that problem. Fixing a Muslim problem would be a lot harder if we let them in like Europe.