watch this urban downhill mountain bike race through the hillside village of taxco in mexico...
literally prettier than antywhere in the us.
Why is mexican architecture more beautyful than american architecture?
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I don't know why don't you take a class on architecture?
>Spanish architecture
>Mexican architecture
Shut the fuck up! Stupid chink!
It's alright, their style is old world European. America has many styles including Mexican
That's what I thought
>triggered Beaner
That looks Spanish af. It looks like an Andalusian white town.
Well, more modern houses are built for profit in the states, and Mexicans are building them so they don't give a shit about quality. Most of these took built to last, but they look like fucking slums compared to a well maintained Victoria home.
Because European and Spanish architecture are beautiful. Thank God Spain did great things like this. Guanajuato is better than Taxco.
>What is mexican baroque
To the north, the richest province of 18th-century New Spain—Mexico—produced some fantastically extravagant and visually frenetic architecture known as Mexican Churrigueresque.
Also Puebla has this kind of architecture too.
I especially like their mass graves. Adds a beautiful bit of tenderness to any Mexican city.
you are mixing isolated crimes to our beautiful architecture.
it's not it looks like the third world which is what mexico is
mexico is an ugly fucking country and this would be more apparent if you had ever been there
This is my town
Im talking about the girls m8
Nice thread, La Raza.
were not in the cold era, mexico is a newly industrialized cunt
a massive landfill, for subhuman garbage
stay mad, british did not built nothing like the big ben in your cunt hahahahahahahahaha
have you ever been to New York? It smells like piss.
Because they still have churches not mosques.
Underrated country.
and for the grace of Christ that wil be for ever.
Nope, look up Islam in Mexico
There is one mosque.
Just acres upon acres of subhumans in squalor, living armpit to asscrack like niggers, looking to pay their life savings to invade the United States to sell oranges on the side on an L.A. offramp.
Armpit to asscrack, a sub-human toilet, stretching as far as the eye can see. Possibly worse than nigger tent cities.
Here's the proof of Islam in Mexico
You guys know Spanish archetecture has a heavy Arab influence from the Moors. Just saying.
Dat butthurt. Spic stole your bike?
Mexico city worse than an african city?
>It's a True Privilege to practice Islam they say
When a spic is raised, does it's feet ever touch the ground? Or, do they just fall onto another endless pile of filthy subhuman taconiggers like factory-farmed chickens.
That was the Most digusting City I ever seen Hong Kong Tier.
lol fucking chiapas
all in all there are like 3,500 muslims in total scattered across Mexico. I'm from Sonora and I've never seen one irl. Never met a jew either.
This is mexican culture
Sorry bro 1 muslim is too much
I'm pretty sure its a genetic compulsion for spics to eat, sleep, piss and shit on top of other spics in a shoebox-sized dumpster like most species of vermin.
bitch pls
Oh gawd I can't believe you fell for some obvious b8
A single fucking apartment could get rid of what,18 houses?
the spicy beaner culture lends itself better to architecture
Shut the Fuck up Mexico
>>It's like another normal weekend in Detroit or Chicago
thats clearly spanish. you har literally no culture to speak of, except tacos and burritos that make you fart
>a handful of glass and steel buildings copying white nations from a half-century ago, white drowning in taconigger tin huts with smog on par with china
Gringo de mierda puta tu madre
It's meh.
>hillside village of taco in mexico.
we have white blood in our veins.
Yo no Dije nada de tu madre Italiano de mierda regresa a tu closet y sueña de tu Imperio Romano que nunca regresera.
Even nogs don't behead each other.
That Image is a Meme now
Stronzo di merda, vaffunculo buccina
He's using a Proxy fag he's Mexican
Mostly the rich folks.
Like what? The white towns is ancestral, the only spanish architecture related to the moors is the mudejar and it is clearly renacentist.
holy shit, what is going on in that pic?
italia sempre forte, imperio romani e megliore do mondo. Imperio romani> imperio gringo
W italia e messico, dos grandi naziones
heavy European style
Look I might be a Meme racist but Mudejar is fucking beautiful
Es en el salvador, las maras, este gringo gilipollas piensa que es Mexico.
Google translate, noice
So it begins.
mutant spawn rape babies
why didn't you learn from the english and genocide the native population?
El salvador is not Mexico
Spanish imported european architecture, and americans have been stuck stuck in shitty post reformation shittyness, and they have no religious culture either, except the mormons, which do have pretty amazing temples and whatnot
What's the appeal of spectating shit like this?
>stand around and wait for him to pass where you're standing
>go home
Nothing wrong with that. This art is developed in christian kingdoms and the most famous monuments are from the 18th-19th anyways.
Mexican ""architecture"" created by Mexican """"intellectuals""""
Holy shit Game of Throne Films in Sevilla Spain
the tacos was invented by Hernan Cortes LOL.
I searched up Canadian Architecture
none of it is beautiful if you walk 2 minutes in that place.
Because Spain was catholic and never saw the atives or black slaves as less than hunans. The slaves were treated in a very paternalist way, and the natives were protected by the crown.
Spain conquered america in the same way they conquered the Canary Islands, which was a mistake because the american were more ahgressive while the berbers just integrated into society.
Yup this is my city. That garden is from the Alcazar, a renacentist palace built over the moor palace.
only some of the things we left them are pretty,
they are now dirty and neglected anyway, the spics can't care for cultural structures unless they are churches
most humans are soulless NPCs.
**including you**
Nice bait, it looks like Spain tried to copypasta Italy's but the file was corrupted halfway through lmao.
Searched Up Mexican Postmodern Architecture
I'm sorry but Mexican Architecture is way better than Some Canadian Cubist bullshit
>it looks like Spain tried to copypasta Italy
spics = Spanish person in custody, get a fucking book stupid moor.
All the world knows that Mexico is the leader of the Hispanic world, like when you think about English, you imagine America.
That Cartel del Golfo doesn't fuck around, damn.
Daily reminder that andalusia is barely spain and andalusian town architecture is ugly :^)
Mexican Intellectuals are bretty gud
there's more than three times as many subhuman mexiniggers than there is spaniards, yet still spain has more gdp. You lead nothing, brownlet.
its a lovely town, jose. Are you a goat fucker from Euskadi? jajajajajja
>can't tell the difference between basque and cantabrian
>thinks he somehow still has any link with spain
stay mad Jose Manolo Sanchiz De los Reyes
My grandparents came from Basque , country. We have the txapela in this shitty desert hahahaha nah just kidding, I live Durango and here a lot of people are from basque descent. My state had the name Nueva Vizcaya and our indian politicians changed for Chihuahua like the fucking dog.
Nice divide and conquer... But I cannot ask much more from a spaniard, tbqh.
I like andalusia and I see the charm it has to foreigners, Seville and granada are pretty cool cities. But a lot of people think andalusian culture is synonimous with spanish when andalusia is a minority and what we consider standard spanish culture is the castillian variety. It would be pretty ridiculous if all the country was like andalusia don't you think? As a catalan I'd probably have to hang myself