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You have no allies and enemies are everywhere
Sounds more cool
Literally nuke the region, holy shit. How could the US have fucked over the Middle East this hard? It wasn't even on purpose, they just wanted to fight ebil dictators
>there is more than one faction
>It wasn't even purpose
yeah, they just ACCIDENTALLY kept those wars going.
What a coincidence, they've also been selling arms to all of them. What luck, haha!
>tfw our flag colors are shared by some countries in bumfuck nowhere
you have literally worst flag colors
I think you're grossly overestimating the US govbent.
It's a fascinating conflict but it's hard as hell to find reliable information about it. Most of the videos is either outdated (so that means more than a month old) or biased. I'd like to know who's gaining strentgh, who's getting weaker and so on. The map on wiki is hard to read but I guess ISIS is getting its ass kicked.
Evidently I'm not because that's exactly what they did
Why else would they artificially prolong those wars? They keep arming the weak side and picking off leaders of the strong side if you haven't noticed
Syrian rebels, fuck Assad and ISIS
It's because they're fucking stupid.
>"Uh oh, an ebil dictator! We should arm these nice rebels to fight him! What does secular mean? Who cares!"
>"Uh oh, the rebels are actually crazy fundamentalist assholes, we better fund some rebels to kill them!"
>"Oh no, they're even MORE fundamentalist! Find some more rebels to arm!"
And so on
This or the kurds
Rebels and isis are the same shit
Admin is pro " moderate " terrorist rebel tho
>Syrian rebels
>fuck ISIS
Well it's the only side I would call disorganised. Basically Syrians who fight Assad. There are many groups like this includin Al Qaeda.
A very handy graph. I hope it's accurate. Anyway in many news articles they always mention how the rebels are fighting ISIS and never do the same for the government forces. They don't want them to appear more sympathetic? Of course there are more secular groups among the rebels but how to ensure that they'll be the one to stay in power? Too risky imo. Just let Assad win.
Yes because you can dislike both authoritarianism and fundamentalist Islam you spic faggot.
There is no cuch a thing as "siryan rebels", they are just ISIS shills
That's why ISIS attacks them but okay.
Different face, same coin.
Go off the side and pick the secret boss character
Many FSA ditched the coalition to join ISIS in the past. They've the same mentality, except that FSA hides it because they're being funded by your government and it would ruin their reputation in the west if they snackbarred too much, while ISIS doesn't give a fuck.
Develop mods for the game
Assad: lawful evil
FSA: neutral evil
ISIS: chaotic evil
YPG: chaotic neutral
The Kurds, because not all Kurds are mudslime dirt bags. You dumb mother fuckers.
>Faction special effect:100% resistant to nukes
include the country who wined(non alcoholic one) and dined him and groomed him for prime ministership since 90s and protected him from coups in mid 00s famalam
SDF is the only acceptable option.
>let's replace the islamists with slightly less violent islamists
Every faction at some point has defected to another faction at some point in the war.
>Faction special effect:100% resistant to nukes
Exactly because cockroaches have shown to survive nuclear blasts
Fucker sitting in the corner with a riot shield in S&D
I already pity future historians. I hope Saudi Arabia and Iran to end this already or at least cut the proxy war crap and fight for real.
You talk as if you had an option and weren't hijacked by jew interests
Yeah, too bad they brought with them weapons and money too, your taxpayer money, helping ISIS spread their tentacles further. There's no excuse for any faction that call themselves "moderate" to join ISIS. There're no moderates, there're only retarded snackbars:
>lets fight both fundamentalist and autoritarian nuts!
>whoops didn't work in Iraq
>whoops almost worked in Afghanistan
>whoops didn't work with Lybia
>This time its gonna work with Syria, I promise guize!
>a fruitcake joining ISIS
if you thought beaners supporting trump was odd...
To sum things up:
ISIS - will be lucky to survive this year, in any case they're gonna lose sooner or later
Kurds - have actually a chance of achieving their goal of gaining independence if they're a part of the final peace talks
the government - will probably survive and still rule the country perhaps with some enforced "reforms"
the rebels - some will continue their eternal fight, some may be allowed to take part in negotiations, dunno what's Assad's opinion on democratic reforms but for some reason I doubt he will want to go as far as they want
There isn't just one rebel faction, not every group that's a part of the rebels is alike. The Southern Front and the Army of revolutionaries are pretty based but everyone assumes that all rebels are like the sham legion.
I didn't suggest America do anything. I don't want America touching Syria with a 12 foot pole just I want the rebels to win the war on heir own.
>90% of the rebels are islamist goatfuckers
>doesn't matter because 10% are based right?
