DRADIS contact!! Battlestar Galactica thread, bearing 187, carom 221!
DRADIS contact!! Battlestar Galactica thread, bearing 187, carom 221!
Okay, here's a hard one: choose two characters, other than Roslin or the Adamas, to be the President and the Commander from the start of the show and not frak things up.
Billy as President, Starbuck as Commander.
Helo for Commander is the obvious choice. Apart from one glaring moment of stupidity, he's level headed and I think he'd rise to the occasion.
President is harder. Probably Doc Cottle. Doesn't put up with bullshit, but also knows how to pick his battles.
Starbuck would drive herself fucking mental if she was actually in charge. She strikes me as some who very much needs to be in the trenches
I like billy as president though, that's how it should have gone if the actor hadn't left
>picking the race traitor to be the Commander
I mean, there's poor judgement and then there's just plain naive
Cain. She would have survived if it hadn't been for Gaius giving the six a gun.
And technically, she was from the beginning of the show anyway.
Without frakking everything up? Tough call.
Y'know, I can't remember her name but I think I'd go with the woman who was Captain of one of the ships. She was the one who read out Gaius' acquittal. She also sat on the post-mutiny quorum. She had short blonde hair.
Cain would get the entire fleet killed in some damn fool suicide mission.
As for your pick for president; literally who?
You can bet your ass she wouldn't have made an alliance with the toasters. Gaeta was right when he said that Adama had let his affections for a Cylon cloud his judgement
As for the President, there basically wasn't a single member of the entire cast who did end up turning into a cunt by the end of Season 4
That's why I went for an unknown. She at least seemed like she was on the level.
based Cain
not a bad choice, he definitely had potential to be a commander( strong convictions, competent, no serious vices)i was going to delete "vices" this but i guess cylon pussy is a pretty big vice lol) where tigh obviously can only be an XO, granted a great XO. Gaeda showed he couldn't command, he capitulated with adama and thus his coup failed.
I have no fucking idea as far as president goes. Romo seems liked a "there is literally no one else alive that knows colonial law, so here's the presidency" Definitely an intelligent guy, got politics and could read people, just doesn't like like a man that could address the fleet and give confidence. Especially after he got Baltar off.