>Citizens with student loans cannot vote until they are repaid in full
>Citizens on welfare cannot vote until one year after their last active year of benefits.
Prove me wrong
>Citizens with student loans cannot vote until they are repaid in full
>Citizens on welfare cannot vote until one year after their last active year of benefits.
Prove me wrong
Only tax paying citizens receive the right to vote.
It does follow the taxation for representation idiom. I'm actually failing an argument against the welfare one, although people on student loans are technically paying interest and considering how much government intervention there is for banks..
Maybe allowing people on welfare to vote is dishonest. Besides more welfare, what else would they vote for?
>niggers arent allowed to vote
Prove me wrong
They cry about passing a drug test, and weed stays in the system longer.
Remember the pain of racism and prejudice of that horrifying idea.
You're as trendy as anal bleaching
Welfare should be run on a more "employed to the state" deal where a person on welfare without a job should be made to do little things for their local government like pick up trash on roadsides or help government officials
The reason this hasnt been done is that some people liken it to slavery
Also, only taxpaying citizens in the selective service should be able to vote. Although that would be seen as racist and sexist as the majority of welfare recipients are black and women do not have to sign up for the SS in the first place
People on welfare still pay (sales) taxes.
On mobile and can't quote the Aus reploer, but my argument for the student loans one is pot current millions of people that won't do anything but try to bail themselves out.
Only land owners should be allowed to vote.
I would agree if it weren't guaranteed to cause another housing crisis
i dont think that people who work for companies that get government handouts should be allowed to vote. that should get rid of most of the (((people))) we need gone.
dude. it costs 400,000 to go to medical or dental school these days. Student loans are a symptom of the devaluation of the dollar and preposterous levels of demand. It's not the fault of the people who do everything correctly. I know the liberal arts majors make it seem like debt is a choice. It didn't used to be this way. The last 2 generations did this with no debt because it cost less. You can't be a dentist without making yourself a peasant.
Jews & Niggers cant vote
Literally just get rid of all non-whites and non-asians
only straight, white, conservative, land-owning males get the right to vote.
must be tough getting cucked by an asian, huh faggot?
Dentists can pay off their debt, though.
user are you retarded?
min age 25
property owner
the way it used to be, and it worked just fine.
OP is a faggot SJW woman sympathizer, thinking they should be able to vote.
But i want to vote for trump and have student loan debt
You can't expect women to pay taxes and not get a vote. Voting should be based on net contribution. If you're taking out more than you're contributing, you shouldn't be voting.
> Feudalism 101
> more libtardtarian than Somalia
Lol, just get rid of voting.
Why the fuck do we still think democracy works?
>wanting to punish people for going into higher education
>only wanting the rich to have higher education
how fucking stupid are you?
>Voting should be based on net contribution.
>women should be allowed to vote
pick one.
The right to vote is inalienable to US citizens.
Hence you're wrong.
But not all women, universally. This way you stop all leeches, not just female leeches, from voting for more handouts other people have to pay for.
how do you get gary and trump together like that????
I'd like to add a group to OP's: the descendants of wealthy people.
They didn't earn that money.
>Pay off loans
>Get to vote.
>Learn a trade
>Get to vote
>Take out loans for women's studies
>Never be employable
>Don't get to vote.
>The reason this hasnt been done is that some people liken it to slavery
The real reason it hasn't been done is that it's administrative waste to keep tabs on who's working what and making sure they do it
Then they can vote so long as payments are made as agreed.
Fuck, dude. Not everyone is born into money. If one is actively bettering themselves and positively contributing to society, isn't that what this country is supposed to be?
Asinine thoughts.
A) Student Loans
First, student loans are non-dischargable debts as opposed to the loans the government provides during bailouts. You can file bankruptcy to get rid of nearly any other kind of debt except student loans. They are going to be repaid eventually no matter what.
Second, that removes most doctors, lawyers, and advanced degree holders from the voting populace.
Third, I have no student loan debt because my parents paid for my college in full. That does not make me a more qualified member of the electorate.
B) Welfare
Functionally welfare programs subsidize businesses. They do this by allowing labor that would normally be cost out to work at companies. For example, in the SF Bay area most people cannot afford to live proximate to San Francisco on a janitor, service rep, cashier wage-- but there is a huge need for those positions. By providing housing assistance and food stamps, we allow companies to continue to pay minimum wage and still get employees.
Further, disabilities. Are you really going to say that anyone who is disabled or needs some form of assistance is ineligible to vote and has no vested interest or legitimate position in determining governance? That sounds a bit out there.
All you are really doing is eliminating people not from wealthy families from the political process.
Which already happens. Because people from wealthy families determine the viable candidates and the policy direction of the parties generally.
All your rules change would do is foster resentment and lead to riots/protests. Particularly because university graduates have been instigators of revolutions since forever.
I agree with depriving welfare leeches of the vote, but the problem students is simply that the educational system has been infiltrated by the left. Remove the leftists from higher education and you'll stop seeing moronic unemployed leftist students.
>Land ownership as a requirement to vote.
A bad idea simply because some of the biggest traitors to this country are a bunch of well-off faggots who want to employ slave-wage labor shitskins.
And if they don't learn to make it, they'll lose it. Being a net-negative on society when poor, is a burden on society. Being a net-negative when rich... Is a burden on yourself and your estate.
Point taken.
Consider this: if welfare recipients couldn't vote, the program would probably end, as there would be no candidates to support a cause without voter say-so.
And then no one would be on welfare, so now, they could vote again.
And then they'd rally for its return!
>A bad idea simply because some of the biggest traitors to this country are a bunch of well-off faggots who want to employ slave-wage labor shitskins.
> I'm a low wage whiner
this is why people like you shouldnt be able to vote
It should be reserved for people with means.
Mexican intellectual
>And then they'd rally for its return!
No, because they would know who has to pay for it.
Life becomes different when you actually pay taxes, puts things in a new light.
And once again, Sup Forums proves it's completely oblivious of any historical understanding or trends, as always Sup Forums is fucking retarded
Good job idiot. Now young folks and rednecks won't be able to vote. How many people do you think can be on welfare in a household?
This is funny. How many white people do you think are on welfare in this country? LOL
Ancient greek democracy was exactly like this.Poorfags,uneducated,traitors and homos did not had the right to vote.
They were still fucked by this whole democratic voting system anyway,until Periklis took over and fixed everything.
yeah isn't it great
being on Sup Forums is like having alot of sand in your eyes
sure it hurts
redneck does not get the idea of debt, may be just go to sharia countries, moron
Wrong flag. I hereby revoke your voting rights.
> land owning
> not including newly-reintroduced slave holding
>poor white middle america loses vote
>join forces with nigs and spics
>revolution topples system