Come on now folks, can't deny this

come on now folks, can't deny this.

1/20th apache here

Other urls found in this thread:

So basically it was a bunch of warring states?


Indians illegally immigrated across the Alaska Kamchatka land bridge

Indians didn't have written law regarding immigration???

Yeah, that really makes you think.
What would America had been like if the white man didn't bring science, religion, and black people here.

checking something.

that was conquest not immigration

>Indians trying to claim ancestral bullshit
Except they stole lands from each other long before the master race came along. They aren't even grateful that we didn't just eliminate them wholesale.

We Muslims fist discovered amerika.

Didn't they just immigrate from Asia then precede to kill off Solutreans, then themselves? Numerous tribes were known for cannibalism, enslavement, and other barbaric shit like that. I don't know why when Europeans took over and made an actual society, it became a problem.

You do realize that when you say your 1/69th indian all your really say is "Hey look at me, my ancestors probable raped some indian chick. I'm so cultured."

Fuck me I need an Injun vidya in my life.

>implying they didnt genocide the race of giants that inhabited the eastern US to extinction

Yeah and who did the Indians kick out eh? There was no Adam and Eve on the north american continent.

I would never argue with liberals because they intentionally use stupid logic when it applies for their argument.

If there was 1 indian in USA when they come they would claim that whole USA belonged to that 1 man, also if you would ask them what about land that Turkey stold in History from other nations, they would avoid question.

Liberals are intetnionaly using stupid logic because they don't really feel angry because of that they just hate White people and thats all reason to make excuses to bash on white folks

Excuse me dumbass.

Native Americans had no immigration law, because they were all living in fucking teepees.

That's called 'being conquered by a superior civilization.' Sorry you don't understand.

this is why I'm convinced that one day everyone in the world will look black

Yeah but what's the mortality rate over there, infant and otherwise? Fuckers gotta be dying like crazy in that nightmare shit hole of a country. They probably have 10 kids because 6 won't make it to adulthood like some colonial farmer shit.

I love how this pic has an obvious anti-immigration message but leftists are too dumb too realize that 2 wrongs don't make a right.


this is legit not the worst thing

Why was Russia smart enough to tax their minorities while murrikans killed and deported them?

>colonials bought contracts for their land
>paid Indians for land they needed to expand

>America before illegal immigration
So you mean homogeneous society of like-minded peoples, race, and cultures that lived together rather peaceably that was disrupted by people from a completely different cultural and religious background that eventually imposed their beliefs upon the native peoples and killed them off until they became such a minute minority nobody thinks about them anymore?


I'm thinking poo brown.

Heaven on earth, obviously. All the Indians wanted was to live like we think of elves today.
Live long and prosperous lives, engage in art and pleasure, strictly in a Christian way of course. Because the touch of Jesus reached even there, just not in body, but in spirit. This is an uncontested truth.

nah whitey is making sure every niglet stays alive

>like minded
ha, those faggot indians were killing each other plenty before we got here

ayy lmao

Don't ask me to give you sources when you can just as easily google it,and end up with a lot of articles that report on the finding.
So,when are YOU going back?

Who /Chippewa/ here

What I'm more impressed by is the Iroquois Great Law of Peace. It is truely a wonder to read about it when studying laws around the world.

Go check it out, it's really interesting, they had a constitution leading to stability and peace before many western countries.

On top of that medical experts have to work harder when some type of disease or virus springs up when they'd either a) fuck with nature b) literally fuck with nature c) decided not to continue prescribed meds that forms into penicillin resistant diseases

Trying to steal Icelandic credit now Ahmed?

The things the red niggers did to each other were 1000x worse than anything they suffered at the hands of the white man.


Actually Muslims raided Iceland a few times to capture slaves.

That's not a conspiracy theory either, it's actually a well documented historic occurrence.

Pump yourself up all you want, all day, as long as you want.

Even "shit" on our "situations and problems", but know this:

Your countries have been at war with each other for thousands of years, and will continue to do so until you all die.

I don't feel sad, happy, or angry about it.

I don't even care.

Captain Sweden agrees. Saudis got all the rights to America.
Illegals out of our Saudi friends lands, now!

Conquest =/= Immigration
If the natives had better weapons they could have kept their shit

It's not illegal if there is no law you insufferable faggot.

It was the disease brought by explorers and traders that killed the vast majority of native Americans. By the time immigration was occurring en måske, most tribes had already been decimated by various epidemics.

Facts: always getting in the way of a perfectly good liberal argument.

