Is it degenerate to fuck traps? The Greeks and Romans fucked boys all the time and they were pretty masculine.
Is it degenerate to fuck traps? The Greeks and Romans fucked boys all the time and they were pretty masculine
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No, but loving one makes you a full blown fucking faggot.
Only if the balls touch
>Is it degenerate to fuck traps?
>The Greeks and Romans fucked boys all the time and they were pretty masculine.
how did that work out for them?
Depends if it's a trap with A gender or a SJW transamajig nth gender or non-gender or all-gender or whatever.
yes and you should kill yourself
>how did that work out for them?
Pretty well - at least until they started giving their women power a few centuries down the line and everything went to shit.
also if streams cross
Jew lies itt
>pretty well
>completely overrun.
ok, buddy.