Thoughts on this, Sup Forums?

>Written and directed by Josh Boone ("The Fault of Our Stars")

>Centers on a group of young mutant students at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters who embark on an adventure of their own.

>Team is formed by Mirage, Sunspot, Cannonball, Magik, Wolfsbane, Warlock and Lockheed.

>Allegedly a "Stephen King meets John Hughes"-esque horror movie.

>Demon Bear rumored to be the main villain.

>Maisie Williams being eyed for Wolfsbane.

>Anya Taylor Joy being eyed for Magik

>Nat Wolff being eyed for Cannonball

>James McAvoy eyed for a cameo appearance as Professor Charles Xavier.

>Slated for release on March 2, 2018.

Leaked storyboard sequence.


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X-men is fucking shit

Thats what I think

>casting Maisie Williams as a mutant

probably the most fitting role of her entire career

fuck please let this happen. i love maise

No one cares.

Fox has to make a new movie to keep the franchise from Marvel Studios. Fox has proven they can't make good films. Shit films should get little to no press. Go back to Sup Forums.

so they're binning the new introductions of Cyclops etc?






Holy shit perfect casting.Real life mutants as comic mutants, holy fuck.

>Maisie will never pleasure you orally

just kill me already

>Maisie Williams

How is she still getting rolls?


holy shit pls sit on my face

She's a 10/10 in great bongtain

>Written and directed by Josh Boone ("The Fault of Our Stars")

ayy they should hire camren and have a full cast of lmaos


But Wolfsbane was not supposed to be attractive. She was always an ugly duckling that stayed a duck. She was also shy, awkward, mumbled a lot of her responses, and was the wallflower of the group.
Maise Williams is perfect casting.

fox is finally getting real mutants to play them in their movies? good for them, its about time

>but no Doug

His superpower only got cool in the last few years honestly, selffriend

Warlock isn't even a mutant

He's seen as a mutant because he's not an asshole like the rest of his alien race.

Anyone ever notice that Maisie and James McAvoy kinda look alike? He could be her father.

she has a lot of instagram followers that's why

he's the Rachel Dolezal of his species?


Because she looks exactly like the ugly wolf chick she's playing that's why

calm your autism

Thomasine as Magik pleases my dick

She's a good actor and attractive

reddit thinks this disgusting troll is attractive

you know because she's on their favorite nerd show

if they let maisie keep her accent i'm in, jk either way i'm in

Well, iI think Wolfsbane is irish isn't she? She'll have to make an irish accent.

>Maisie Williams
>anything remotely Gay of thrones or britcuck related


Gonna watch it for maisie

>Maisie Williams as a mutant


Ain't gonna watch it if Maisie is in it.

Here's a thought, why not get an actual Scottish red head, It can't be that fucking hard to find one.

>Fox has proven they can't make good films
DoFP, FC and X2 are top tier capeshit.

Frankly Marvel has yet to release a single movie that even gets close to those.

So how many black actors would they manage to shove in, only to kill off in the first act?

The character she plays is an ugly midget who turns into a wolf. So they need an actor who naturally looks like that so they don't have to waste money on cgi.

I'll watch just for the hot chick from The VVitch dressed like this.

hey they got a mutant to play a mutant

lol bro gay of thrones that's like game of thrones but with gay instead ha ha

If they keep the outfit (which they probably won't) I'd be very up for this, if you know what I mean

At least put her in some tight clothes. GOT wastes her in all that baggy crap.

So Maisie's mutation is her face?


>Jlaw was shit
>Sophie Turner was shit

Why do these movies fuck up female characters so bad? X-Men used to be the only Marvel series that actually had well written female heroes, but the movies can't seem to get them right.

Casting people because they're in a popular show or movie for starters.

JLaw was cast before she became a big name, true, but she was turned into the lead character once she did.

The other two have been cast just because they're on a big cable show

>X-Men used to be the only Marvel series that actually had well written female heroes

>well written

like hell they were


they should cast a real Russian as Illyana

Sup Forums is not known for creativity

Storm was very well written. She went through more character development then any X-Men. Jean was mostly shit though.

Oh wait, I thought you meant movies

wtf I love maisie now

Jean should've stayed dead. Jim Shooter fucked up Claremont's corner of the MCU when he launched X-Factor.


