Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
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i once tried to cup a fart in my hand and eat it, but it turned out it was a slosh of diarrhea
They caused this, fuck them
Well, I never thought I'd see the day that a Democrat would consider a Republican president a success.
I'll take this as a step in the right direction for the mentally incompetent Occupy Democrat ilk
So you guys pretty much hate all ex-presidents? I never see you like any of your presidents.
I though Kennedy was fucking based.
i dont know who the faggots on the far left and right are but those 3 cunts in the middle should all be hung
>3 of them are democrats
>the other two are the father and brother of jeb bush
Please dont tell me this isnt a troll, I dont like trump but that is a bit ott
>who is Bush
But Ronald Reagan is dead
might have something to do with family loyalty for Yeb! on the bush's part and party loyalty on carter, clinton, and obama's part
That's a good sign.
most of those guys are evil as all fuck.
Carter is just a peanut farming retard.
This obviously.
But it really makes you think....
>Jimmy Carter
Low energy
>Bush crime family parts I and II
Almost as corrupt as Hillary
No shit he's not endorsing Trump
No description needed
Wish based Reagan was around, he'd be behind Trump 100%
teddy gets a lot of respect around here
Kennedy would have slipped into obscurity like most presidents if he didn't get shot.
Obama-What right winged person likes him?
Bush Jr-What leftist likes him?
Clinton-Who deregulated Wall St and increased pressure on the war on drugs?
Bush-People care about his opinion?
-Literally who?
That's stupid. They were PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
Why would they not endorse Trump because of petty reasons like "Generally opposing views on how to run the country" and "Not being my family"
Think before you speak, jap.
Really makes you think...
Wait, so liberals respect dubya's opinion now?
I'm sure 8 years ago they felt the same about Bush being a success as they claim now in that picture.
>Wish based Reagan was around, he'd be behind Trump 100%
The guy with dementia would have endorsed Trump.
The Establishment not endorsing the anti-establishment candidate.
Golly gosh I wounder why
Literally a meme president
Because they're all a bunch of pussy farts who are to scared to really strand up for what they believe in. Too scared of backlash so they just suck lib dick
>listen to the top 1% goys, only they knwo what's best for the bottom 99%
Reagan's son has come out against Trump and says his father would have done the same.
Every single one of the presidents in OP's image fucked up immensely and are afraid of what a competent president will do to their legacy.
Kys faggot the nip is right
The fact that establishment, bohemian grove circle-jerking, hacks refuse to endorse him is why he's the nominee
>anti establishment
ok, buddy.
>3/5 are Democrats
>Other two are of clan Bush
>Trump literally destroyed the Bush's reputation in primaries
>Nice meme lad
Sup Forums tier
I had to disable my coincidence checker when I read that just to make sure it wasn't broken.
in this case, FPBP= First Post Sup Forumstier Post
Let's see, from right to left.
1. Trump sodomized his son with a rake on live TV
2. Hilldawg knows that he likes it in the butt, he's toeing the line
3. Trump Sodomized his brother with a rake on live tv
4. See no. 2
5. Awful, literally our first autistic president
why would it be broken?
See? You guys don't like anyone.... Maybe in 10 years now you will say the same thing about Trump...
I see 4 war criminals
a CIA assassin
a corporate puppet
the worst president in modern history
a rapist
why would i give a fuck about what they think?
jimmy is ok though. would have peanuts and beer w him
>Reagan's son
is a liberal Democrat who endorsed Hernie.
>occupy democrats likes bush now
I used it on the Frankfurt School wiki page the other day, pretty sure it ran out of parenthesises.
>Carter is just a peanut farming retard.
I snickered.
That shoukd be all you need to see to vote for Trump. Im not even a trump fan...Cruz all day...but when i see shit like this i get excited because the worst thing i can imagine is remaining in the nightmare we have been in since 1917. Lets shake this world up. Id rather go down in a blaze of glory than sink meekly into the cesspool
Basically. We're not really given the opportunity to elect non-shit people to the top. We had the same group of shitheels kicking around in the whitehouse for like 40 years.
Trump beat the son/brother of two of them.
He's running against the wife of another one of them.
He publicly challenged the citizenship of one of them.
So Jimmy Carter doesn't like Trump. Okay. Do you want a cookie?
