This is Correct
Holy shit the Hawaii flag is pathetic
Fuck you nigger.
This state may be a cucked shithole, but this flag is one of the few things we have going for us.
Ohio should be patriot tier. It's literally the American flag in pennant form with some extra.
>Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
>The California Republic
>what is the red star on our flag
I like the simplicity of Kansas
it's just a little thing with animals and a sunflower on top
wtf id the last one
I don't like Colorado's communism but they have an objectively good flag.
Colorado flag is fucking stupid.
Maryland I think
Only arkansas has a good southern flag.
New mexico and colorado are kings. The rest are meh
Arizona has the shittiest flag, I thought some drunk hippie in the 70s made it. And Colorado's looks like a crappy corporate logo.
tfw always thought our flags was too unique
>Tfw Marylander
Most areas outside of Baltimore are legitimately better than the majority of the US
Baltimore itself is pretty shit
>stealing the welsh flag
>elder god tier
You should update your flag
Flag wise Maryland is best, traditional European coat of arms
>South Carolina
>not savior of the south tier
>Literally told the government to go fuck itself
What the fuck man?
Arkansas has the shittiest flag.
>hey y'all wut should we be fixin' ta put on our flag?
>how 'bout our name!
Fucking stupid
California flag would be great if it weren't for the text.
Text = Automatic bad flag
SC flag looks islamic with palm tree and crescent moon
fuck off, second california.
NCR has a better flag
It's ironic considering I would bet real money we have the fewest muzzies in the entire country, well, short of alaska anyway.
beats having loser countries like spain and the Confederacy on your flag.
>Hey Thailand
>its Costa Rica
Check my rare flag!
When did Chile become a state?
You dont get to be in the judging if your state didn't have a militia that flew colors in the Revolutionary War. You know, when flags meant something.
Didn't know others actually liked our flag.
I never really thought about it, but i guess it is cooler than alot of those other flags.
Alabama is first for something finally that isn't racist.
How are you going to say Virginia is not in elder god patriot tier. The flag literally says death to tyrants
>communist tier
the list is based on the flags looks
and Arizona looks like some 80s soviet special flag
Bumping with a couple more from CT
I feel ct should be moved up, it may be another blue flag but it's still one of the first, and it's not a circle in the middle. And we have a kek bridge.
Then again it is a garbage state
SC is dope, Hawaii is lame as fuck
MD'R here, our based flag is the few good things about our state.
>Tfw your entire state was/is cucked by o'malley and baltimore.
>communist tier
kill yourself you stupid nigger.
Our leak bridge is on heroin
Hawaii as a state is pathetic.
Tennessee flag is based af.
>tfw they wanted to replace the tri-star design with some minimalist "TN" stupidity on official forms.
>tfw everyone thought it was ridiculous
I love Wyoming's flag
>Implying Indiana isn't God-Emperor tier
I shiggy diggy, tbqh famalam.
>AZ communist tier
This 1000x
Oakland is too comfy
Fits in with the rest of the area more that way.
All the flags with the state name in them would look way better without the name
>Nevada Blue Tier
Are you talking about just the color of the flag? Cause outside of Vegas we're pretty much the wild west.
yes the rating system has nothing to do with the state itself, just how the flag looks
Where's the Canadian flag?
Remember that time we whooped your ass in that war?
Don't get out of line fatso, Trudeau won't hesitate to pull the trigger on your islamaphobic ass, not for one second.
The one and only
>sic semper tyrannus not in elder god patriot tier
It would be better if the animal on your flag wasn't extinct.
Oregon here, we're trying.
>Anyone else here want to try to take over Oregon with National Socialism and try to crown one of us Basileus of Cascadia, when America goes the way of Rome?
shit forgot the flag
RI is god tier but I still miss our old one
every tiem
Unfortunately, too bad we can't deport those damn island Mexicans because muh commonwealth citizenship
I keep forgetting that my ban expired
Yeah we deserve that, our state motto is cool though and you'll never have as many historically meaningful sites as us
Too bad being near DC is gradually cucking us as carpetbaggers move into NOVA and turn it into some new shitty thing
Also most of those "patriot tier" flags are sporting flags of the Confederacy, or are red white and blue because those were the colors of the Confederacy. They're still probably the most authentically American though.
Nearly every country has Republic in there name though
Fuck that shit. NYC is blue but the rest of NY is straight up red.
Feels real good to be an elder god
t. AK47 owner
Because our state's flag is kind of ugly, even if the motto is cool
Maryland's flag looks like that because during the civil war they had their own civil war where secessionists wanted to join the CSA, but Union troops and loyalists prevented them
After the war the flags of Confederate Maryland and Union Maryland were combined in order to symbolize the reunion of the state
Maryland certainly has enough niggers to be honorary southern, even if the whites there are retarded
>a Fucking bison
Wtf why Arizona?
Never been there, but they seem to be the only border state that speaks out against illegal immigration.
The C on the Colorado flag actually stands for Communist.
I would love to join Oregon bro. The rise of Cascadia is long overdue
I don't even know what my state flag looks like
It's a hipster flag that just said 'fuck it, we're not gonna be a rectangle'. I'm perfectly ok with 'Good God Damn' tier.
Yep. This is pretty accurate.
It's a reference to our history, a revolutionary war battle
Why is the Chilean flag on there?
NC flag is okay I suppose
>tfw tennessee
god damn, it feels so gud to be a real american
We could certainly use a better flag. It's not horrible, it's just so very very bland.
That's Texas
Superior Georgian checking in.
>t. Literal bull prepper
>Communist tier
what did he mean by this?
flag looks like a 70s commie flag