

Really makes you think...

>peaceful Jews

Sounds more like religion is the problem

>Hurr durr atheists kill people
Yeah but not because of religion, which accounts for most large scale violence

>Peaceful Jews


Dude frig off. My dad died from atheism

Oh no, he posted the hat man meme! I'm done for!

What about all the deaths from communist revolutions in the 20th centuries? to a large extent those were carried out in the name of atheism

How many of those people claimed
>GLORY TO insert diety here
before killing people?

Lol tip harder faggot

>having to dig into history by 100s of years just to justify islamic behavior in the present

"its ok doing what we are guys acted like dicks once upon a time also"


No, they were carried out in the name of communism that happens to have a hard line stance against anything outside of the state. This means religion among other international organizations

Not one violent Scientologist tho

Here's a tip: kill yourself if you believe in heaven so much

People don't blame all muslims for the problems. They blame Islam for the problems. Those that carry the banner of Islam are the problem. It just so happens that all Muslims follow Islam. And those against Islam don't want any of it. If it helps you understand better, followers of Islam are a byproduct of the problem; a secondary concern. Those that act inappropriately and the religion itself are the primary two concerns.

It's simple enough to understand, you just need to approach propositional logic from its axioms, then expand outwards.

So there are only 5 of each?

Who's the Asian Prottie?

I actually agree with this t b h

Most Muslims arent terrorists obviously, if they were it would be ww3. I also acknowledge that many practicing muslims are hardliners and believe in shit like killing people who lesve their faith but as someone who believes in free speech and anti-authoritarian values I don't give a shit what these people say or discuss. As long as they arent making Islam the statw religion I honestly dont give a fuck. I dont get triggered by words.


>kill self to get to heaven
>get sent to hell instead because of 'Thou shalt not kill'

>Stalin was an atheist

my favorite meme

My boy gilles de rais didn't rape and murder those children, you anti jean d'arc propagandist

How many of them were violent because of their religions? How many were members of a religion where violence and war are central ideas? Just because most Muslims aren't violent doesn't discredit the idea that Islam is violent in nature.

>Muslims have a violent history with Christians
>Muslims have a violent history with Jews
>Muslims have a violent history with Buddhists
>Muslims have a violent history with Hindus
>Muslims have a violent history with other Muslims
>Muslims have a violent history with agnostics/atheists

I'm starting to notice a pattern...

>stop blaming muslims for violence
>look at these violent non-muslims that are so old photography didn't exist while most of them were alive

Maybe humans are just violent creatures.
Who'd'a thunk it.

>atheists don't kill people because of religion
>Communist Russia didn't mix eucharist with molten lead and pour it down priests throats
>I don't know what the league of Militant Atheists was
>or the Spanish Red Terror
>or the Reign of Terror in France
1/10 got me to reply.

>peaceful jews

Religion won't go away especially when it does more good than evil