You're driving and you see this guy and you stop your car

You're driving and you see this guy and you stop your car.

He says,

What do you say to him?

Other urls found in this thread:

pretty /fa/, nice aesthetic

>Let me tell you about the jews...

"you're a rather sizeable individual"

Why did you impregnate lisa bonet twice?

I thought he was Dothraki, not Ironborn

You're a big guy

I think he's kind of pretty. 10/10 would tap that, if I wasn't scared he'd kill me.

Relative to you


Yo my nigga from sea. Where da road at?

Damn thats some nice boots.
Where to cop

This is literally the best way to drive off strangers

.................I drive

Need a lift?

I had a dream about you last night.....(True story)

Laugh about his "this is what nu-males consider manly" look

This is the second thread you've posted this in, now I want a greentext.

Why would I stop my car for this big scary mountain of a guy on this lonely deserted road?

I'd drive right past him and pretend he was a rock or something.

>you drive past him
>5 minutes later he's there again


kek you noticed. I can't into greentext but from what I remember
>I was like the head of a gang or something
>He was like my best bro or what ever
>He was shirtless the whole time because werewolves and shit.
>Some guy with a shotgun tried to shoot us.
Sounds pretty stupid hey. Can't remember everything sorry. But basically we were running around fucking shit up for some reason (his chest was alittle more hairier in dream)

How did you wake up?

with a raging boner!. jk my heart rate was up for some reason. But I don't think it had to do with the man with the shotgun. Why does it matter how I woke up?

>Why does it matter how I woke up?
More often than not, it determines if you liked the dream or not.

I didn't like your Conan movie.

Nice slut boots, bitch! *peels the fuck away*

>Went to dutch techstore mediamarkt
>bunch of collector's editions of that movie in the 5 for 20 bluray bin