Do you hate women because you're a virgin and/or never had a girlfriend?
Be honest.
Do you hate women because you're a virgin and/or never had a girlfriend?
Other urls found in this thread:
I've never been beheaded by a Muslim but that doesn't mean I can't reasonably hate them for things
what's the correlation
No, I dislike female tendencies because of women I've known in my family and growing up.
They have unwarranted egos because they don't get criticized enough and tend to be mega normies
that's not a woman
>I've never been beheaded by a Muslim
>but that doesn't mean I can't reasonably hate them for things
>not having an sister to teach you the ways of boning
Just because you've never experienced something personally doesn't mean you can't have doubts or opinions about said thing
Basically I don't like women because I've seen them do bad things and I like to generalise
I hate women, because:
>once elevated them on a pedastal
>didnt work
>tried to be a good guy
>shut down repeatedly
>swear off women
>disregard women
>treat them like shitty lesser humans
>they crawl all over me
They've proven time and again to me that the Y chromosom is the key ingredient to integrity and rationality.
Women are just a warm hole for my cock. They come and go, and I pursue my goals, irrespective of society and womens lame ass expectations.
Btw; I loathe bitches that ask "when are you going to settle down".
Fuck you; I'm not going to give up on my dreams for anyone else.
Those facial proportions are ridiculous
I don't hate them, but they hold no interest for me. I'm not sexually attracted to them. I don't find them interesting in anyway, shape or form and I have no intention of having children.
I had three girlfriends in High School (I'm 24 now) and lost my virginity back then, but I didn't enjoy it.
Yeah, I'm gay.
I'm literally going to marry Anzu
i slept with 20 girls, and at least 10 above the magic 7
still hate them
i dont hate them tho, i just hate how they behave in a society that uts them above me
Sadly Derin already took her.
only women generalise
Roaches are female too, shitlord.
No. I've had girlfriends. I've had sex. Here's my issue: I'm not putting up with all the bullshit for an orgasm. Especially when every sexual interaction can be called RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAPPPEEEEE up to thirty years after it happened. Women aren't worth the time or the risk.
1. I don't hate all women.
2. I'm not a virgin and I've had girlfriends.
3. That's not a woman.
4. It's wearing way too much makeup.
5. Gas the kikes.
6. Race war now.
>tfw want to lick roach feet
7:1 never forget
I don't hate women but I am frustrated and disappointed with women.
grew up with 2 sisters
realise all normal girls are shallow whores without anything inside them worth calling a personality
theyre like clay shaped by their best friends+whats popular right now or their current boyfriend
thought my sisters were special
>mfw my bigger sister is a fuckin leftist whore
>mfw my little sister who was my best friend since early childhooh became a stupid empty shell by now too
women are intellectually inferior to most men in many ways
exceptions are rare
my only hope is too find a pure innocent girl
its possible, i know it
my sister lost her virginity to her first and current boyfriend aged 18 a few years ago
same with my older sister but at age 21 or so (shes not pretty, the younger one is though)
that acutally gave me some hope
but otherwise having sisters opened up my eyes about women in general
t. kissless neckbeard virgin
>too much makeup
plus lighting and angle, that's why the best she can get is Derin.
>OP posts Anzu
>Thread becomes Anzu thread
Never change Sup Forums
I'm not a virgin, have had several great relationships, and I don't hate women. So maybe you're onto something.
I've had girlfriends, have had plenty of sex
Most women just seem like idiots to me
some are truly based individuals, but they are the Great White Buffaloes
I don't hate women, I'm just sceptical of their average apprehension to question collectivism and the feminist narrative. There are plenty of completely unhateable women, I'm stalking her YouTube account now.
I dunno, do I have to post more comments before she'll add me on Facebook?
mexico 2-1 germany
u-17 2011
never forget
plus, they are not human
the most based girl I've ever met was a German exchange student
keep your hope alive, polack
Same reason we hate niggers. Experience the strife, see others have the same tale to tell, a pattern emerges, and then Internet confirms everyday that you're not making a hasty generalization based on the tiny region you live in.
