The FPÖ just brought in a 150 pages long accusation to the austrian constitutional court! Major newspapers are already reporting! Van der Bellen reportedly fears ilhis own inauguration. If this blows, there will be a new Austria!


Other urls found in this thread:üssel

Cheers, Austria. Hoping to see Höfer in front of the Parlamentsgebäude afterwards.

How long us the proccess?

Hofer for austria!!!

That's great to hear, I truly hope something comes of it

>the left is now using tactics like the 50's / 60's right

Funny how we went a full circle.

Can't be bad news, Godspeed Austria, hope this comes to fruition


The absolute madman actually did it. Fuck yes!

Happening in Austria - fighting election corruption

Happening in Australia - 4 people injured, suspected muzzie shot by police

>It's all happening

How big is this? We need this to make the rounds on normie circles. Share on fb with shit like "wow...makes you think"

Absolutely retarded decision.
They have no proof of fraud. Only hearsay and "feels".

They had 50% of the vote in the country. They could have just sat back and waited for the real elections in a year. Now they'll just look like butthurt sore losers. And what for? A pointless "representative" political position that has no real power.

Absolutely retarded.

You better be rioting in the street for this. They'll jew you out of this if they think they can get away with this

t. Stacy

Apparently there will be a ruling by July 8

What a waste. Kill yourself.

I hope you get raped

I agree with you. Whatever the outcome is, it won't strengthen their position.

I can't believe I'm following austrian politics

So all those ballots in the trash were legit?
What is contained in the pages?
Any chance its just another long say nothing gov bullshit report they're good at making?

Oh shit son


This is what happens when only an elite few have access to quints. Conservatives will defend this

kek confirms my suspicions, the election was rigged by female Jews.

Inb4 constitutional court is full of muslims

>They have no proof of fraud.

150 pages of pure proof, no fuck off, you retard.

There goes any shot of my questions being answered

stormfags are sore losers.

>unregelmäßigkeiten in 94 von 117 wahlbezirken
>keine beweise

the vaginal jew killed the chances again.
but the worst thing is that more men voted for Bellend than women for Hofer.

fucking cucks need to wake up too.

>They have no proof of fraud. Only hearsay and "feels".
How do you know? Is the document and possible evidence they submitted public knowledge? It's a risk to be sure, but if they do have a reason to think winning is even a chance you do realise how big they will WIN in the "real" elections?

Hijacking memes is one of the best things we can do. Just flood the internet with Nazi memes.

Ah, sure, real elections, as if the outcome wouldn't be the same. For fuck sake, european politicians pretty much endorse the voting fraud, with their 'there musn't ever be far right in the power ever again'

What do you think would happen if Hofér won and there was a suspicion that it was due to voting fraud? Hollande would be signing the occupation order.

God Bless

This. What they needed was a decisive victory.

With Strache as their topdog i even doubt they will do that great in the election. I sure as helll wont vote that clown.

>JUSTria trying to rise from the ashes

May Kek be with you

InB4 the EU deletes my comment as hate speech.

Anyone who doubts the outcome of the Austrian election is a racist and is guilty of hate speech!

>Alles glauben was man in den medien hört
Did you read the 150 oahes of accusations? I don't think so

It's not about fraud, it's about how sloppy the whole election process was.

And rightfuly so, the whole thing was a mess.
It is way to easy to manipulate voting results with postal votes and if we can finaly get a better system after this, then the whole thing is worth the shitstorm.

Especialy since the election in 2018 can be manipulated the same way if this doesn't change.
The people have lost their faith in the voting system and if we don't reform this now, why even bother to vote.

That's why this is important.
Even the court agrees that this is not acceptable.

150 pages of wääähhh I'm sad we lost by a little.

Letters being opened 15 minutes early is no proof of fraud you deuce. Do yourself a favor and read through the 12 pages that they made available to the public. It's max tinfoil bullshit.

I voted Hofer and wanted him to win. 5 parties and the media against 1 and we still managed 50%. That's a big fucking win. They should strengthen their position and not weaken themselves with petty accusations.

If you don't realize this you have no clue about how the media works. They will shit on this forever. And the normies will eat it up.

If they prove fraud that's a pretty big fucking deal. When did we stop hanging people for this?

Bump for 4th Reich

Even normie media is covering this.


>Strache said that the law was contravened in one way or the other in 97 of a total of 117 electoral districts, including the sorting of absentee ballots before the arrival of electoral commission officials. He said that of the more than 700,000 such ballots, more than 570,000 were affected. …

Ca me here just to see this post

Well the orf is fucking SPÖ Propaganda but why would you vote for hofer? Irmgad Griss should have won but behinderte hackler like you have no clie of whats good for politics

fuck off, lefty

>if we share on FB...