Dumb fuck
fucking this
Like the literal commies come saying Warhawk and Son, Black Mediocrity, Bill Lie Impeachment Guy, and Was He A President? don't like a candidate that's effectively eliminated all competition by sheer popular vote, is calling race-baiter's bluffs Left and Right, and is a return to the headsmashing fury America used to operate with, and they expect people to STOP liking him?
Kennedy was never an ex-president. The vast majority of our presidents were shit. Generally though the pattern to presidents and their competence I've noticed seems to be.
>Always vote former military officers first, generally avoid generals
>Lawyers tend to be competent presidents
>If they have a boner for hating commies or foreigners they are probably going to be pretty decent
Kennedy, Roosevelt, and Nixon were all military officers, Nixon was a lawyer, Kennedy and Nixon both took part in the hunt for communists during the red scare, and Roosevelt even mentioned in a speech how he hates people who consider themselves "[insert race or ethnicity] Americans." Out of them Kennedy executed the Cuban missile crisis very well, Nixon brought us out of Vietnam and opened relations with China, and Roosevelt helped to control the growth and power of major industries in addition to helping end the Russo-Japanese war.
>jimmy is ok though
To be fair if they are obscure odds are they were at least somewhat competent. No major economic collapse or bloody wars to remember them by.
makes my dick harder
The last great president was Calvin Coolidge
Fucking common-core.
All 4 of those presidents gradually sold us out more and more to globalist bullshit and shoved huge numbers of third world immigrants down our throats.
Fuck them. If they were "successful", then I wish they had failed!
Took me a couple reads to realize you were seriously praising Nixon. This is what i hate about children: you believe everything youre told
Bush Sr. And Carter
Reagan was a religious sociopath who fucked over this country by destroying any chance a mental health system could be established.
He also stagnated technology growth his entire term, like the religious wacko he was.
Really makes you think, huh?
Obama only won because of the Bush endorsement.
>these 4 guys who have gotten the USA into this mess all agree that TRUMP will take us the wrong way!
You mean reverse course to ruination? Sounds like an endorsement to me.
Also I think Carter actually said he'd rather see someone with doveish policies (like Trump) in the White House rather than yet ANOTHER warhawk. You know, someone like Hillary, who was FOR invading Afghanistan, FOR invading Iraq, FOR the overthrow of Libya by terrorists, wanted to further help terrorists overthrow Syria and she wants to INVADE IRAN, or at least sic the CIA/Mossad terrorist group known as Obama's Sons aka ISIL at them
Could be older.
"Nixon" is Republican for "Clinton."
>Giving a fuck about Bill "Rape Case" Clinton
came here to post this
didn't ban mexicans in his immigration act though, shame.
No they are fully serious. Democrats are shitting themselves faster than they can throw it over Trump. You haven't even begun to see retarded asspulls.
The only good president there is obama
Conservatives probably thought they'd be a good Catholic voterbase, not Niggers Lite.
So the 5 guys responsible for the mess we're in hate Trump?
Really makes you think.
But Carter did endorse Trump over Cruz, because Cruz is the spitting image of the president who effectively unmade everything Carter did while president.
I love how this thread is talking shit about Carter for no reason.
He was the last good president we had. The president that fucked over his career recently died.
He's an old senile man now so none of his opinion is really relevant and most people don't care about his opinion anyway because all of his time as president was wiped from history thanks to Reagan.
now only fill the bottom cups and see what happens
How was Nixon a bad president? Guy opened relations with China and dragged us out of Vietnam. He won 520 electoral votes in the 1972 election and if it wasn't for Watergate probably would have remained one of the most popular presidents in recent history.
You underestimate his influence at your peril; Clintons are like royalty to a lot of older economic liberals.
Democrats ARE electing his wife.
To be fair Trump's probably gonna do the same to Obama.
You're on the right track, go listen to Metallica's first album for a few hours and think about it some more.
All 5 of these presidents were shit though?
2 Bushes, self explanatory.
Carter, regarded as one of the worst ever.
Bill, started the policies leading to the 08 economic crash. NAFTA etc, rode the dotcom boom through a good economy.
Obama, race baiting nigger whos done irreparable harm to race relations and acts like a dictator.
Just kill these people. State-sanctioned mass murder is the answer.
catholic was probably a mark against them back in those days. trying to figure out why on earth he'ld let in papist mesitzos when trying to preserve ethnic purity.
Looks like it might be something to do with oil and influence against communism, which I suppose isn't too surprising. en.wikipedia.org