Dilbert has gone FASCIST


>The strange unrequited love Scott Adams seems to have for Donald Trump

>Scott Adams, the creator of “Dilbert,” wants you to know he does not love Donald Trump. Sure, he probably sleeps with Trump’s picture under his pillow every night and spends his days imagining himself running, hand-in-hand, with Trump down the beach, laughing at all those liberals and how sorry they’ll be when there’s a President Trump. But he is totally not a Trump fanboy and he isn’t voting for him. He swears!

>In the real world, Trump has off-the-charts unfavorability ratings, but in the world of Scott Adams, Trump is a svengali of politics, headed for a landslide in November
>like his fellow narcissistic Donald Trump, Adams mistakes his views for the majority.


Remember, you can't spell "fascist" without "CIS".

Other urls found in this thread:


>Clinton is some kind of dangerous fascist demagogue who will send her brownshirts into the street to force people into compliance with violence. This opinion, of course, has nothing to do with the real life Clinton and everything to do with Adams’s fantasy version of her.

not at all like leftist version of Trump, derp.

>It’s a fantasy version of Clinton that is quite obviously a direct result of Adams’s own bizarre hang-ups about women. Adams has a long history of being obsessed with the idea that women have grown too powerful and they are pushing hapless men around in our new feminist dystopia.

muh soggy knee

>open link
>close window

Don't interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. I see liberals and leftists complaining every day that the Hillary camp still seems to view Donald Trump as a cakewalk. Don't correct them. Sixteen other candidates thought the same thing.

Just keep MAGAing on.


>Don't interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
All too important. The more bernouts have protests that trash cities while waving mexican flags, the better Trump looks. Scott recognizes this.

>Clinton is some kind of dangerous fascist demagogue
>fascist demagogue



Anyone who's not a certified Stalinist is a fascist demagogue in the eyes of the jewmedia.

I don't even know what it means.

you got me until the
>Remember, you can't spell "fascist" without "CIS".

wasted bait.

may as well post a tumblr screencap or shitty blog at this point, the quality and credibility is actually lower than either of those.

Salon is the most butthurt website on the internet. I can't wait to check their front page when TRUMP gets elected.

What a joke.

Yea that's why trump won the republican nomination because he's so unpopular. Why don't you worry about your crumbling economy and your now worthless dollar you stupid leaf

The Dilbert cartoon is underrated as fuck and has GOT voice casting.

I think I'm glad that it didn't come back like the other two cartoons cancelled around that time.

ie. Futurama and Family Guy.

How can anyone take this seriously


every time

adams is a sperg
why wouldn't he ba a facist and a drump lover?

>that most read column

Haha oh wow

> Salon

How will Scott Adams ever recover?

someone who seeks power by appealing to the people instead of rational arguments.

Although Trump isn't saying we should build a wall because the people want it, actually none of his positions are justified like that, he has reasons, liberals just don't like them

>won the nomination a month early and broke the record for votes

I guess in this bizarre leftist alternate reality Salon DOESN'T owe Hulk Hogan 100 million dollars

It's a good pseudo intellectual word for "someone I'm annoyed others like".

I remember loving it when I was 13 or whatever, maybe I'll revisit it

>The Dilbert cartoon is underrated as fuck
Mah nigga

>Salon DOESN'T owe Hulk Hogan 100 million dollars
That's Gawker pham

Didn't that Scott Adams guy actually say he was man enough 2 vote 4 Hillary because he's a real conservative?

Does some (((journalist))) just really hate Dilbert that much, for being a misogynistic tool of the patriarchy to keep women out of engineering by portraying it as a boy's club?

I read Salon before I go to bed at night just for the laughs. Every article is so funny.

Beacuse demagogue is a smear word for a politician who cares about the will of the demos. If you don't back Goldman Sachs over them you're a fascist.