>1/20th apache here
im 15% native and i hate natives they are disgusting they wanted war they raped they scalped they took white slaves and sex slaved children and white women on the frontier they were subhuman i wish all of them were dead

*en masse

If you aren't a quarter or above then stfu you're basically a different race.

stop whining faggot atleast you kinda survived

Conquest isn't the same as immigration.

Thats the point

can you show any sort of proof? be prepered to have the mudslimes do the same shit they do to us you will have palestine 2 electic boogaluu in the us.

Seminoles did not exist prior to European settlement. The name means "Outlaw" in the local Creek language. Basically a bunch of displaced natives, outlaw whites, and escaped niggers banded together in the swamp and called themselves a tribe.

they did not cultivate the land, hence they did not own it.

It's true and it's easily searchable on this thing called google, dipshit


1/8 blackfoot here
mexicans GET OUT



reminder, they didn't even manage to invent the wheel.

Oh you're right.

We white people did to you red skinned savages, what those fucking sand nuggets are doing to us.

White people, if you don't want your great great great grandkids to be 1/20th white, fight now.



The Indians weren't giving shekels to a form of national government that's supposed to prioritize their welfare

its true barbary slave trade muslims stole around a million 1.5 million europeans as far north as iceland as far south as spain

that's a pretty brilliant song

kinda a silly meme sense settlers landed on empty land.


Just a reminder that the real native americans were orignally European's that crossed over during the first land bridge, who were then later eradicated by the current "native americans".


Native Americans are literal cultural appropriators. We introduce the horse to the Americas and they steal it as their own cultural identity. Fucking shitlords.

We didn't "immigrate" we came and conquered them.

kek, now only if you kikes stopped whining about holohoax.

Why are aboriginal cultures in Anglo colonies always so fucking lame?

>plenty Buffalo
>Indians were literally driving herds of them off cliffs and leading them toward extinction before we even arrived

Getting sick of this shit.

1. We purchased the land from them. We didn't emigrate.

2. We conquered them. We didn't sneak into their camps and pretend we were the same, like actual illegal immigrants do.

I swear I see variations of this same thread so many times per day. I'm beginning to think that Sup Forums is constantly being slid



>Indians were literally driving herds of them off cliffs and leading them toward extinction before we even arrived
B-but bb-b-but the noble injuns used every last atom of every buffalo ever killed and only killed 10 gorillian when they really needed a buffalo fix! Then they did buffalo dances to buffalo songs so you can shut up.
>pic not really related, but close enough

ha no they were overpopulated when we got here. Indians killed their predators and burned forests down to make more prairie.

Government estimates at them around 60 million in the 1800s

Yes, exactly OP.
Indians allowed illegal immigration.

We should learn from their mistakes.

Really? What immigration laws did these guys have? Did they not choose to engage in trade with settlers and sell their lands?

Anyway there was no America prior to Americans settling this land - and the Americans were British colonists.

Whites ship enough food, medical supplies, and white skill over there to keep them alive long enough to replace him.

After which there will be a massive planet-wide die off where whatever small pocket of whites is left will eventually rise to the top again and likely not make the same mistake twice.

It will be known as the the true dark age of history.

Warring states that had oepn borders. And look where it got them.

>open borders destroyed an entire culture
>why the hell dont you want open borders, you racist??

you cant even be 1/20, it goes 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, etc

That's exactly why you need to learn from your mistakes America, the last time illegal immigration on that scale happened it turned the USA into a blood bath.

You need a state to immigrate into first. So.. no.


they were the native american version of chickens

>you cant even be 1/20, it goes 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, etc

exactly, i'm 1/64 thru my maternal side

plus whatever extra from other ancestors

what shows that? reminds me of dunmer


THIS is why we should absolutely kick those parasitic illegals NOW.

>no Mongol nobunaga.
no wonder they got wrecked and couldn't even do the simplest task such as invent the wheel or have a written language.

This just goes to show how much good anglo colonization does.

Why are they called Indians?

I do not know if you are trolling or not, but I agree with your sentiment. It does raise an interesting point that we can all agree on, surely so. The old way is no longer the way of America. The people native to the land have been forced to adopt the ways of newcomers once they were outnumbered, often believing it was in their favor (classic trading for shiny beads and poor quality goods story).
At least the fucking natives put up a damn good fight. Looking at you, Europe.

Nice strawman

Bingo. Give that man a cigar. .

I fucking hate american people who claim they are

>le anti white identity politics meme