If you discuss Austria on FB then you must also discuss FB, Twitter, Google and Microsoft censoring free speech on behalf of the EU.

>It is way to easy to manipulate voting results with postal votes and if we can finaly get a better system after this, then the whole thing is worth the shitstorm.

I agree with you. I have a "friend" who voted for his grandparents with voting cards. He voted green in both of them even though his grandparents would have never done so. He just told them how much easier it is and how he can do the work for them.

Voting cards shouldn't be available but they will never prove real fraud with the entire system against them. It will only make them look weak and angry.

Hofer himself said he won't question the vote after the elections. And now he did the opposite. He broke his word AND looks like a weakling by doing so. You can't refute that.

Yeah, he's really different in person but we would still need a handsome semiliberal like hofer so to get some women to vote for the right cause.

Sure that would be a big fuckign deal. But they won't. If we'd be living in a real democracy such things could happen. But it's current year.

23 minutes later and I'm still impressed

Lefty? Are you retarded?

>146% is just a processing error
>This processing error is required for a pro-VDB outcome
>Just ignore it goys

>no real power ...

Except to call for snap elections and to swear in the Chancellor - 2 things that VdB promised NEVER to do if it benefited the right wing.

Griss is VdB with a pussy.
Go shill somewhere else you cunt.

Yes the ÖVP puppet gorging herself on publicity is good for politics. I would have preferred her to VDB nonetheless.

I won't explain myself to you on a chinese imageboard and I have no need to do so. Even though I'm not a "hackler" in the slightes way shape or form I do take some offense in your stupidity and ignorance. Well done!

This. Postal voting must be banned.
I don't get why people who have been living abroad for years are even allowed to vote. If you abandon your country, you should give up any right to decide what happens in it.

I'm happy for you Austria bro
God speed
We are taking the world back

More zeroes than the national debt of most countries.

Nice job hitting Enter when you did m8.

Fuck off you uneducated media brainwashed fucktard. FPÖ is just populist scum just like spö amd övp they are just fighting for voters when our beautiful land goes downhill

Semilibera? You are one dense mutherfucker

Right like Klestil 16 years ago.

Yes Hofer said that.
But he also said that he is not happy that he it comes down to this, since he accepts the results, but there are too many cases of "sloppiness" and he can't ignore this.
Even the court agrees that there are toi many cases, that's why it's getting checked.

Shoo shoo, schlomo

>Letters being opened 15 minutes early

Letters being opened half a day to a day early is, especially when they were being left around in the hands of an explicitly political organization i.e ANTIFA.

You're on the tier of someone saying "Well so what if the votes were left Republican National Committee? The votes are the votes you FUCK now obey your new President".

We'll see what comes of it.

I just have doubts that this whole ordeal does the FPÖ more good than bad. As I said I think they have no proof of actual fraud.

The court will decide and we'll see.

Brah, even the way you post tells me that you yourself have not even a single clue

It's funny
>once Trump is elected, there will be a flood of people coming from authoritarianist Europe to the States in 2017-2022
Literally to the year

Can you elaborate?

I remember Schüssel being Kanzler but it should've been Haider or what?

And doesn't that come close to a Diktatur when the BP simply says "no, won't do it" ?

The ANTIFA thing was a twitter troll. A representative of every party has to be there when the letters are opened.

The president DOES nothing and we don't have to "obey" anything he says. If you would have any knowledge of politics in Austria you'd knew that but you're across the Atlantic and apparently get all your informations from Sup Forums.

On an economical scale he is, read his resumé. But don't worry, offensive butthurt friend, he is still far right on the social one ;^)

the shills are really going all out i hope Hofer hangs you all from lamposts.

Off to the Standard forum with you. The circle jerk is already big enough, but there is still enough room to join in.

Our beautiful land is going down indeed and people like you are the reason for it.

But don't worry my dear city dwelling mongrel friend, you will get all the rapefuges you desire.
We will flood the cities with them, they don't want to stay in rural areas anyway. :)

In the 1999 election, Schüssel's ÖVP finished third, trailing Jörg Haider's Freedom Party (FPÖ) by 415 votes. Until then, his party had been the junior partner in a coalition with the SPÖ. However, talks to renew that coalition failed after several months of talks, which induced Schüssel to enter a coalition with the Freedom Party. Since FPÖ leader Jörg Haider was deemed too controversial to be part of the Cabinet—let alone serve as chancellor—Schüssel was sworn in as chancellor on 4 February 2000 (see Mr. Schüssel's introductory template at right above). He was the first chancellor in 30 years who was not a representative of the SPÖ.