Scott Adams has been supporting Trump since literally 1990

Why can't we just ban leafs

I hope Amanda Marcotte gets raped to death by a pack of niggers.

Did not the Dilbert creator just endorsed Hillary recently?

yeah Trump should have saved 'Hillary shouts' for closer to the election - she's corrected already.


Dilbert has always been redpilled

It's funny, because he said he endorses Hillary Clinton, since it has been Clinton supporters violently attacking people in the streets for trying to attend political rallies, and Trump supporters have done nothing of the sort. Therefore he wants to be on the side that will suffer the least amount of violent attacks. Perfectly reasonable.

Adams has been practicing meme magic before most of Sup Forums was even born

> not official yet

MAGA 2016

it's the jew version of church

He ironically endorsed Hillary.

This was satire. Adams is basically trolling 24/7, and manages to generate this much leftist butthurt without even really trying

Because it fits Bernie and Trump extremely well. Clinton, not so much...

Clinton supporters have literally already been using violence to suppress Trump rallies.

The establishment media, like Salon, has literally stated and encouraged violence justified by being "on the right side of history" and that Literally Hitler and a "fascist demagogue" must be opposed by any means necessary.

Do they think this will lessen or increase as the election approaches? Do they think they will be less or more emboldened by these tactics if they win?

That's pretty cucked tbqh
>I support trump but I'm endorsing Clinton because I'm scared of what people will think/do to me


I love you Australia


>pokes fun at people using violence to suppress political movement

It's a tacit Trump endorsement.

It's not serious. He's just highlighting how Clinton and her supporters behave. They threaten anyone who goes against their will with violence.



>t. I have no idea what satire is
Do you also think Jonathan Swift really ate Irish babies?

He's a fascist, so it's OKAY to use violence against him. Durr.

>No one wants an *actual* President Hitler

it means a politician who promises what normies want with no intention on delivering once they are in office. or someone who just campaigns entirely as a popularity contest instead of sound political plans.

it was the main criticism the ancient greek aristocrats like plato had against democracy when the plebs were at the gates demanding democracy(communism). it's also basically every politician in existence today.

God DAMN, so many of you just don't grasp satire. It really makes me sad.

And here I thought I was the only one who thought that

>Anyone who's not a certified Stalinist is a fascist demagogue in the eyes of the jewmedia.
Jews absolutely hate Stalinist, They love national socialism

underrated post

Meant to post this

Based literary dubs

Just mad because he's being proven right over and over again

I just read his post right now.
Yeah, he is uber shitposting. kek

Well, clearly not.

Almost all over Europe, for example, the central political problem is how completely major - and still dominant - politicians have ABANDONED "demagoguery" and "populism".

Things have gone so far that I highly doubt that a politician like Merkel in Germany or Hollande here in France would claim to be speaking or acting in the name of the "people" at all any more.

Someone like Merkel has no problem at all disregarding and condemning the expressed opinions and values of the actual majority of her country's population. She considers herself to be morally superior to this majority of her countrymen and -women and therefore that she need not take their views or their will into account.

France is not much better. The globalist "system" parties - the Socialists and the Republicans - recognize that the National Front - the one "souveraniste" political party that wants to put nation over internationalism - have massive support in the French population (over 25% judging by the last departmental and regional elections, so more than any other single party). But they do not feel that they are acting illegitimately by shutting the Front out of all real positions of power by 'tactical voting' deals and so on. Because what matters to them is NOT what the 'demos' thinks or feels but what THEY - the 'enlightened' elite of globalist 'philosopher kings' - think and feel.

No way should we allow 'demagogery' and 'populism' to be used as derogatory terms today, or refuse to use them ourselves. The globalist elite are immoral and evil precisely because they are NOT 'demagogues'. They don't give a fuck what the 'demos' thinks or wants in the short OR the long term. Any 'popular will' expressed in a direction THEY do not approve will just be disregarded, as was the Dutch plebiscite about admitting Ukrainian citizens into the EU.