Does you music taste impress people?

Does you music taste impress people?

I don't interact with people, so no.

Go out and make some friends.

no one cares about me enough to ask what music i like

I legitimately don't know how

>does you
I’m glad you’ll never pass on your genes.

YouR a faggot.

>Inb4 You'RE

Nobody cares about this shit past age 16

Same, desu. I envy older generations that didn't have internet.

I have been called autistic because of my music taste so yes.

I have impressed some girls online with my taste
They were all ugly though


>Anonymous 11/30/17(Thu)16:02:56 No.76599722

When i used to interact with other human beings, yes.

some people have actually said to me that my music taste impresses them, so yeah

i use it when i'm sad to make me even more sad

I don't care, it's objectively better.

Don't listen to this guy, other humans are garbage and should be shunned.

It impresses my friends who like very similar music and were probably going to find whatever I was showing them eventually.

Otherwise I don't know.

My vast knowledge of generic 4 chord indie rock bands makes all the hunnies wet

Fuck off

idk they like what I recc them sometimes so maybe?