>Centers on a group of young mutant students at the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters

This never made any fucking sense to me. The X-Men started as teens. If you're a mutant and you're out in the field, and you're affiliated with the X-Men, why aren't you just a fucking X-Man?

they're too young and inexperienced to be X-Men

Because Xavier was molesting them and didn't want them being in the public spotlight in case someone found out.

Xavier was being controlled by a brood alien when he created the New Mutants

That's just what he wants them to think in case one of them manages to resist his mind control and remember when he does during those "danger room sessions" that leaves their anus so soar.

Oh I get why they cast those two as mutants!




>not quasimodo

Her power is that she goes blind when she sees her reflection

I'm for it
Them following in the footsteps of Deadpool and making movies about literally who characters having their own adventures instead of making the umpteenth movie about Magneto trying to destroy the world is at least a nice change of pace, although focusing the movie on a team of 7 people runs the risk of having one or two of them develop enough to be interesting, and then the rest are left out to dry
It's like how in X-Men First Class they make a team of mutants but none of them really get any lines or matter to the plot except for Mcavoy, Fassbender or J-Law

I can dig it.

>Fox trying for a capeshit horror movie directed by a young filmmaker named Josh

Oh no...

Warlock and Magik are the characters that will be the most difficult since they have more complex backstories, Warlock being from an alien planet where children are forced to fight there father for survival and Magik being kidnapped by demons and raised in hell half her life learning black magic. They kind of need there own story so the movie will probably change the characters a lot. The rest of them they don't need to explain much other then being mutants.

no idea, but sounds better than american

Between this and Logan will they finally save X-Men? Sounds like their finally taking some chances and mixing up there formula from just being generic superheros.

>those unconventionally attractive actresses

holy shit. i'm hype. this will be waifu kino.


whats your excuse op? assburgers?


I think you mean unconventionally ugly.

yeah,but as a morlock

actually it was more a teen book, kinda like one of those CW soap operas

I gave up on X-men after First Class got my hopes up. DofP was a bit of a mess of X-men lore and time travel. I only saw it because I was home and my parents wanted to see it.

Apocalypse was stupid. They should have had a smaller film about the start of the school. They didn't need another giant.. well.. apocalyptic end of the world scenario.

First Class wasn't really the first class. It was more a proto class before he started the school.

And they should have saved Apocalypse for a movie where Scott and Jean meet Cable. What the fuck is the point of Cable now if Apocalypse is supposed to be dead? After that they chould spon off Cable to X-Force and Deadpool.

These films are almost as pooly planned as DC's shitfest.

For me, DC > X-men >>> Avengers with the books, but the opposite with the films. Well, I did like Cap comics too, but X-Men were my main Marvel books.

that's much less gay and dumb

Cable first appears in New Mutants, so they could still use him for a sequel, just change up his future story a bit.

God xmen is so fucking boring, give it a break ffs. It's always the same shit. Days of future past even rendered all previous xmen movies pointless, storywise. What an awful series.

To be fair she is starting to finally not look like a teenager anymore.

Man that was rubbish. Also having Bishop for no reason in DofP either.

I bet you liked Blink though.

This doesn't sound good.

Rogue was good in the first movie but got written off in the second. Mystique was ok in the first three.

t. MCUck

Say what you want about her face but she has great legs

>Mystique was ok in the first three.

Mystique was great because she wasn't a major focus and was just a really competent henchman played by a hot broad.

>those spelling errors

how'd I miss those..

>that boob jiggle


I miss real Mystique ;_;

they can use cgi to make her younger

No thanks.

I liked Bishop too, but like Blink.. well.. blink and you miss them. I know there are a million damn X-Men, but I would rather they do a good job on a handful of characters than dump a whole box of toys on the screen.

I remember a college buddy reviewing X3 as saying it was like watching a 5 year old take a box of toys and smash them together.

They need to do lower budget X films, not always giant spectacles. X books were always a good deal of superpowered soap opera anyway.

Plus if they do smaller films focusing on fewer charcters, they can turn out more of them.

I hate how they took a bisexual transgender assasin character and turned her into a simpering Katniss 2.0.

For shit's sake. Hollywood talks about diversity, but here you have an actual bisexual transgender character and they just turn you straight and female.

Until that shitty Austin run, it was pretty much assumed Mystique was actually Kurt's father. Even in the Evolution toon they had an implied romance with her and Destiny.

they need to get rid of Singer first

Except we all know that outfit is going to be changed without a doubt.