>refugees in germany set fire to their own home because they didn't get their pudding
Refugees in germany set fire to their own home because they didn't get their pudding
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This man didn't got "enough" food so he set fire to his own home, injuring 28 people and destroying property worth several hundred thousand euros.
This is the future face of europe.
Ich habe gelesen die Halle war 6 Millionen wert.
Muss 'n verdammt guter Pudding gewesen sein wenn man dafür 6 Mille verbrennt.
> heavy arson
> multiple cases of assault
> identity fraud
> incitement to violence
Ohhh-ho-ho! Buckle up, lad. Because Germany will unleash the full force of the judicial justice system on his ass. Which means this time he'll get away with a warning, but man, next time, he's totally going to do 40 hours of community service. That will show him!
The German word for "pudding" is "pudding"?
Anyway I knew it was refugees the second I saw the flames there's no way someone snuck up and let a fire that will in the middle of the day. It had to be an inside job.
Look at dem man titties.
Jesus, he needs less food.
he'll get one of his free white German virgin girls to rape taken away
leaving him only 71 total.
first complaint i would actually understand and support
you gotta get your pudding
It's okay, they're from a different culture
I bet the dark one on the right said that.
There might be a grain of truth in that. :^)
How long before Germany can't take it anymore?
If you don't eat your halal meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your halal meat?
>that nose
tfw "Big Boss Hamza from Casablanca" demands chocolate pudding, doesn't get it and sets his bed on fire (using alcohol) - during Ramadan
You should translate more of the story, it's hilarious. Especially the bits about ramadan.
On Monday night they started the first big fuss because was no proper buffet after sundown, muh ramadan! And actually already threatened to set the building on fire if the situation wouldn't improve. And they actually got their midnight buffet. Then on Tuesday the SAME GROUP started a riot because the lunchtime buffet - which they were not supposed to eat anyways being good muslims and all - was not big enough. Best thing is, it wasn't even spontaneous, they had planned the fire and packed their bags beforehand.
And of course they aren't even legit refugees but a bunch of Africans who were about to be deported.
those shelter seekers sound like they really like ramen. Must be those asian migrants I hear so much about.
how can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?
thats so fucking depressing
none of them are legit refugees
when will you gullible Euros realize this?
NONE of them need to leave their original countries, they are leaving because they want your money/women
Fuck it. I need to post this. So I'm an Egyptian-Canadian and I can't for the life of me understand what the fuck is wrong with these people. Reading these stories makes me fucking furious. I can't believe that I share a race with these retards. I seriously want to go to Europe and carry each and every Arab/Syrian back to middle east one by one so they could stop making me look like shit. I was actually planning a trip to Europe last year, but I decided to cancel it because I was afraid that I would die of sheer embarrassment. Sorry for the rant I needed to get this off of my chest.
>tfw his bra will be tax funded
Yeah, I'm part Arab as well. Feels bad to be associated with random cunts half way across the world when I feel I'm only American.
Wasn't Israel making a fuss about how pudding was anti-semitic for costing more in their country than Israel?
Now some """syrian""" immigrant is burning german buildings down for pudding?
Is Delicious Pudding the true endboss of the middle-east?
They need to start making pudings with pig blood.
who /semi-oldfag/ here?
get that newfag shit out of here
Why would a brain surgeon set fire to his own house??
Does that the mean we should as well???
Did he eat some of his fellow migrants on the way to Germany? How the fuck is he so fat? I bet he's a draft dodger.
Wrong crowd
In Medieval and Roman times they all would have been killed.
The fuck has happened to us..
the guy's face says it all
Who the fuck is us? Nigger im still gangster.
> he fell for the migrants had a hard life meme
Mille are thousand, not million.
The most infuriating thing about this is that he will not only go unpunished, but he will also get the pudding.
when mass deportations will start?
Civilization as a whole, allowing stone age niggers into western civilization. Invaders should be killed, that rule should never have changed.
it means flummery/blancmange
starting from 0.49€ / $0,58
Engineers and rocket scientists
Thats superior Dutch pudding user.
U jelly?
Also here's another one I know you guys will love
Sadly, no English source. The tl;dr is that Schäuble said Europe cannot isolate itself because that would lead to incest and degeneracy, and that it is time for us to step aside and let other parts of the world into the spotlight.
We are ruled by literal retards.
>Still deluded it will happen at all
Oh sweden how naive of you even after like a thousand newspaper articles where you get fisted in the asshole.
I live next to the border mijn vriend
would you burn down a building for pic related?
dont forget to vote for merkel again
Do you still turn in your empty soda bottles in the Netherlands for that delicious bottle deposit? Dutch shop owners were butthurt af at that..
EVERYONE's faces say it all
The "Express" is a far-liberal smear paper, you can't even your fish with this scrap.
what a slut
We have 0,25€ bottle deposits, isn't that the same as yours?
>Do you still turn in your empty soda bottles in the Netherlands for that delicious bottle deposit? Dutch shop owners were butthurt af at that..
no, that was mainly the ghetto klandizie from aachen en omgeving
There was a time when we had a deposit on Coca Cola company bottles and Germany didn't iirc. Suoermarkets near the border were complaining that 'deposit tourists' cost them hundeds ofe euros a month..
>exposed shoulders
Hahahah no........
What the fuck is that for real? But at least it's published in mainstream media, right?
Look at those bedroom eyes. Fucking slutty lolis man
Yeah, but you kind of have to look for it. It's not making huge headlines but hidden on the second page
Well but it's a start at least. But holy shit I can't imagine, these times we live in - a politician actually saying that "our nation are nothing but degenerates and inbreds, we must blend with the foreigners and let them take over the land, our time is over", and remaining in office
It's like a dystopian parody, what the fuck?
