Trump U Judge BTFO by Based Molyneux

>Obama appointee
>Friends with Plaintiff's lawyer
>Allowed lead plaintiff to drop out, didn't drop case
>Personally awarded illegal immigrant scholarship
>Anchor baby
>Lied about parents Citizenship
>Plaintiff lawyers gave 700K to Clinton for speeches (like Goldman and co)
>Member of group boycotting Trump

Don't listen to the media, Trump was dead right on this Judge and the situation is fucked.

Get this information out.

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

>44 min

This first post, will become the best post.

t. samefag

share fuckers

also, rare OC molymeme

bump for visibility

this is vital info trumpfags

Based fascist molymeme

>44 mins

how about no.
somebody make a 5 mins clip with some animation and music and i might give it my time.

Ok here you go:

>libs are silly
>molyneux is high

Wow that's one lazy first aid kit.

What is this supposed to be?

Some sort of argument?


OP, you're gonna prolapse hard with all that ass-pulling. But, seems like that's the sort of game you're into ... so, enjoy.

>Don't listen to the media, Trump was dead right on this Judge
uh, trump didnt say any of those things though. he was just like hurp durp mexicans cant be unbiased.




pic related



they'll never shut it down
it's all they have on him, so they'll slide it
just tweet to Trump, but make sure your account is free of nazi shit

So why didn't Trump say all that? Why when asked did he just say "I'm building a wall" like 20 times? If he dropped all that it wouldn't even look like an issue.

>So why didn't Trump say all that?
because (((trump))) is in inarticulate moron.

Holyshit who are you people?

>Dominated news cycle for 3 days, cucking Hillary on her night of triumph
>forces media to explore Bill's 16mil Lafeyette adventures
>Public so sick of TRUMP RAYCISS meme they trust media left

You just don't get it do you? Trump is one of the smartest men alive and you can't keep up.–Kruger_effect

^ This is you

left = less

pic related

>Don't you love concern trolls?
Jesus, Memeneux, can you make it any more obvious you shill here? I love your work but putting Sup Forums memes in your videos is kind of annoying.

Of course brother, but how do we inform the general public of their lies? This story seeks to be taking hold.

now this is an argument

Trump workers need to bring this to Trump's attention to be edited and turned into a Trump ad.

Daily Reminder if you're not running multiple troll Twitter handles for Trump, you're not party of this war

Is Steven Memeneux the archetypal example of what happens when the red pill hits?


Do your part lad


the only person to overdose on red pills harder is Alex Jones

Why is it that every time Trump does something stupid, someone says it's all part of his master plan and anyone who thinks otherwise is too dense to get it?

Why can't you just accept that he's in over his head?

The media still covered Clinton's win.
I don't even know what this Lafeyette thing is, so I doubt the average person does either

You seem to think the public thinks like you do. They don't. Sup Forums is filled with deluded out of touch edgelords.

Trump is bad at politics. I get that is part of his charm, but that doesn't mean he's a secret genius.

Everyone that has employed exactly the reasoning you just did has been making predictions about the end of his candidacy and btfo continuously for months.
When are you retards going to realise that if your model can't predict what is going to happen it is confirmed to be invalid.

>Trump is bad at politics

>Took out 17 Professional Politicians to secure the nomination with the most votes in history

Pick one and only one faggot.