The government headed by Schüssel was – in its beginnings – probably the most controversial since 1945, which to a large extent is due to the coalition formed with the populist right-wing FPÖ. Although Haider was never a member of Schüssel's government, his participation raised widespread criticism, both inside and outside of Austria.üssel

Klestil said he won't ever commission a goverment with the FPÖ in it. He still did because he had to.

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm not the left scum you think i am. I despose every party in our political system because everything they do is populist bullshit that brings everything but process. And if you think fpö amd hofer are the heroes that are going to save us you are dead wrong.

Good for you aussies
Your shitposting is paying off after all

On the economic side he has no clie what he is talking about and just because his resumé says one thing doesn't mean he's going to stand for it. He also said he would not do anything about the election outcome

Sure "brah" please educate me

Dankeschön dear user

Great job guys, Prost!

Now just to combat the EU and them fighting right wing parties in Europe. You can do this.

Yeah, but when will you get even with the emus?

Strache ist absolut unwählbar. Hofer (and the line-up) were the sole reasons I'd ever touch anything FPÖ. They fucking N E E E D to get the fuck over Haider's legacy already and kick Strache out before he pulls down the entire gods-damned operation out of egotism and sheer idiocy.

Personally I'm putting more stock on the Pirates erasing their more cucked programme points though.

FPÖ has too much momentum so they think they're doing fine.

Kickl honestly should just make Hofer party chief.

We'd get something with mass appeal that is still RP enough to do the right thing, not to mention Strache's tainted enough it'd be a nightmare to make a coalition with him either way.

TL;DR: Fuck Strache and fuck the people keeping him in power.

Polls clearly suggest a lot of people want him in power, but he still insists on keeping his organization as a total memeparty with no long-term goals.

Which really bit us in the ass last time.

Hungary builds a militarized wall. Austria elects a fascist, france bans the burka, britain leaves the eu, russia gives the us the middle finger, assad fucks up isis.

It's happening boys.

Top shit, lads. Glad you're climbing out of the gutter.
Going on a trip to Salzburg this month, how bad is the situation there?

Is this for real? Is Hofer really going to be the new president of Austria?

Was just there about 3 weeks ago.

Absolutely beautiful town, but the burkas are out in full force.

But it's not vienna, so you'll see a few hofer signs, and the muzzies at least pretend to know their place.

Have fun in salzburg!

Even if it happens the "Bundespresident" has not a lot of influence on actual politics although hofer has you beleving otherwise

>but the burkas are out in full force.
Ah, fuck. Thats why we're ignoring Vienna.
Hope there is enough of Austria left in Salzburg to admire.

should i learn hochdeutche if i want to go to austria. was thinking about schooling (classical music)

Everyone will understand you but you won't understand most people here when they are talking naturally.

>er hat nicht grüne gewählt


was für cucks seid ihr denn bitte?

Arabic, will be sufficient, my leaf.
But if you don't like Schubert you can immediately fuck off back to your arctic climate

It doesn't matter, I feel so sad for Hofer crying. I only want him to be happy.

ZIB2 von gestern mit based Böhmdorfer:

Ehhh ich bin gecuckt von der regierung. Ich will dass es meinem land gut geht aber es gibt keine einzige partei die meine stimme verdient

Kann mir nicht vorstellen dass da was dran ist.
Glaub eher das die Blauen wie schlechte Verlierer dastehn werden.
Let's solve this.
>the government is responsible for there not being any worthwhile parties

Reddit is here now, I see.

Sup Forums ist nichts für euch.

FPÖ-Jurist Dieter Böhmdorfer hatte zuvor in der "ZiB 2" neue Zahlen zur Untermauerung der Anfechtung der Stichwahl präsentiert. Unter anderem erklärte er, dass 120.000 Wahlkarten noch am Wahlsonntag GEÖFFNET und am Montag in die Auszählung mit einbezogen worden seien - was rechtswidrig sei.
>120000 Wahlkarten "ohne Beaufsichtigung & zu früh" geöffnet ( ! )

Well same here, so sorry that was my bad.
That's why i voted for Lugner on the first round, since i think he represents this Kasperletheater as the worthiest candidate.
The thing though is, that VdB is way worse than a Hofer could be, especialy since he is an EU shill.

I am currently searching for a way to get out of this system so that my labour and taxes aren't used for this shit anymore.

Fuck off back to Turkey or wherever shithole your mom/sister shat you out nigger.