An old lady was hit in the face by a brick while riding in a taxi. Does anyone have any information who did this? Police said there was a series of similar attacks the same night.
The question of the day is: was it a migrant?
An old lady was hit in the face by a brick while riding in a taxi. Does anyone have any information who did this? Police said there was a series of similar attacks the same night.
The question of the day is: was it a migrant?
It was in Birmingham by the way
Depressing as fuck. Bumping for WALL
If you assume it was a migrant when there is no information whatsoever about the assailant, you just might be a racist.
haa jk immigrants are several dozen times more likely to commit crimes according to all publically available crime statistics in all countries
Why is she yellow? livers failing?
prob some scum mudslime.
>prob some scum mudslime.
This desu. Muslims are fucking dirt-shit tier.
Bruising. Old white women bruise easily.
Probably iodine
WHy do you automatically assume its a refugee? its statically probable its a white person
>WHy do you automatically assume its a refugee?
Because they're statistically more likely to commit crime.
can you prove that? no you cant, just like i thought.
Of course, no sane human would do that
>this doesn't normally happen
>introduce hostile immigrants to population
>this happens more often than anyone is willing to admit
WHAT A COINCIDENCE, who would have known that the most intolerant people on the planet are intolerant
That's a common type of crime in shithole countries, so yes, it was most likely a rapefugee.
Basically they stay beside the road (highways pull a better effect) and throw rocks at it, when the driver stops they strip him clean.
There was actually a dude who died here on one of these attacks while he was sleeping, and curiously, the highway they were at is called "Immigrants".
Birmingham is one of the most paki areas so yes it was a paki
This shit gets me mad
lmao bitch look like a Simpson
Tell me about it. Hearing her crying out pierced my fucking soul. God what I'd do to get my hands around that fuckers throat.
I remember reading that every square inch of London is under surveillance; I wonder if Birmingham is too. That'd be the only way to catch him, but you know if he even slightly resembles a foreigner we'll never hear about it.
Can confirm what this guy said.
yea shouldn't big brother have video of the street from some angle?
Top fucking kek.
The brick smacked her so hard she turned into a fucking ghoul.
A migrant probably did, but I don't think a refugee did.
>It was in Birmingham by the way
Gee, I wonder what the ethnicity of these offenders could be.
>MFW I realise that the government puts up cameras to spy on migrants to learn more about them.
Shut up smoothskin
>statistically probable it's a white person
It's in Birmingham.
So, statistically, it's unlikely to be a white person.
Was all this immigration stuff just a ruse to get euros to hate Muslims as much as Americans and Jews already do?
A bit like you are statistically likely to be white because of your flag, but your comment suggests that you're 1) a nigger 2) a muslim 3) a redditor or 4) all three.
Nobody checked your double dubs yet.
Holy crap, the guy on the right has kawaii uguu guys
Nah. In places like Birmingham there is no secondary motivation. It's just violence for the fun of it. Chucking objects from overpasses is a way for them to pass the time.
They just trash the cameras in Birmingham.
If they do catch them they'll just get slapped with an ASBO and set free because they're good boys who dindu and just need more programs.