I got to wondering today, is there such a thing as female privilege? If so, what is it? Are there things females are more likely to get in life than men just on the basis of their gender?
I got to wondering today, is there such a thing as female privilege? If so, what is it...
Custody, child support, a provider, maternity leave, life on easy mode if they are moderatly atractive.
They literally get scholarships, government business grants, employment quotas and a million other benefits just for being women.
chad dick
free sex anytime they want
the pussy pass pretty much guarantees you an easy life
unless you're a dogface woman, then you will have it harder than even men
came here to post
Yes. Women benefit from feminism and chivalry combined in the western world. They want to be "equal" to men, yet they receive preferable treatment in every arena of life. If they don't get preferable treatment, they will whine and bitch until they get it.
We can't disagree with them, we can't reject them, we can't take them off their pedestal, we can't hold them accountable for anything, because if we do, we're misogynist neckbeard virgin losers, apparently.
My wife's been pulled over multiple times driving without a licence, texting, speeding and not a single ticket
I get written up every single time
Female privilige only applies to attractive women which may be why SJWs genuinely aren't aware of its existence
>oh what's that
>my property is a little overpriced?
>it's not worth that much you say?
>hey did you notice I have tits?
>hmmm yeah you're gonna pay full price
>hmm oh dear your dick seems to be in my mouth
>I love cum
Women can get away with fucking murder guys
Well, male privilege does not exist. People confuse 'male privilege' with 'Chad privilege'.
Sure, males in general have "human rights", but that doesn't mean anything. We are disposable, the moment a real war comes around, we are going to rounded up and forced onto the front lines. And that is only one reason among many that being a man isn't as great as people say it is. It actually sucks ass.
I love Giorgia Palmas.
Check your privilege mofos
pic related is someone who gets it easy all the time
Is this a fucking question?
Can you really not think of a single thing women get easily that men don't?
They make way more in tips. It's pretty ridiculous.
Literally everything. Protected sex and they now have all of the power traditionally held by men with none of the accountability. There's 2.5 women for every man on college campuses. See
and consider that third wave feminism has institutionalized gynocentrism and unapologetic misandry.
Female privilege? You mean like how most every sentence for statutory rape involving an older woman and a young boy is shorter than an older man and a young girl?
>pic related is someone who gets it easy all the time
Exactly. If it had been a man waving a knife around, ordering two women to suck his festering cock he'd be looking at two counts of attempted rape.
Bitch is just getting "assault and weapons charges" brought against her.
Nice chat, pinoy. Love your country, can't wait to impregnate another half dozen of your women on my next visit.
Assuming charges are even brought in the first place, user.
Don't forget how if a woman gets pregnant by a minor she can seek child support from him.
>Don't forget how if a woman gets pregnant by a minor she can seek child support from him.
That's not comparable as there is no corollary due to biology not because of the sentiments of the courts or legislatures.
Most of it balances out as it does for "male privilege", if you believe in one but not the other you are a hypocrite.
Women are usually given lower jail sentences for the same crime. But they also have lower rates of recidivism, are more likely to get out for good behavior, and generally pose less of a threat to society. They are also more vulnerable than men and less likely to be serious criminals that need prison.
They might be more likely to get custody of a child, but they are also expected to take care of children far more.
>They might be more likely to get custody of a child, but they are also expected to take care of children far more.
Except fatherless homes are far more dangerous to the child than a motherless home, and that mothers kill and abuse their children more than fathers
That's a non-sequitur argument. And also a fairly trivial point.
In somewhere like the USA there are probably millions of fatherless homes, yet only a tiny fraction of true motherless homes.
Part of the reason that there are so many fatherless homes is precisely because women are expected to take care of children far more. It's also because men often make for shitty and absent fathers.
> mothers kill and abuse their children more than fathers
It makes sense that if you looked at all parents killing children, mothers would do it more than men (after all there are more fatherless homes and women kill babies all the time).
But I'm skeptical that on a like-for-like level that women abuse their children as much as men with an acceptable definition of abuse. That is to say, in a home with a mother and a father where abuse is defined as more than a smack on the wrists, I'm skeptical the mother would come out on top significantly.
>Are there things females are more likely to get in life than men just on the basis of their gender?
>Get attention and special treatment simply for being alive
>Higher life expectancy
>Discrimination in their favour at work
>Discrimination in their favour in education
>Pay less taxes over lifetime
>Receive more tax-funded shit over lifetime
>Initiate overwhelming number of divorces
>Almost guaranteed huge amounts of alimony from husband in divorce while opposite almost never happens
>Almost guaranteed to get custody of children regardless of 'fault' in divorce
>Allowed to become pregnant without male consent ("Oops! I 'forgot' to take the pill! Teehee!) and then use government to force man to spend almost 20 years working as slave to support her and the child she chose to have against his will
>Allowed to be physically violent towards men without fear of repercussion
>Know any suggestion (or lie) about receiving violence from male will see male arrested and probably given criminal record/imprisoned
>Can make up any rape claims they want and know they don't need to provide proof to be believed and awarded victim status while the accused has his life destroyed.
>Receive far lighter sentances than men for exactly the same crimes
>Allowed to fuck underage boys and girls and get barely a slap on the rist (see any given story about a female teacher fucking one of her pupils).
>Receive equal pay for inferior standards of work
The list is fucking endless.
Less time in prison for the same crime as a man.