>win on their own
yeah they wouldn't even have taken up arms in the first place if it wasn't for american intervention
Assad bends his ass for Islamist Iranian revolutionary guards but thats ok because they're shia or something .
Yes puppet master Murica causing all of the shit in the world.
Shia have always been considered infidels by the Sunni, this should tell you a lot. No sane government should support a Sunni revolution, ever. Sunni = Radical Islam.
Neither of them are fit to lead a country. Assad is a ruthless dictator and the FSA are undercover islamists.
>"Assad ruthless dictator! must be topped!!"
>meanwhile the saudi king reigns undisturbed
Let's be honest, if Assad didn't favor the Russian over the US deal, nobody would have given a flying fuck about his "dictatorship" (by the way, they had democratic elections in 2014 and he won with something like 90%).
Given that Sunnis are the majority religion in the region, I think a Sunni revolution is inevitable. The Western countries just need to make sure it's a secular, non-theocratic one. Remember that the Kurds are technically Sunni Muslims as well.
>it wasn't on purpose
Wew lad
>opposing Assad means you support the house of Saud
Based fucking Assad
>make sure it's a secular, non-theocratic one
Literally impossible. Sunni want an islamic state like Saudi Arabia.
>the Kurds are technically Sunni
Over 30% of Kurds are shia.
Not saying that, but why are the media and many western governments pushing so much against Assad when Saudi cannot even protest peacefully in the streets? Before the revolution started, in Syria people were able to protest at least, it got violent when the police started dying (let's ignore that under similar circumstances the same would have happened in any western country). Assad is the least evil of all middle-est imho.
>making a compromise to save his skin WHAT A RETARD RIGHT
And yes being shia has a lot to do with it, especially when most sunnis are openly calling for your genocide
You literally are bumfuck nowhere.
Because if you're a sane citizen, it makes sense to vote for someone who wants to remove snackbars from your country, I was expecting that result honestly, they've been living through war since 2011.
>Literally impossible. Sunni want an islamic state like Saudi Arabia.
Many of them do, yes, but not all of them. We have to support the ones who don't. The SDF are a good place to start.
>but why are the media and many western governments pushing so much against Assad when Saudi cannot even protest peacefully in the streets?
Because we're, unfortunately, still dependent on a stable Saudi state.
And let's not assume that peaceful protests were a given in Syria. Many of the defectors from the SAF did so because they were forced to open fire or commit violence atrocities against civilians.
Let's be serious, the only guys who get 90+% on "elections" besides Assad is Putin and the Best Korea clan
not that european "lets cordon sanitaire the shit out of the right wing" elections are any better
wow, #imwithher now!
>did so because they were forced to open fire or commit violence atrocities against subhuman sunnis
Are you implying that is bad?
choice is clear
I don't know what to tell you. You're assuming these people are literal retards who don't know what they're doing, and just randomly happen to benefit by selling arms.
No, they do it to sell arms. It's not a coincidence, mate.
sounds like people will stop growing brain when they have power
me lol
>do it to sell arms.
Is that slang for defending Israel?
you kids these days...
Look at the population density though, it's not completely impossible. The cities under the government control would definitely vote for Assad, those cities probably had the major density too. I don't have faction maps from the 2014 time but I bet it wasn't much different, actually there were moments in the past when Assad had even more ground than he does now. Who would even vote for that failure of a coalition that supported the FSA snackbars anyway?
>they're defending israel by prolonging wars instead of ending them
If I'm a kid you're a sperm
Murdering civilians is always bad, no matter what religious group they belong to.
Also, regarding your wording of "subhuman Sunnis", why do you think ISIS even exists?
>they're defending Israel by taking out regimes hostile to them (Saddam, Ghadaffi, Assad...)
do I have to spell everything out for you?
>Murdering civilians is always bad, no matter what religious group they belong to.
>pest control is bad
>Also, regarding your wording of "subhuman Sunnis", why do you think ISIS even exists?
because they consider all non-sunnis subhumans and they won't change their mindset regardless of what you think
Had me fooled there for a sec Ahmed
>he cares what group of sand-monkies rules the desert
On shia and other minorities controlled zones its quite possible yes
But the country is majority sunni, no way he would win in "real" elections, let alone get 90% approval
You sure are quite intent on forgetting that it was the US who armed those forces in the first place.
That's what they do, shit for brains. They arm the rising force to prolong the war, then when they get big they kill their leaders so their opposition rises, then they repeat it with those.
They have been doing this for many many years now
Would rather fight for Lithuania than any of the shitskins
Man, ISIS got some pleb tastes.