What's with this assumption that people who've been on relationships won't complain? What planet are you from?
I don't hate women, I've just been treating them as equals. That is what feminism is about right? It's not my fault that every girl expects me to treat them like a lady. Fuck you bitch! You pay for all the drinks you had, im not splitting the bill!
So can we all agree that passable traps are acceptable but non-passable ones are not?
what do traps even do though
Do most people here date coal burners and sluts that they hate women so much? Try conservative women, they are not bad.
I only hate feminists
no and no
I hate them because I had girlfriends
Well...yeah basicly this
T-tell me it's a lie...
My mum dumped my dad when I was 3 over a house and a 120k inheritance going to him, she now gets 50% of his super, the house, and 75% of the inheritance because she also got custody.
For my entire childhood she made me hate my father, never allowed me to see him, and committed emotional, sexual, and physical abuse.
I can't be around women now. I know some of them are nice people, but any time I get close to them I cut the relationship off and leave.
I don't hate women. I just know how they naturally are.
I hate how western culture hates men and worships women. I hate how women benefit from feminism and chivalry simultaneously, and men are still considered disposable.
I hate how we can't hold women accountable and we can't reject them - we especially can't reject them or shame them for being sluts and whores.
I hate how other men give their fellow men a hard time, either out of the hatred in their hearts, or to impress another woman.
I hate, above everything else, this insistence that we are not "real men" if we don't "man up" and serve women on a golden platter 24/7.
But do I hate women, do I hate biological females simply for existing? No.
the option to have a post-puberty young girl as a wife is destroyed because of taboo like
>sick fucker pedo shit
>pedos aren't human
I can only conclude this is done by OLD HAGS who absolutely cannot compete with young teen pussy. Well, if I can't get a young girl, then I'd rather die a virgin than be a betacuck provider for OLD HAGS.
>he doesn't know 7:1 refers to Isaiah 4:1 where there'd be 7 females 1 male ratio.
Also, these old hags are trying to suppress sex robots.
Why the fuck does your picture change when I click on it?
If you can name one thing women have but don't complain about, i'll give all my money to the next one I see.
Shut up, degenerate.
I don't hate women, I hate the people who enabled them to destroy western civilization.
This . They all say " no no we like good guys that threat us well " in reality you need to threat them like shit , they have some mental problems for sure .
>ask about girls
>posts a trap
Basically this. Why the fuck should I respect a creature that, by all appearances, prefers being disrespected?
shut up old hag
>tfw anzu is probably getting nailed by her ugly bf in Tokyo RIGHT NOW
You (and me) are not representative of Sup Forums.
Just watch. Threads like these ALWAYS get derailed by femanon shills and their traditionalist whiteknight fag friends.
Yes, they destroy your last bit of low self-esteem
yea I do because they all rejected me and then I gave up.
>ask a girl who is doing an internship in the company I work for for her number
>gives it to me
>never replies
felt bad man
>some other girl constantly mentioning her boyfriend so often I just walk away
>look at some girl
>she doesn't even look back
>go to the bank because have to give check from company to them
>girl on the counter is super friendly
>is beautiful and smiles a lot
>my turn
>doesnt smile, doesn't even look at me
>later lost my job because they replaced me with a good lookig girl
>spend my days as a 25yo touchless virgin who stares at the ceiling all day and gets shitfaced every other day
Lt Dan is that you
I am a virgin and never had a successful relationship
My general hate though started here where I learned about the vaginal jew and found the theories to be 100% right in real life
I hate women becuase I am neither of those things.
You can fuck them you can love them, but never marry them
>First girlfriend, get pregnant, miscarriage, she wants to move in, let her, she cheats on me.
>Fuck about 10 chicks with no worries
>2nd girlfriend, get pregnant, talks about buying a bed, crib, etc, leaves me the next day.
Fucking women are the devil.
