what does Sup Forums think of alex jones
What does Sup Forums think of alex jones
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He's my favorite plant.
Wish his videos would get off of my youtube recommendations
He's built up quite an operation and dismantled his family, all the while covering for le merchant.
not his real name. he;s a "dead" comedian.
he stirs unease in people, makes them scared and nervous. this drives sales of prepper gear.
>dismantled his family
Look man, I got a wife and 5 kids to feed.
Just buy the damn filters.
If that document is correct, then he got RAPED in divorce court.
Why does he still mention his wife sometimes? I haven't watched a video of his in about a month, and in recent times I've only watched them rarely.
He's what happens when someone becomes too redpilled
If you haven't noticed, he shills A LOT on Sup Forums
Every week, there's videos from Infowars posted on here.
They're doing it on purpose.
Hes a plant, but god damn hes funny as hell.
I really need to start watching his show. This guy is a fuckin riot.
Not anymore.
He mentions his family and kids, who is staying with him while his wife moves back to New York.
>he shills A LOT on Sup Forums
Yeah, Sup Forums needs a new board for milo/mollyjew/jones or at least a containment thread.
It's weird that a conspiracy theorist would endorse a NYC elite businessman. Then again, niggas got books to sell.
I feel like he's becoming less of a plant that he's now willing to make subtle mention of (((them))) with guests on air. He can't be direct because almost all that prepper gear and supplements are supplies by Jew owned companies.
The real blue pilled one is Paul Joseph Walker. He outright denied in an AMA that there was Jewish influence in society and said there is no proof.
what makes you guys say he's a plant? i always thought he was an original freedom fighter. he breaks stories that otherwise wouldn't have come out
jidf must be out
Every time I see a video about trump protesters and the related, I make sure it's not an an InfoWars video.
Also his British friend who puts his face close to the camera is most-likely the one who shills on Sup Forums more than he does.
But, seriously, Alex. Go take a nap. Sure, your videos may be interesting, but at this point, it's regurgitation. Let some other YouTube channels get their fame (except Jew plants) to even it out. If every video is from you, that makes people discredit you.
the fact that he supports trump disproves he's a plant
this shit is old hat
If you don't scream to the rooftops "JEWS DID 9/11!!!" "JEWS DID USS LIBERTY!!!" Sup Forums will label you a shill and plant without exception.
His shit looks kinda professional, though. Like he works directly with Fox news. I mean, that studio he sits in sure isn't cheap. That alone is concerning.
Herp derp somebody posts one of the 10 guys making videos appealing to the alt right
You faggots are insufferable
He has fucktons of commercials and advertisers, he sell a lot of merchandise(every Hillary for Prison t-shirt you see at Trump rallies makes Alex $10), and the fucking filters and pills are his bread and butter. They weren't always this big and professional. AJ has been at this for over 20 years.
Also, Alex, if you're here, put more focus on specific protesters in your videos. Show the camera closer to the Antifa (Antifaschiste Aktion) protesters. Those people are the ones you want to keep a close eye on. Watch how they're the ones to cast the first stone (or bottle) and how they're the front linemen to a controlled opposition.
>what makes you guys say he's a plant? i always thought he was an original freedom fighter. he breaks stories that otherwise wouldn't have come out
because his real name is Bill Hicks, and he just winds people up to sell schlock
He's 90% of the alt-right videos being posted, especially when it comes to trump protests. His British friend usually covers the migrant crisis.
>He's 90% of the alt-right
Alex Jewns is now alt-fag?
Source of video?
Remember those "community leaders" during the Ferguson protests? How they would literally stand alongside the cops to calm the people down and convince them to follow the officer's orders. They are literally government agents that live within the ghettos.
I forget which dept it was through but it was so obvious these people weren't the average citizens and that they were always at the front of the crowds directing things.
with jews, you lose
>$43,933 x 72
>Alex Jones owes his ex-wife $3.16 million
holy fuck
I think I'm gonna go buy some of those filters and survival shield. I just feel sorry for him now.
someone please post the video
he sees the intricate power weavings
he knows it is not only judaism that ties them together, but millions of individuals, all biding for power through particular aggragates
he has become the redpill, transcended the need for shitposting
He's alright but has a Jew ex-wife so I always question his reports but he does have some good info on the Migrant clusterfuck and some other topics. He is a bit shy to say the Jews orchestrated all of this shit, but maybe this is to prevent them from launching a campaign to discredit him. He really opened my eyes on 9/11 when I was younger tho, so I respect him for that as that made me realize what the reality of this world is and how it is being controlled.
he's WOKE as fuck
lmao you can tell he's watched a lot of Vince McMahon.
What exactly am I looking at here
Here it is
Checked, nice quads
Hillary literally is god though
Shut the fuck up; you're wrong
you can stop your internal dialogue
Holy shit, he kept the kids and still got slammed with that bill? Shieeeeeeeeeeeet.
Notice how those same people are in every video. Take that BLM guy with the long thin beard and glasses. He's also the same guy in the Black Israelite videos.
>I've never seen him do this before!
>It's totally out of character!
No its not, not for Alex Jones. He flips out like that daily.
haha honestly thats pretty funny
> He didn't swallow a red pill.
> He swolled a whole bottle too fast.
He's a meme.
But he owns it, and he's self aware. And that is why you MUST watch him
3.1 million over 6 years
fuck women
He's annoying as fuck with his crazy act, but his youtube channel has some great videos of sjws, bilderberg and other stuff.
So yeah, his press does a good job covering interesting events, but everything else is bullshit.
Wasn't he revealed to be an FBI funded psyop in 2006 or something
controlled opposition
an establishment patsy
a Bildeberg plant
an Israel puppet
>when you dropped the entire bottle of REDPELL S D on your hand trying to put it onto tabs
K? K
he constantly mixes truth with ridiculous bullshit and refuses to name the jew. his interview with david duke proved that he's just a shill.
no, the fact that he supports trump should make you more suspicious of trump since jones is such an obvious shill