I feel so bad for Germany, they had such balls in the early 1900s and before that ;_;
I seriously don't understand it either. It's like common sense is completely dead.
Showed the statement to a friend of mine who still votes CDU, he was trying to make excuses for it and saying that all his other opinions are alright though. It's like, what does it matter what his other opinions are when he thinks you are genetic trash that needs to be wiped out?
This isn't funny anymore, Germany.
Wake up.
Being overly tolerant to the point of actually becoming cucks will earn us nothing but ridicule and being despised by the same people we want to appease. It will lead to more crime and terror attacks as a result of that.
But one day I hope the pendulum will swing back into the other direction.
Yeah, like in Sweden I think there was a politician for the environment party, a minister - Mehmet Kaplan, it seems - who had to resign a couple of months ago because it turned out that he refused to shake hands with women due to his faith. (turns out he also had some links to islamic extremists)
And of course some feminists are trying to defend it, which shocks me as a sort of a feminist - like what the fuck, if a politician, using public and legislative power, paid for by public taxpayer funds, genuinely feels that women, 50% of the population, are such inferior subhumans that merely touching them taints him so bad his faith doesn't allow him to touch us foul creatures, it doesn't fucking matter how nicely he presents himself, those views are not compatible with a democratic western society and someone holding them should not be in power.
Of course it was a bit of a blow to people advocating for assimiliation, when even someone who's assimilated so well they've been elected to the parliament and actually put into the government still doesn't respect western values
Yes exactly. Being gullible and blind and an idiot will only make one a laughing stock, it's not like thieves are grateful if you first give them stuff and then watch them steal more and only smile mildly and go "oh ok maybe you don't understand ownership, poor savage" - they'll just laugh among others about what a fucking idiot you are, begging to be robbed, and maybe will tell their friends that hey that guy's an easy target, practically enjoys getting robbed
>>refugees in germany set fire to their own home because they didn't get their pudding
I-I just refuse to bealive this, it's beyond surreal. What the actuall fuck?
It's not quite clear what the actual complaint was yet, but pretty much all stories agree that they purposefully burned it down because of food and Ramadan.
>somebody skipped the last ten Ramadan
The Israelis have a solution to the Ramadan problem.
Yesterday two muslim cousins from Hebron murdered at least 4 people in Tel Aviv.
What does Bibi do? None of the 80.000 Palestinians who have travel permits for Israel will get in during Ramadan.
Clear and simple.
officials say the fake Syrians setting it on fire, including Jabba the Hutt in 1st post, were not satisfied with the amount of food they received
why do we let these faggots into Europe again?
why does Europe have to carry all the faggots who kill themselves in niggercountries?
I love that pic. The Arab is confused but happy.
Wow. Racist much? You shouldn't punish an entire group for the action of one bad apple.
what would be his penalty under Sharia?
is that code for white pussy?
>refugees in germany set fire to their own home because they didn't get their pudding
>because they didn't get their pudding
>didn't get their pudding
I didn't used to be a racist. Until money problems forced me to move in next door to them. I became a racist through what I had to deal with.
So don't question my racism, it's there for a reason.
>several hundred thousand euros.
try millions
I'm not sure how this even made national news. German rapefugees were caught burning down hundreds (!) of shelters last year. Not sure what made this one special, since no one even died.
Probably a sophisticated propaganda trick to create the illusion that rapefugees burning down shelters isnt an everyday occurence. The german press is using the same jew trickery with migrant rape now, occasionally they take one of the thousands of rapes makes national headlines so the sheeple think that these things are somehow rare.
pure coincidence
dussledorf's terrorist group got arrested, they though it was revenge from far right. End up it's refugees
Shut the fuck up you retarded liberal apologist faggot.
Why aren't you fasting in honour of your conquereors, you weak assed pussy coward.
Yeah. In a recent AfD event, they were quizzed on "right wing supporters burning migrant houses". Based Frauke Petry said wait a sec, it might very well be the migrants so lets not assume eh?
>right wing supporters burning migrant houses
There's a very easy rule to that.
If the migrants' home was empty, under construction or just being prepared for refugees and it burns, it was usually teenager nazis.
If a migrant's home burns while people are/live inside it, it's usually an inside job done by a refugee.
This rule applies to 99.9% of all cases.
It's because these people are lazy to a point that borders on suicidal tendencies.
If they accepted that even someone as "well integrated" as that politician would still rather spit in their face than shake their hand, they'd have to rethink their stance on Islam because obviously integration doesn't work. Once they start that train of thought, they will inevitably arrive at the conclusion that this can only end in an "either them or us" scenario. Which in turn would put the moral imperative on them to fight back before it comes to that point.
The sad thing is, most of them actually went through that train of thought, but then their laziness kicked in and they decided that it is easier to deny reality and hope for the best than do something about it.
It's why they get so fucking aggressive if you ever challenge their opinions, because deep down they know it's all lies and you are essentially forcing them to do something they have long ago decided they don't want to do because it's too much work.
It's also a pretty good example for the differences between the two cultures.
Even neo-nazi teenagers who think that these people are subhumans won't go so far as trying to outright murder them, because they grew up in a civilized society.
The fungis on the other hand will burn down an inhabited building with their own people in it without a second thought over minor inconveniences. Not sure though if it's because they are mentally not capable of grasping the potential consequences or if it's because they just don't give a shit and would willingly kill hundreds of their own if it meant even a tiny advantage for them.
Though I guess in either case we don't really have to worry about their uprising because it is doomed to fail.
Does anybody else smell a cuck-fetish in this pic?