That's part of it, but also their personality and self centredness
I hate women because I'm gay. It's pretty obvious how shitty women are when you aren't influenced by sexual attraction.
American Kinder surprises.
I dont hate women at all. I just get annoyed at the BS they pull. A classice thing that girls do is that they will start an argument. They will make valid points and call you out on your BS. Fair enough. But afterwards, when you start making good points and calling them out on their BS they say "i dont want to fight anymore, we will talk about this in the morning". They usually make sure to start these fights at night so they can pull that card, knowing damn well that you wont think its worth it to bring it up just to get your points in. Any guy whos ever seriously dated a girl will know what im talking about when i say this. It seems like a little thing, but its really disrespectful to think that someones grievances are less important than yours.
I hate women because I can't fuck them all at my leisure.
You confuse hate with lack of respect. There aren't many reasons to respect women these days.
at least he isn't a turkroach
Woman are not acting like women are are wholly degenerate on the level of fags.
The only viable option is to fucking groom them to have some vestige of femininity and integrity left because their parents certainly aren't.
I had to pretend to be a jackass to finally lose my virginity
Then I opened up to her and told her I had social anxiety. Next thing I know she spent the next year fucking a guy who "abused" and cheated on her the whole time
Why wouldn't I hate them?
I was raised by my teachers to believe making a move on a girl without asking explicitly first is sexual assault, but then "pretending" to be her friend " just to get into her pants" is creepy.
All while I'm taxed for them to shit out one kid after another from whoever they want, while I'm told I'm privileged, while my gender commits suicide four times as often, and we are told it's nothing but our own toxic masculinity
Western women generally deserve to eat dirt
I love women, but the west has no women, only girls with overinflated egos.I got myself a nice Asian woman who doesn't pull bullshit and I'm happy.
I think you have that the other way around there champ.
People don't have a girl friend because they hate women.
People hate women because they've known them too well, as opposed to not knowing them at all.
Women are disingenuous attention whores. They're also boring as fuck. Basically the only thing they have going for them is having a pussy.
I mean, seriously. Hire a maid, go out for dinner, and bang a slut on the weekend.
Girlfriends / Wives have no real place in modern society.
Who is a good guy here?
modern society has no place in the world
Most women are worthless to be and what I want. To the extent that I do want them it’s just as disposable play things. But then you meet a woman that’s super cool, has all the qualities you like in a person, and is beautiful too. That’s when you want a girlfriend and a wife. And though I’ve had many women sexually that I wanted in my life, I’ve never gotten the one’s I wanted to make something more substantial with. And that’s left me feeling pretty hopeless about true companionship. That frustration has led me to mostly resent women. They are emotional and irrational creatures, but blaming them for the nature is like blaming men for theirs. We’re just different.
ay elemayo
You guys are such miserable fucks. Wipe the cheeto stains off of your fat ass lips. I have extreme social anxiety and depression and I've had plenty of girlfriends, who can contribute evenly in political debates and the arts. Stop giving your attraction to thots you assume will be easy to bang and make a fucking friendship. Or kill yourselves and do the world a fucking favor, you Elliott Rodger-worshiping imbeciles.
ugly as fuck
You can't turn a ho into a house wife. They don't act right.
But seriously. How does the sad, winkled, saggy cunt, whore think she can be a "nice girl".
If she's fucked every piece of shit out there she is by definition not a nice girl. She's a use whore.
You can't become a un-used whore.
I have a cousin who's getting married to some cuck who I don't know, but my god, she is going to take him to the cleaners. She's already fucking exploded into a fat blimp after being pretty fucking skinny her whole life, and they aren't even married yet. I think I'd rather destroy my relationship with some of my extended family than let even some random cuck throw his life down the drain like this, but I think he might be playing her
Go away femanon, you're just upset because you can't handle what men here are saying about your gender. Leave.
It's lose-lose for a lot of guys. Thots or not women love to make a relationship more difficult than it should be.
That is a damn shame.
i'm a guy fat boy